Button Overview
- Easily replace the Windows button control
- Create active-style buttons with or without 3D borders
- Create a toolbar or tool palate
- Use one button to perform multiple operations using hotspots, saving valuable system resources
- Display a different picture for the up, down, and disabled states or when the mouse pointer is over the
button or an individual cell
- Use as a container to host other controls
- Dynamically change the shape or characteristics of the button in response to your user
- Automatically resize the button based on the parent size and specify offsets
Cell Overview
- Create up to 512 cells or regions per button
- Each cell can contain text, pictures, act as a hotspot, or display special 3D effects
- Make the individual cells or entire button transparent
- Use a picture to define the shape of an individual cell or the entire button
- Load a previously saved button template into a cell
- Apply three-dimensional text to individual cells
- Disable individual cells
- Specify the space between the cell contents and the cell boundaries
Cell Details
- Create up to 512 "cells", or regions, each with its own:
- Text, Font and Color for both the "up" and "down" states of the control
- Pictures for the up, down, and disabled states of the control or when the mouse passes over the cell
- Custom alignment of the text and pictures within the cell
- Three-dimensional appearance, including "active borders" which show the 3D effect around
the cell only when the mouse passes over it
- Orientation by rotating the cell in 90 degree increments or displaying the text vertically
- Text for the balloon control to display when the mouse passes over the cell
- Shape using up to 512 "segments", or lines, using different shapes for each line
Balloon Control
- Display a help balloon (tool tip) displaying customized text when the cursor is over most development controls
- Choose from four balloon shapes (round, square, ellipse, or cloud) or customize your own shape by loading a
button template into the balloon
- Choose an optional tail type (straight or bubble)
- Display an optional drop shadow behind the balloon
- Automatically resize the balloon to fit its text
- Change the balloon's appearance or content at design time or at run time
- Share the balloon across multiple windows
Button Designer
- Easily customize your shape at design time using the Button Designer's Cell Editor, Segment Editor and
Button Editor
- Use the Cell Editor to assign text colors, hotspots, or bitmaps to each button cell
- Use the Segment Editor to assign a shape (square, ellipse, round, or straight) to each button segment or cell
- Use the Button Editor to select cells or segments, drag-and-drop cells and grab handles, and resize cells and
segments using the built-in alignment grid
- Create template files that can be loaded at design-time or at run-time into the button or into a cell
- Begin your design with one of 16 pre-defined templates
Return to the Button Objx Main Page
System Requirements:
Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, 2 MB of hard disk space, 4 MG of memory
Language Compatibility: Visual Basic 3.0, 4.0 16/32-bit versions, 5.0 and 6,
Visual C++ 1.5x, 2.x, 4.x, 5.x, and 6, Borland C++
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