


ActiveAddress allows you to quickly and easily build Address Verification, Standardization and Parsing into your Custom Applications. Accept unformatted addresses directly from a wide variety of sources and integrate them into a common format. ActiveAddress also performs an Address Quality Assessment allowing you to quickly identify critical data quality issues.


The sample above was created in Visual Basic 6 using ActiveAddress to demonstrate how powerful its formatting and address cleanup features are. Find it in the download as SAMPLE01.EXE.

ActiveAddress is being used by government agencies from coast-to-coast. Many states now require that addresses be stored in standardized and parsed format to facilitate address matching from agency to agency.


  • Quickly Identify Incomplete or Incorrect Addresses
  • Save Time and Money by Eliminating Partial or Non-Addresses From Your Databases
  • Easily Separate Street Address From City/State/Zip
  • Addresses are Standardized to USPS Approved Abbreviations
  • Apply Proper Case for More Attractive Data Presentation
  • Easy to Use - Cut and Paste Right From the Demo
  • Fully functional VB6 Demo Code Included
  • Seamless Integration into Your Applications
  • Small Run-Time Package
  • No Recurring Update Charges
  • Royalty Free Run-Time (First 100 Client Installations)
  • Designed for Use With Any 32 Bit Programming Language That Supports ActiveX
  • Fast and Reliable
  • Output Property: Address_Leading_Data
    All data preceding an address is returned in this property. If name and address are combined, you can easily capture all pertinent name data leading up to each address. This could also include important "c/o" and "RE:" strings.
  • Output Property: Address_Trailing_Data
    All data following an address is returned in this property. If street address and city/state/zip are combined, you can easily capture all pertinent C/S/Z data trailing each address. This could also include important "c/o" and "RE:" strings.
  • Output Property: Address_Filtered_Data
    You specify in the "[Filter]" section of the TSCaddress.ref file, all words, phrases and special characters you want ignored during processing. Each occurrence of a filtered item in Address_In string will be returned in this property.
  • Input Property: Numeric_Street_Conv
    This property is set to Boolean (true, false) to indicate whether or not to convert a spelled out numeric street name to an ordinal number. (Third converts to 3rd, etc.) Numeric street names are spelled out only when there are duplicate street names within a postal delivery area and the only distinguishing factor is that one of them is spelled out.
  • Input Property: CSZ_InSameField
    This property is set to Boolean (true, false) to indicate whether or not the street address also contains City/State/Zip data. When set to "true", this "extra data" will be parsed into the City/State/Zip properties.
  • Improved Handling of Spanish-Language Addresses
    Spanish prefix words such as AVENIDA, CALLE, CAMINO, Etc. are frequently used as the first word of the street name. ActiveAddress returns with an Address_Quality of "High" for these addresses.
  • User Updatable Tables for Street Suffix, Suite Type and Filter Removal
    Through these tables you control the recognition and abbreviation of street suffixes and suite types. You can also list in the "Filter" section, what data you want to be ignored during processing such as "Et Al" or "c/o". See "Address_Filtered_Data" property above.

Product Details

ActiveAddress can process all types of addresses including Suite Numbers and City/State/Zip. A special Address_Quality assessment flag is returned each time an address is processed allowing you to easily identify questionable addresses before they enter your system. Also returned is an Address_Type flag indicating the type of address being processed: Street, Military, PO Box, Rural Route, Highway Contract, General Delivery or Suite giving you flexibility in their handling. Plus, for a more appealing presentation, ActiveAddress can even set the proper capitalization.

As a bonus, when you combine ActiveAddress with our ActiveGender product, you can tackle even the impossible task of identifying data that has been entered free-form. The names, addresses and C/S/Z "float" from field to field or you are just not sure what's in the field. First, examine the Address_Quality flag returned from ActiveAddress. If set to High or Medium, it's almost certainly an address. If set to Low, submit the string to ActiveGender for name verification. Using these techniques youll always be certain of the data you're working with.

The secret to the effectiveness of ActiveAddress lies in its use of sophisticated algorithms. Other systems using a simple pattern matching scheme can not come close to these results.

How Active Address Works

ActiveAddress starts by meticulously identifying each individual address component based on its context. Intuitive algorithms examine the results and a selection is made of the most complete and correct data. If needed, format corrections are made and the USPS approved abbreviations are applied. The Address_Quality assessment flag is then set to indicate how complete and correct the address is. Finally, the standardized address components are returned to your application along with a complete and cleansed composite address.

ActiveAddress strictly conforms to the USPS "Postal Addressing Standards" to ensure consistent standardization of every address. However, you can easily customize these settings for critical applications.

ActiveAddress is the ONLY address verification and parsing software that can reliably find and extract a Street Address when it's surrounded by extraneous data. It can even separate Street Address from City/State/Zip when they're in the same field.


Address_Out 123 NE Main St # 1
Address_Leading_Data  IS DEPT
Address_Trailing_Data OCALA FL
Address_In Re: DOC#222 123 ADAMS BL AP5%DORIS
Address_Out 123 Adams Blvd Apt 5
Address_Leading_Data Re: DOC#222
Address_Trailing_Data %DORIS
Address_Out 123 NE South St W Apt 2
Address_Trailing_Data %JANE
Address_Out 1 Broadway St Fl 6
Address_Trailing_Data RE:LN-123456

ActiveAddress is Electronically Delivered only.

ActiveAddress Single Developer License ... $499.00

ActiveAddress 5 Developer Team License ... $999.00

ActiveAddress Site Wide License ... $2499.00

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