BorderManager™ Firewall Services

BorderManager Firewall Services

Protect Confidential Data and Manage User Access

Using BorderManager™ Firewall Services, the security foundation of the BorderManager Enterprise Edition suite, you can protect confidential data and manage user access to intranet and Internet content. You can use BorderManager Firewall Services by itself or to augment other existing firewall protection.

BorderManager Firewall Services includes the following components:

  • Packet-filtering firewall. With this component you can filter TCP/IP packets based on a number of criteria. For example, you can restrict access to and from particular Internet hosts based on source or destination host IP addresses. You can also restrict access to and from particular network clients or servers based on source and destination IPX™ addresses. Finally, based on IP port numbers and Internet protocols, respectively, you can restrict access to particular types of protocols and to particular types of NetWare Core Protocol™ (NCP™) requests.

  • Circuit-level gateways. With these components you can grant IP- or IPX-based network users access to the Internet and TCP/IP intranet servers without enabling TCP/IP on their workstations. You can also restrict user and group access to the Internet based on protocol, host address or domain name, and time of day, and verify access rights through NDS™. Finally, you can perform address translation, replacing the source addresses of all packets sent from your network with the border server's IP address, and effectively masking the internal addresses of your network clients and servers from Internet users.

  • Application proxies. These components are application-level gateways you can use to control which ports and addresses users can access, as well as to which files they will have access on the allowed ports and addresses. Like the circuit-level gateways, the HTTP application proxy verifies access rights through NDS. It also supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) tunneling and user certificates, which together create an encrypted path between client and server to protect information from interception and tampering.
BorderManager Firewall Services

BorderManager Firewall Services has also been certified by the International Computer Security Association (ICSA). ICSA certification signifies that the product has passed the most comprehensive security vulnerability tests in the industry, assuring consumers the product has met a definable quantitative level of risk reduction against a known set of threats. Customers needing to implement a firewall solution can be assured that BorderManager Firewall Services meets the highest security standards available.


  • Control access to both your private network and the public Internet
  • Monitor access to both your private network and the public Internet
  • Protect internal borders
  • Receive alerts about security violations
  • Enjoy single sign-on
  • Protect information from interception or tampering
  • Provide comprehensive, user-level Application Proxy Support
  • Add firewall solutions from other vendors
  • Support all popular clients
  • Integrate additional filters developed by third parties
  • Prevent intruders from initiating sessions with new filters
  • Add additional security services as necessary
  • Enjoy complete integration with BorderManager Enterprise Edition Suite

Monitor Access to Both Your Private Network and the Public Internet

You can configure BorderManager Firewall Services to keep an access control log which documents all packets that are accepted or rejected by Novell's circuit-level gateways and the HTTP proxy.

Protect Internal Borders

Insider attacks are the most common threat to network security. As a defense against insider attacks, BorderManager Firewall Services enables you to protect your internal Web servers. Using the BorderManager snap-in module for the NetWare� Administrator (NWAdmin), you can grant users rights to information on specific servers. You can post sensitive material and restrict access to that information as needed; only users with explicit rights to the information can access it.

BorderManager Firewall Services

Receive Alerts about Security Violations

A core feature of BorderManager Firewall Services is an alert mechanism that can immediately notify you of security violations. You can customize this feature by specifying whom you want to be alerted, and whether the alerts should be delivered by pager, e-mail, or messages sent through a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)-compliant management application such as Novell's ManageWise�.

Enjoy Single Sign-On

With BorderManager Firewall Services, users running Novell's 32-bit client software no longer need to perform a separate log in to the HTTP proxy; they are automatically authenticated to the HTTP proxy when they log in to NDS. Single sign-on greatly reduces the chances that network security will be compromised as a result of someone discovering usernames and passwords. Users not running Novell's 32-bit client software do have to log in to the HTTP proxy; however, because Firewall Services 3 supports a SOCKS v4 and v5 gateway and a number of authentication methods--including real NDS authentication and authentication using SSL--these users can use their NDS username and password to do so.

Provide Comprehensive, User-Level Application Proxy Support

BorderManager Firewall Services includes HTTP, FTP, Gopher, Telnet, Mail, News, Real Audio/Video, DNS, and generic UDP and TCP application proxies. With the generic UDP and TCP application proxies you can create your own proxies for any UDP or TCP applications for which BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3 does not yet provide a specific proxy. In addition, because Firewall Services 3 includes the transparent HTTP proxy, you will not need to configure the browser on individual workstations in order to use the HTTP proxy.

Add Firewall Solutions from Other Vendors

BorderManager Firewall Services includes two circuit-level gateways: a SOCKS v4 and v5 gateway and the Novell� IP Gateway. With the SOCKS gateway you can configure Firewall Services 3 as a component of a firewall solution, working with firewalls from other vendors.


Support All Popular Clients

Through the SOCKS gateway the BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3 firewall server supports NetWare, NT, and UNIX SOCKS clients. The Novell IP Gateway, which uses native MS Winsock 2.0, includes both an IP/IP and an IPX/IP gateway. With the Novell IP Gateway, all IP and IPX clients can access TCP/IP services with transparent authentication to BorderManager Firewall Services.

Integrate Additional Filters Developed by Third Parties

BorderManager Firewall Services provides a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) you can use to integrate additional filters developed by third parties. In the future Novell partners will offer a variety of third-party filters, including anti-virus filters and filters providing protection against renegade Java and ActiveX applications. Firewall Services 3 also includes a trial version of CyberPatrol, an industry-leading content filter that can deny outgoing access to selected Internet Web sites based on content.

Prevent Intruders from Initiating Sessions with New Filters

The stateful packet filter engine included with BorderManager Firewall Services looks at the address of a packet along with the context of the session in which the packet is being sent to identify suspicious packets. The stateful filter also automatically creates a return path for traffic flowing from the specified source to the specified destination port number and address. Using this capability, you can allow return traffic from a particular port number and address while blocking traffic originating from the same.

By setting Firewall Services's acknowledge (ACK) bit filter you can prevent incoming TCP requests packets from entering your company's network. This prevents intruders from initiating TCP sessions with internal servers or clients, while still allowing internal users to initiate TCP sessions with the outside world. In addition, setting the ACK bit filter protects your network from common attacks, such as synchronize (SYN) flooding.

BorderManager Firewall Services

Hardware Requirements


  • Most 80486 and Pentium-based computers
  • Memory requirements: 128MB minimum (with remote access, 32MB minimum)
  • Disk requirements: 500MB minimum

LAN and WAN Adapters

  • Any WAN adapter compliant with WAN HSM™ or WAN ODI™ or AIO

Software Requirements

  • NetWare 4.11 or above or intraNetWare

BorderManager Firewall Services
(56 bit) Server plus 5-user ... $995
BorderManager Firewall Services
(128+ bit) Server plus 5-user ... $995

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