Nevron Diagram for Windows Forms
Nevron Diagram for Windows Forms


Nevron Diagram for WinForms is a leading diagram visualization component for WinForms. With it you will be able to display intelligent and interactive diagrams, which even professional designers will not be able to replicate. This component excels in terms of image and presentation quality. The key features of the component are:
  1. Diagramming Component for .NET, which can display distinct looking diagrams and flow charts with presentation "out of the box" quality.
  2. Specially optimized for speed
  3. Ability to display a myriad of shapes
  4. The supported shape styles can be categorized as follows:

    • Basic Shapes - Rectangle, Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle, Triangle, Diamond, Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon, Hexagram and Octagram.
    • Flowchart Shapes - Document, Data, Predefined Process, Stored Data, Internal Storage, Sequential Access Storage, Manual Input, Card, Punched Tape, Display, Manual Operation, Termination, Multi Document, Off Page Connection, Magnetic Disk, Transport, Sum Junction, Or, Collate, Sort, Extract, Merge, Delay, Process Iso9000, Triangle Rectangle, Simple Arrow, Sunken Arrow.

    Fill effect, border and shadow properties can be applied to all shapes. Text can be attached to every shape.

  5. Ability to display line links in numerous styles

    The supported line links styles can be categorized as follows:

    • Simple - a simple straight line
    • Polyline - a polyline with dynamic base point count
    • Spline - a curved line with dynamic base point count
    • Bezier - a curved line with two base points and two control points
    • Step Lines - a line with up to eight horizontal and vertical line segments (HV links)

    Line and shadow properties can be applied to all links. Line links also have built-in support for routing. Text can be attached to every line link.

  6. Ability to display connectors (arrow heads) in 15 different styles:

    The variety of connector styles enables you to visually describe complex relations. Following is a list of the available styles:

    Arrow, Circle, Closed Fork, Double Arrow, Fork, Losangle, Many, Many Optional, One, One Optional, One Or Many, Opened Arrow, Quill Arrow and Sunken Arrow.

    Fill effect, border and shadow properties can be applied to all connectors.

  7. Advanced selection

    Various selection modifications and queries can easily be performed. Single and multiple selection modes.

  8. Automatic content fitting

    Ability to configure the document to adapt its bounds automatically based on the current expansion of its content.

  9. Grid

    The grid supports several modes of visualization: major line, major and minor lines, dots, interlaced, interlaced horizontally and interlaced vertically. The user is able to control the grid origin position and visibility. Mouse and keyboard input can be snapped to major grid lines.

  10. History

    Complete history is recorded for all document objects modifications. The history of the component is powered by an extensive history management framework, which will even track modifications of properties from code as well as modifications of nested objects.

  11. View Styles

    Support for Normal and Page view styles. Easily controlled zoom percent.

  12. Measurement Units Support

    Consistent, intuitive and transparent support for different measurement units. You can work in pixels, millimeters, centimeters or inches and easily switch between them - the component will automatically perform the necessary conversions.

  13. Layout Formatting Commands

    Complete set of layout formatting commands for positioning, aligning, resizing and spacing the displayed nodes. This feature can be very useful for easy management of large diagrams content.

  14. Tree Layout

    Built-in support for several types of tree layouts: Simple, Min Coverage, Containment and Explorer. Lots of properties help you control tree layout aspects such as orientation, alignment, spacing, auto node resize and connecting links adjustments. Tree layouts can be performed only to a user specified branch, which enables the creation of complex tree layout mixes.

  15. Symmetrical Layout

    Strong support for four types of symmetrical layout realizations: Logarithmic spring, Kamada and Kawai's, Fruchterman and Reingold and Graph Embedder algorithms. Symetrical layouts can also be applied on individual connected regions.

  16. Persistency

    Ability to save and restore diagram documents from files and streams.

  17. Fill Effect Editors

    You can not only specify any filling you can specify in Microsoft Excel, but you can also visually create custom gradients with the help of the Advanced Gradient Editor. The Fill Effect Editor is available at runtime and design time, enabling both the end-user and the developer to consistently apply solid color, gradient, pattern, texture or advanced gradient filling to any closed region displayed by the component.

    In combination with the image filter effects (embed, emboss etc.) the Fill Effect Editor provides the means for creating diagrams with exceptional outlook and stunning visual impact.

  18. Line Properties Editors

    The properties of each line can be consistent with the help of the Line Properties Editor. It can also be used to define custom line patterns

  19. Shadow Editors

    All displayed lines and regions can be configured to drop several types of shadows. The shadow properties of each object are easily controlled with the Shadow Editor. The advanced support for shadows greatly contributes for the overall enhancement of the diagram appearance.

  20. Shape Node Editors

    Built-in editor for shape nodes with shape preview

  21. Line Link Editors

    Built-in editor for line links with link preview

WinForm Specific Features

  1. Keyboard support
    Indispensable feature, which will help you precisely arrange your diagrams as well as execute diagram commands with shortcut keys.
  2. Built-in Ruler and Status Bar
    With the help of these enhancements you can gain a better perception of the position to which you move document objects as well as obtain information about their exact coordinates and size in the current measurement unit.
  3. Built-in User Interface controls
    State-of-the-art Diagram PanelBar, Diagram Toolbar, Diagram Main Menu, Diagram Options Dialog and Diagram Wizard.
  4. Advanced interactivity tools and features
    With the help of the interactive tools the creation of diagrams is simple, intuitive and can be conducted visually. The Context Sensitive Menus and in-place Text Editing features further empower the diagram editing process.
  5. Clipboard Support
    Complete clipboard support enabling you to exchange diagram entities between several documents as well as quickly replicate document content. 5. Print Manager
    Advanced built-in printing and print preview support.
  6. Image Export
    Ability to export the entire document, just the selected objects or custom model rectangle to an image in the following formats: BMP, EMF, EXIF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and WMF. You can also place this image in the clipboard.

Unique Features

  1. Image Filters - image filters greatly increase the attractiveness of the generated images. Currently supported are the following filters: blur, inner glow, outer glow, lighting, bevel and emboss.
  2. Background Frame (skin) - you can apply advanced standard and image frames. This feature contributes to the distinguished look of your diagrams.
  3. Shadows � In addition to the standard solid shadow we also support shadows based on image filters. These are Gaussian blur, Linear blur and Radial blur
  4. Multiline and HTML formatted text support � ability to display text with HTML like syntax

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Nevron Diagram for Windows Forms
1 Developer License $489
4 Developer License $1068
8 Developer License $1638
Site License $2689
Nevron Diagram for Windows Forms
with Source Code
1 Developer License $1986
4 Developer License $4369
8 Developer License $6553
Site License $10930

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