

ActiveGender allows you to quickly and easily build Name Verification, Parsing and Gender Determination into your custom applications. Accurately verify whether or not a particular field contains a valid individual or company name. And, for a more appealing presentation, let ActiveGender set the proper capitalization.


The sample above was created in Visual Basic 6 using ActiveGender to demonstrate how powerful itsformatting and gender identification features are. Find it in the download as SAMPLE01.EXE.


  • Extremely Accurate Gender Determination - Quickly Identify Incomplete or Incorrect Names
  • Unique Multi-Style Name Format Control - Easily Separate Dual Names in the Same Field
  • Automatic Name Style Identification Allows You to Standardize Lists That Have Names of Various Formats
  • Prefixes and Suffixes are Abbreviated and Standardized to Your Specifications
  • Automatic Name Verification for More Reliable Data Entry
  • Apply Proper Case for More Attractive Data Presentation
  • Easy to Use - Cut and Paste Right From the Demo
  • Fully functional VB6 Demo Code Included
  • Seamless Integration into Your Applications
  • Small Run-Time Package
  • No Recurring Update Charges
  • Royalty Free Run-Time (First 100 Client Installations)
  • Designed for Use With Any 32 Bit Programming Language That Supports ActiveX
  • Input Property: Gender_Confidence
    Expressed as a percentage, this property represents the cutoff point below which a gender is considered neutral. Each name in the System Gender Table is encoded with a percentage from 51% to 100% based on the proportion of males to females for that particular name. If, after the name lookup, a percentage is found that is below the Gender_Confidence level, ActiveGender will return a gender of Neutral for that name.
  • Input Property: Reference_File_Path
    This property allows you to relocate both the user-defined TSCgender.ref file and the system-defined TSCgender.gnd file. These files contain the tables used to control ActiveGender. See Updating User Control Tables in the User Guide.
  • Output Property: Name_Quality
    Returned as Low, Medium or High to indicate how complete and correct a name appears.
  • Output Property: Name_Filtered_Data
    Each occurrence of a filtered item in the Name_In string will be returned in this property. In the [NameFilter] section of the TSCgender.ref file you can specify all words and phrases that you want filtered (ignored) during processing.
  • Name Style: Variable
    Inverse, natural order and multi-part names are automatically reformatted to a common style.
  • Name Style: Split
    Multiple names will be split at the connectors youve specified. Filters will be removed but no other formatting is performed.
  • User Updatable Tables for Prefix/Suffix Abbreviations
    Through these tables you control the recognition and abbreviation of Name Prefixes and Suffixes. Rv, Rev and Reverend can all be standardized to Rev, etc. You can also list in the Filter section, what data you want to be ignored during processing such as "Et Al" or "c/o". See "Name_Filtered_Data" property above. Also see Updating User Control Tables in the User Guide.
  • Multiple Middle Names Are Now Accommodated in All Name Styles

Product Details

Using the parse feature, you can accept free-form names and then let ActiveGender automatically split each name into standard components: Prefix, First, Middle, Last and Suffix no matter what the original format. Next, using a 100,000+ name look-up table in combination with an 8,000+ word proprietary company table, the gender is determined with precision. In fact, you control the whole process through special tables that you can easily customize.

ActiveGender can process all styles of names including inverse, natural order, hyphenated and multi-part last names. Multiple names in the same field and companies can be easily separated providing you with powerful formatting control.

A special Gender flag is returned each time a name is processed allowing you to identify companies as well as partial names before they get into your system. Custom salutations become a snap.

As a bonus, when you combine ActiveGender with our ActiveAddress product, you can tackle even the impossible task of identifying data that has been entered free-form. The names, addresses and C/S/Z "float" from field to field or you are just not sure what's in the field. First, examine the Address_Quality flag returned from ActiveAddress. If set to High or Medium, it's almost certainly an address. If set to Low, submit the string to ActiveGender for name verification. Using this technique youll always be certain of the data you're working with.

A Word About Gender Coding

Not all gender identification systems are created the same. Most use a simple table of about 8,000 to 18,000 first names. ActiveGender uses an extensive 100,000+ name lookup table that was specially created with a rich ethnic diversity.

ActiveGender also uses a unique gender percentage factor. This factor is based on the proportion of males to females for a particular name. This allows the programmer to set the point at which certain names such a "Chris" or "Dale" will be returned as a neutral gender. See Gender_Confidence property in the User Guide.

ActiveGender then applies the pre-programmed rules from an 8,000+ word Company Table to yield astonishing accuracy.

This unique and powerful strategy produces results unmatched by any other software.

How ActiveGender Works

ActiveGender starts by meticulously identifying each individual name element based on the Name_Style youve selected. Intuitive algorithms examine the results and a selection is made of the most complete and correct data. Next, the name elements are split according to Name_Style and the user-specified prefix/suffix abbreviations are applied. If not already coded by the gender override table, the gender is now determined according to the 100,000 name system gender table. The Name_Quality flag is then set to indicate how complete and correct the name is. Finally, the standardized name components are returned to your application along with a complete and cleansed composite name.

ActiveGender is the ONLY name verification and parsing software that can reliably extract a name when the format of the name is variable or unknown.


Name_Out Male Mr John R De La Rey Jr
Name2_Out Female Jane De La Rey
Name_Out Male John A Smith-De La Rey Jr
Name2_Out Female Jane B Smith-De La Rey PhD
Name_Out Female Jane Smith-Jones
Name2_Out Company The Software Company
Name_Out Neutral Dale O’Leary-De La Rey Ofc Mgr

ActiveAddress is Electronically Delivered only.

ActiveGender runs under ANY Windows platform

ActiveGender Single Developer License ... $399.00

ActiveGender 5 Developer Team License ... $799.00

ActiveGender Site Wide License ... $1999.00

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