dBASE Plus

Get Data.Build Information.

A remarkable new cross-database toolset. Everything you need to design, create, manage, organize, access, develop, deploy and report in one highly integrated, easy-to-use, object-oriented package.

Whether you're a die-hard dBASE user, a former dBASE user, or someone who's never used dBASE before, there's something powerful, exciting and incredibly useful awaiting you in dB2K.

dB2K is a rich collection of object-oriented, cross-database tools for designing, organizing, managing, gathering, converting and reporting data, application development, deployment and project management.

dQuery/Web is dB2K's new Open Source live-data interface, featuring:

  • Data modeling
  • Data-entry and editing
  • Data filtering
  • Automatic Windows and Web application generation
  • Automatic report generation
  • Cross-database import and export
  • Ad-Hoc Query over the Web

dB2K's "round-trip" application development, deployment and project management tools allow you to create robust Windows and Web applications using Wizards, drag-and-drop design surfaces, or by hand-coding in dB2K's elegant dBL language. dBL, with its super-fast automatic compiler, offers some of the most powerful string-manipulation, data and array classes available in any language today. dQuery/Web is written in dBL.

For end-users, there's dQuery/Web, a dramatic new drag-and-drop, menu-driven, live-data interface. One click and you've built a powerful, stand-alone Windows program. Click again for for a live-data Web application. No clicks at all for automatic No-Click reports!

For information professionals, there's live access to all your databases. Pull together dBASE, Paradox, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Access, Informix, Sybase, InterBase, Advantage and IBM DB2 on the same screen, at the same time, without conversion! Open an Access table, save it as Oracle. Drag a dBASE table to dQuery/Web and save it as an Excel spreadsheet.

For developers, an elegant, object-oriented programming language with powerful, integrated, round-trip visual tools . Take advantage of Source Aliasing to relocate your code or share it with other developers - without recompiling. Programming in another language? Use dB2K's interactive data modeling for "real-time results". Improve your productivity dramatically and make sure that the data you design is the data you deliver. For the ultimate customer support tool, check out dB2K's browser-based Ad-Hoc Query tool!

For businesses, dB2K offers instantaneous, remote, real-time access to your data, over the Web, from anywhere in the world. Plus, data you can work with yourself, applications you can generate yourself and reports you can build yourself with drag-and-drop.

For everyone, dB2K now features DEO, the first-ever, fully inheritable, dynamic distributed object architecture. And with it, the lowest total cost of ownership in the industry. Drag any object to a single location for instantaneous updates and upgrades -- even while applications are running!

Powerful dB2K™ is dBASE Inc.'s state of the art rapid application development (RAD) environment. It enables you to quickly and easily distribute royalty-free desktop, network and Web applications for Windows 2000, Windows '98, Windows '95, and Windows NT.

System Requirements:

Any of the following are acceptable: Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000

It runs on all Windows-compatible networks, including NT networks, Novell networks and peer-to-peer networks, such as Lantastic and Netbeui.

All of the following are required: Intel 486/DX2 or higher, 16 MB (12 Mb for Windows 95), 35 MB hard disk space for minimum installation, CD-ROM drive, VGA or higher resolution monitor (SVGA recommended), Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device

Licensing: Royalty-free

dBASE Plus... $579.00

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