ActiveVR Gear

Turn your existing video control into a interactive workspace!


The ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition Library is the hottest new innovation for those wishing to incorporate 3D virtual views into presentations, custom programming, and web sites.

Combine ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition Control with other video controls to produce 360 and panoramic video. We have done the math, now you can impress your users or clients with dazzling 3D interactive virtual views that immerse them into the 3D model.

Use your existing third party video control or any video control device as a platform for displaying interactive media. The ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX control integrates cleverly with your third party video control by handling the complex virtual reality calculations.

The control belongs to the family of ActiveVR Controls concentrated on 3D interactivity and virtual realty illusions. This technology allows you to use your native digital video movie format and turn it into a virtual space or model. Forget about stepping through slide after slide of your presentations to display multiple views. The impact is much more impressive when you are able to control a full color 360� model or space interactively.

How Does it work!


It's that simple!

Create Media for ActiveVR Quickly in 3 easy steps.

1.JPG (4644 bytes) Create your virtual model or space inside of your favorite 3D application. With our ActiveVR Creator plugin for 3D VIZ and 3D MAX, you can automatically generate virtual models. Use your own 3D program. 3D illustrations or software are not mandatory to use ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition

         3D Studio MAX

2.JPG (5337 bytes) Insert the ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition into your presentation or programming development environment. (This may be any environment that accepts 32bit ActiveX Controls.)

          Visual Basic

    or Microsoft PowerPoint
3.jpg (5361 bytes) Present your application.
The example shows a presentation in PowerPoint using the ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition to interact with the video.
wpeC5C.jpg (5932 bytes)

Works with any video control and any video type guaranteed or your money back.
We have already done the math, you just simply pass the control mouse X,Y coordinates and it returns a video position. It's really that simple. Yes, honestly it works with any video control. There are no more video limitations. The rule of thumb is, if you can play the video in the control, we can make it interactive, no excuses, just results.

What makes the ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition different?
With ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition there is no worry about video incompatibility issues, because you use your existing video control to illustrate the media. The ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition control is used to create the illusion of 360 models or space. Your video control works with our control to product the end product. Leave your development untouched and just add the ActiveVR Gear control to control the interactive experience.

The new ActiveVR Gear control is not so new.
We extracted the code from the ActiveVR Control to allow developers the ability to support any video type, MPG, AVI, ASF, MOV, IFF, AVT, MMM, FLC and many more. Any video type control by your video control can be used as an interactive playground. If you are a multimedia developer, product sales representative, 3D developer, or CAD developer, the ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition is a must have.

Enhance the way you communicate, entertain, educate, and market your ideas with ActiveVR's outstanding features from inside presentation programs like Microsoft PowerPoint.
Insert the ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition directly in your favorite presentation program like Microsoft PowerPoint. Within minutes, you will have a full blown interactive PowerPoint presentation.

Create Totally Interactive Stand alone applications
Whether you're preparing for the biggest presentation of your career or producing a interactive kiosk for a very picky client, ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition is your software. Whether you're a non programmer or a professional applications developer the ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition has the tools to satisfy both communities.

ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition is an ActiveX DLL that allows you to create incredible multimedia applications and presentations that contain sophisticated studio-quality video manipulation features. The ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition gives your applications a professional, polished look. The following is a brief description of the features of each control.

ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX features highlights

  • 360 degree Real-time 24 bit color interactive virtual reality
  • Panoramic style interactive mode
  • Controllable video playback
  • Extended segment playback
  • 5 built-in interactive modes

What do you get?

  • The ActiveVR Gear DLL
  • 3DS VIZ, 3DSMAX ver 2x script for automation
  • Detailed 3D illustrated help file
  • Code examples
  • Video samples
  • Application samples

System Requirements:

  • PC: Pentium class CPU and Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT 4.0, 2000, 16 MB RAM, 8 MB hard disk space
  • 32 Bit Programming Development Environment or Presentation Software that accepts DLL references
  • ActiveVR Gear 2.0 OCX Standard Edition tested and supports the following environments
  • Any Microsoft Office Product (PowerPoint 97,2000, Word, Excel , etc )
  • Visual Basic 4 or higher
  • Visual C++ 5 or higher
  • PowerBuilder 32 bit environments
  • Delphi 4 and higher
  • Other 32 or 64 environments may apply
  • *Note: Memory and hard disk requirements may vary with video size

ActiveVR Gear is "electronically delivered" only

ActiveVR Gear
ActiveVR Gear v2.0 Single (1) User License (Download Only) $149
ActiveVR Gear v2.0 Five (5) User License (Download Only) $499
ActiveVR Gear v2.0 Ten (10) User License (Download Only) $849

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  • Multimedia Utilities
  • Controls Creation Utilities

  • ActiveVR ActiveX Control

  • MS-Access
  • ActiveX/OCX Controls
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  • Clipper
  • dBASE
  • Delphi
  • FoxPro/VFP
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