

System Reliability and Maintainability Software!


If you thought that the only way to perform complex system reliability analysis was only through "outrageously expensive and cumbersome software packages utilizing painfully slow simulation methods," we have some news for you!

For the first time, through the utilization of a ReliaSoft pioneered algorithm, exact solutions to complex system reliability become a reality, with ReliaSoft's BlockSim: "The world's first and only integrated system for exact computations and predictions for advanced complex system reliability analysis and optimization." ReliaSoft's BlockSim redefines the way system reliability, maintainability, and reliability allocation analyses are done.

Totally Easy, Intuitive and Powerful Interface...
Use simple drag and drop techniques to define a system utilizing a Reliability Diagram (RBD) approach, with unlimited levels of encapsulation (i.e. a block can encapsulate another diagram). Work on multiple levels of diagrams and analyze and report your results through integrated spreadsheets, graphing interfaces and report generators.

For the first time you can utilize actual algebraic solutions rather than relying on mere simulation, to get results and analysis never before thought possible...
Via the use of a ReliaSoft exclusive technology algebraically compute exact cdfs for the most complex system, comprised of components from a variety of lifetime distributions. Utilize the exact cdf solution to compute the pdf of the entire system, exact failure rates as a function of time, and any other reliability metric of interest.

Perform complex system Reliability allocation and System Reliability Optimization in seconds...
Utilizing exact system solutions optimize and allocate component reliability based on component on component complexity, cost and ease of design change.

Perform complex system Maintainability and Availability analysis through lightning fast simulation engines...
Along with algebraic solutions you can utilize fast and efficient simulation engines for secondary analysis as well as maintainability and availability analysis.

All the flexibility, graphics, documentation, results accuracy and support features you've come to expect from ReliaSoft...
Full printed and online documentation along with ReliaSoft's accompanying theory textbook on System Reliability.

Pricing that is well below what you might expect...
Simple programs that only use simulation and have only a small fraction of BlockSim's abilities sell for thousands of dollars more! ReliaSoft's BlockSim pricing is as attractive as its features.

Features Summary

  • Exact system cdf and exact reliability results (reliability, probability of failure, warranty times, BX information, mean time to failure).
  • Reliability Plots based on exact system cdf (Probability of Failure vs. Time, Reliability vs. Time, pdf, Failure Rate, Static Reliability Importance, Reliability Importance vs. Time plots).
  • Reliability allocation utilizing cost-based optimization.
  • Static reliability predictions utilizing fixed component reliability values.
  • "De-activate" component blocks to experiment with their effect on overall system reliability.
  • Maintainability and availability analysis for repairable systems (downtime, uptime, mean availability, downtime due to preventive maintenance, ending reliability, expected number of failures, point availability, expected number of preventive maintenance actions, spare part predictions).
  • Distributions for failure and repair including Weibull, Exponential, Normal, Lognormal, Mixed Weibull (with 2, 3 or 4 subpopulations).
  • Seamless integration with Weibull++ to calculate failure and repair distributions and parameters.
  • Easy drag and drop technique to create RBDs.
  • Reusable templates to save time.
  • Series, parallel, complex and k-out-of-n configurations.
  • Unlimited levels of encapsulation in diagrams: define a single block to represent another reliability block diagram.
  • Integrated Excel-compatible spreadsheets with over 140 built-in functions.
  • Function Wizard for detailed results and further analysis in spreadsheets.
  • Chart Wizard and Chart Designer to create and customize charts and graphs.
  • Report generator and graphics library manager.

Hardware & Software Requirements:

BlockSim Standard Reliability Version is compiled and designed for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000 and takes advantage of the features available in these platforms. Minimum System Requirements: A Pentium 90 or better processor with 16MB RAM, SVGA display, and at least 24MB of hard disk space. BlockSim is optimized to take advantage of the Pentium II processor.


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