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More than 200,000 researchers, scholarly writers, students, and librarians
use EndNote to search online bibliographic databases, organize their
references, and create bibliographies instantly and automatically. Instead of
spending hours typing bibliographies, or using index cards to organize their
references, they do it the easy way -- by using EndNote! EndNote for
Windows and Macintosh is a valuable all-in-one tool that integrates the
following tasks into one program.
Create an unlimited number of
In EndNote, bibliographic data is entered into a record by
filling out a simple template that has the proper fields
displayed for a given type of reference. EndNote has 17
customizable reference types including journal article, book,
electronic source, and conference proceedings, with up to
30 fields for entering data, including abstract and notes. You
can customize the reference types to add fields of your own.
Each EndNote database can store up to 32,000 references.
Includes more than 100 import
There are many sources of bibliographic data that can be
used to help you build your EndNote database of references.
EndNote includes more than 100 customizable import filters
for a variety of online and CD-ROM database providers (e.g.
Dialog, SilverPlatter). You can create your own import filters
as well. Once you've downloaded the references in a tagged
format, choose the appropriate import filter to import the
data into your EndNote database.
Please Note
If you have access to a library catalog or
bibliographic database that supports the Z39.50 protocol,
you can use EndNote to search and retrieve references
directly into EndNote. This removes the need to learn a
separate program to access online databases or go through
extra steps of saving the references to a text file and
importing them into EndNote. EndNote includes more than
100 connection files to access and search online databases.
Launch a web browser
EndNote records include a URL field to store World Wide Web
addresses. This allows you to store a web page within your
EndNote record, providing a virtual map to full-text online
information. By selecting the Launch URL... command, you
can automatically start your web browser (e.g. Navigator,
Internet Explorer) and link to online journals, full-text
articles, or any other web address stored within your
EndNote record. Your EndNote database now becomes the
card catalog of the electronic library.
Term Lists
For consistent data entry in your EndNote database, you
can maintain lists of important terms such as journals,
authors, and keywords. Term Lists store glossaries of
keywords, author names, or any other terms that are
important to managing your references. You can use these
lists when entering reference information to ensure that
terms are entered in a consistent way. Term Lists can be
linked to different fields and then called up instantly when
you are typing into a particular field. This feature also
speeds up data entry since terms can be instantly
transferred into a record.
Term lists can also be accessed when using EndNote's
Search command so that you will be sure to search for the
same terms that you have entered in your references. You
can create up to 31 Term Lists, and each list can hold
thousands of names or terms. A special case term list for
journals is designed to handle journal names and
The Search... command in EndNote offers a high degree of
flexibility and control in designing searches. You can limit
your searches to specific fields such as Author name, Year,
or Keywords. You can also choose a general search, one
that searches on all fields in a database.
EndNote allows you to create unlimited length search strings
using the boolean connectives AND, OR, and NOT. With the
QuickFind feature EndNote will display your search results
almost instantaneously, even if your database has more than
10,000 records in it. EndNote also allows you to use
comparative operators (greater than, less than, equal, etc.)
and to search for a range of references between two values.
There are also options to combine search results and restrict
searches to only the references currently showing in the
Library window.
Global Editing
Use the Change Text and Change Field commands to modify
existing references. EndNote's Change Text and Change Field
features help you to keep a clean and organized library.
These commands can automatically add a term to all or some
of your references. These are useful tools for labeling groups
of references as well as for fixing common typos or spelling
The Change Text ... command searches for text in your
references, and either deletes or replaces it with other text.
For example, you can use this command to search for a
misspelled word and replace it with the correct spelling. The
Change Field... command can insert text at the beginning or
end of the field, replace the contents of the field with other
text, or delete the entire contents of the field. For example,
you can use this command to add "Reprint on File" to the
Notes field of a set of references.
In EndNote, you can sort references on any fields you
choose such as Year, Journal, Title, or Label. You can sort
on up to five fields in either ascending or descending order.
You can also specify a custom sort order for a bibliographic
style and for multiple in-text citations.
Display Font
EndNote allows you to choose a font and size for the Library
window display. You may choose a smaller font if you would
like to see more of the titles in the Library window, or select
a font that makes the references more readable for you. In
addition, you can choose the font and size for text typed
into records. The font and size selected for display will not
affect the actual font of the bibliographies created from
word processing documents.
Create Bibliographies
If you use Microsoft Word for Windows or Macintosh or
WordPerfect for Windows, please read about the EndNote
Add-in. The Add-in lets you create one-step bibliographies
from within these word processors. For all other word
processors: To use EndNote to cite references in a paper
and then create a bibliography for the paper, you simply
insert the necessary citations from your EndNote database
into the text of your word processing document. When you
have completed the paper, you select a bibliographic style
(e.g. Chicago, APA, JAMA) and tell EndNote to "format" a
bibliography for the paper. EndNote scans the paper, finds
the citations you pasted, modifies the in-text citations and
dds a formatted bibliography to the end of your paper.
Bibliographic Styles
EndNote comes with more than 300 predefined bibliographic
styles for the leading journals. You can also easily create an
unlimited number of your own styles. You simply create a
template that displays the reference fields and punctuation
in the proper order for your style [for example: Author
(Year). Title, Volume...]. Other settings let you adjust the
format of the author names, page numbers, journal names,
and the sort order for the references.
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