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Versions of Crystal Reports
Professional Edition
Recommended for: Report Designers, IT Professionals, Database Administrators, and Power Users
With Crystal Reports Professional, you can create reports from a large variety of personal and enterprise data sources. The Professional edition will provide you with:
- Data access and report design: Native, ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC connectivity to relational,
OLAP, XML, legacy, and enterprise data sources
- Report design: Visual report designer for rapid data access and creation of highly
formatted reports
- New features: Dynamic and cascading prompts meet the needs of many users with
one report; check web report design layout in an HTML preview pane; deliver reports to
users in a new RTF format for easy modifications they can do themselves; save time and
resources with hierarchical grouping and intelligent charting
Developer Edition
Recommended for: Application Developers
With the Crystal Reports XI Developer you can create and integrate reports
into web/server based applications. The Developer edition will provide you with:
- Data access and report design: Native, ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC
connectivity to relational, OLAP, XML, legacy, and enterprise data sources;
custom, user-defined data through Javabeans, ADO .NET, and COM data providers;
visual report designer for rapid data access and creation of highly formatted reports
- Report integration: Integrated report processing on an application server; extensive SDKs
for report viewing, printing, and exporting in applications; report creation APIs for end user
report modification and creation; customizable report viewers
- Free runtime licensing: Royalty free runtime license for unlimited internal corporate
deployment of the Crystal Reports .NET, Java, and COM (RDC) report engine components without
having to pay additional licensing fees for multiple servers or CPUs
- New features: Dynamic and cascading prompts minimize report maintenance
with automatically updated pick lists and cascading prompts; report dependency
checker improves QA and quickly finds broken links, formula errors, and dependency
issues; check web report design layout in an HTML preview pane
Recommended for: All Users
New to the Crystal Reports product suite, Crystal Reports Server allows you to create,
manage, and deliver Crystal reports over the web or embedded in enterprise applications.
It includes a complete set of reporting services to address all steps in the reporting process:
from data access and report design; to report delivery and management; to portal and application
integration - through to report maintenance. Designed for use on a single server, Crystal Reports
Server is ideal for departmental or workgroup reporting requirements. One year of
technical support and software updates is also included for rapid deployment and peace of mind.
- Reduce costs associated with delivering information to end users
- Provide more accurate, targeted information for improved decision making
- Centralize reporting for all applications
- Offload report processing from your web server for greater application processing efficiencies
Check out Crystal Design Components.
System Requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4, XP, or later
- Pentium II or higher (Pentium III-class recommended)
- 128 MB of RAM (256 MB recommended)
- 350 MB of free hard disk space (600 MB recommended)
- Additional operating systems for
Java Reporting Component only - Linux Red Hat
Enterprise 3, Solaris 8 or later, AIX 5.1 or later, HP-UX 11i v1
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