Dolphin 9700 Mobile Computer

Prices start at $1398.00

Honeywell's Dolphin® 9700 is a rugged digital assistant equipped with multi-functional data collection and communications capabilities in one reliable, easy-to-use device - The Dolphin 9700 allows companies specializing in parcel delivery, route accounting, field services, and healthcare point-of-care applications to better serve their customers, by maximizing worker productivity through innovations that provide increased connectivity, optimized system performance, task-specific ergonomics, and an intuitive user interface.

Dolphin 9700 Mobile Computer Features and Benefits

Integrated global high-speed wireless technology includes 3.5G GSM/HSDPA and 802.11 a/b/g for real-time data exchange and voice communications, plus Bluetooth for efficient wireless connection to peripheral devices and IrDA

Adaptus® Imaging Technology 5.0 reads linear and 2D bar codes, captures digital images, and enables electronic signature captureenabling workers to do more with a single device

Shift-PLUSTM power management technology enhances productivity by powering real-time wireless and multi-media applications continuously for 8 hours of more

Automated assisted GPS (A-GPS) technology improves satellite connection speed and tracking continuity in weak signal areas while simplifying device set-up

Windows® Mobile 6.5 delivers enhanced touch-friendly user interface, improved web browsing functionality, and broad third-party application support

Color camera with automated programming control provides easy integration of color picture and video capture into business applications while simplifying operator use

Optional Magnetic Stripe and Card Reader Accessory offers convenient reading of magnetic stripe and smart chip encoded identification and credit cards for use in various applications

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    Dolphin 9700 - Product Brochure
    Dolphin 9700 - Dolphin 9700 Healthcare Brochure

    Dolphin 9700
    Dolphin 9700 WLAN/WPAN
    9700LP0003N12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, SR Imager, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LP0003Q12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, SR Imager, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    Dolphin 9700 WLAN/WPAN/Camera
    9700LP00C3N12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, Camera, SR Imager, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LP00C3Q12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, Camera, SR Imager, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LP00C4N12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, Camera, SF Imager, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LP00C4Q12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, Camera, SF Imager, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    Dolphin 9700 WLAN/WPAN/GPS
    9700LP0G03N12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GPS, SR Imager, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LP0G03Q12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GPS, SR Imager, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    Dolphin 9700 WLAN/WPAN/GPS/Camera
    9700LP0GC3N12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, SR Imager, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LP0GC3Q12E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, SR Imager, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    Dolphin 9700 WLAN/WWAN/WPAN
    9700LPW003N11E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GSM/HSDPA, SR Imager, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LPW003Q11E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GSM/HSDPA, SR Imager, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    Dolphin 9700 WLAN/WWAN/WPAN/GPS
    9700LPWG03N11E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GSM/HSDPA, GPS, SR Imager, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LPWG03Q11E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GSM/HSDPA, GPS, SR Imager, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    Dolphin 9700 WLAN/WWAN/WPAN/GPS/Camera
    9700LPWGC3N11E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GSM/HSDPA, GPS, Camera, SR Imager, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LPWGC3Q11E - Dolphin 9700, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, GSM/HSDPA, GPS, Camera, SR Imager, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    Dolphin 9700 Healthcare
    9700LP0007N12EH - Dolphin 9700hc Healthcare, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, SF Imager Green Aimer, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LP0007Q12EH - Dolphin 9700hc Healthcare, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, SF Imager Green Aimer, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LP00C7N12EH - Dolphin 9700hc Healthcare, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, Camera, SF Imager Green Aimer, Numeric Keypad, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
    9700LP00C7Q12EH - Dolphin 9700hc Healthcare, 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, Camera, SF Imager Green Aimer, Qwerty, 256MB/1G, WM 6.5
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