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Your shopping cart is empty. This may be caused by one of 3 factors:

  1. You have not added anything to your cart. If this is the case, simply go to the appropriate product page and click the order button toward the bottom of the page.

  2. Your browser does not support cookies. If this is the case, please call Hallogram to place your order: 866-972-4888 or 303-340-3404. You may also Email ([email protected]) or Fax (866-972-4888) the order information to us. Be sure to include your name; company name; phone number; shipping and billing address; product name, version, and quantity; shipping preferences (2-day, overnight, international, etc.); and payment information. We will then contact you to confirm the order and give you a total.

  3. The path you followed does not include the "www." portion of the domain. (e.g., http://hallogram.com vs. http://www.hallogram.com). This points to a small bug in the Netscape browser that does not allow cookies to be set unless the "www." is included in the domain. To fix this problem, please go back to the page of the product you wish to order, add the "www." before the "hallogram.com" part of the domain. And click the order button again.

Payment: Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express)

Clicking this button will submit your order for processing. Please do not hit this button until you are satisfied with the product list and quantities above.

Credit Card Usage on Hallogram's Site and the Web
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