Visual C # 2008 - Developing Applications Volume 2 Training Course by Appdev

Prices start at $1675.00

In this course you'll learn about important development topics that aren't normally covered in a beginning Windows application programming course. Starting with an introduction to .NET interoperability, you'll work through crucial topics such as saving objects to a stream using .NET Serialization, creating and displaying reports, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), working with multiple-document interface (MDI) applications, and drawing your own user interfaces using the System.Drawing namespace. You'll dig deeper into working with the most complex of Visual Studio's built-in controls, the DataGridView control, how to interact with printers and how to print documents. You'll also investigate several new Visual Studio 2008 features, including Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), new deployment features using ClickOnce, Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), and new support for Office 2007 products using Visual Studio Tools for Office., You're certain to find many topics here that will extend your knowledge, your capabilities, and your value as a developer.

In this course, you will learn how to...

  • Interoperate between managed code and COM components.
  • Communicate using XML Web Services, and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
  • Install applications using ClickOnce technology.
  • Save and restore nearly any object to a stream using serialization.
  • Create and display formatted reports.
  • Create and execute workflows, using Windows Workflow Foundation (WF).
  • Take advantage of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to add features to the .NET Framework.
  • Create MDI applications.
  • Manage printers, and create free-form documents.
  • Display and edit data using DataGridView control.
  • Create owner-drawn controls and non-rectangular forms using the GDI+ and the System.Drawing namespace.
  • Create managed applications for Office 2007 products using Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO).

Prerequisites: The course assumes that students have some programming background. No specific experience with Visual Studio 2008 or the .NET Framework is required, although this course does not focus on programming languages, but rather, on building Windows applications. You may find that it's easier for you to follow the examples in this course if you have some prior experience working with the .NET Framework using Visual C #, or have taken a beginning programming course using Visual C #.

Visual C # 2008 - Developing Applica
ZDC2-CD-50 - Visual C # 2008 - Developing Applications Volume 2 Set of 14 CDs
KDC2-CD-50 - Visual C # 2008 - Developing Applications Volume 2 Set of 14 CDs Printed Books
ZDC2-DV-50 - Visual C # 2008 - Developing Applications Volume 2 Set of 2 DVDs
KDC2-DV-50 - Visual C # 2008 - Developing Applications Volume 2 Set of 2 DVDs Printed Books

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