Take a feature tour of Essential Grid
Grid Grouping Support
| General Features
| Cell Attributes
| Cell Types
.NET Data Binding
| MS Office Emulation
| MFC like Features
Grid Grouping Support
Essential Grid offers a very flexible support for grouping both your
flat datasources and your hierarchical datasources. It supports expressions
fields, filters, multi-column sorting, grouping, nested tables/hierarchies
and custom summaries.
- Grouping Support
- Hierarchical (nested tables)
- ADO.NET Relations
- Multiple Nested Tables
- Summaries
- Expression Fields
- Filters
- Error Indicator
- Group by Column in Nested Tables
- Synchronize Records with Parent
- AddNew Record
- Drag Column Headers
- Synchronize Records with Categories
- Multiple Rows perRecord
- Record Navigation Bar
- ScrollTips
- Base Styles
General Features
Essential Grid supports all standard grid control feates. In addition,
Essential Grid sports unique features such as full support for Undo
/ Redo and OLE Drag & Drop.
- Alphablending/Background bitmaps
- OLE DND and Clipboard Support
- Printing
- Property Grid Integration
- Resize Rows and Columns
- Serialization
- Virtual Mode
- Merged Cells
- Covered Cells
- Banner Cells
- Formula Support
- Freeze Rows or Columns
- GDI+ Drawing
- Grid List Control/Autocomplete
dropdown list
- Hide Rows or Columns
- Keyboard interface
- Mouse operations
Cell Attributes
Essential Grid is implemented using a unique cell oriented architecture
that allows intricate customization at the cell level. Listed below
are some of the cell attributes that can be changed.
- Cell Text Alignment
- Cell Text Color
- Cell Text Orientation
- Cell Borders
- Cell Wrap Text Mode
- Cell Auto Size Mode
- Cell Allow Enter Mode
- Cell Types
- Cell Format
- Cell Choice List
- Cell Image List
- Data Source
- Read Only
- ShowButtons
- Cell Base Style
- Cell Interior
Cell Types
Essential Grid supports several cell types including Header Text, Static,
Text Box, Check Box, NumericUpDown, Push Button and Combo Box. In addition,
you can derive from our classes to easily add additional cell types.
- Static Text
- Grid Drop Down
- Custom Cells
- Header Text
- Formula Cell
- Check Box
- NumericUpDown
- Push Button
- Combo Box
- Month Calendar
- MaskEdit
- Password Cell
- PictureBox Cell
- ProgressBar Cell
- RichText Cell
- Slider Cell
- WebBrowser Cell
- XHtml Cell
- Color Picker
.NET Data Binding
Essential Grid provides excellent data binding support. It supports
ADO.NET natively. It also provides an excellent infrastructure for custom
data binding.
- Images
- Record navigation bar
- DateTime and Boolean field
Cell types
- Split views
- Sorting
- Rearranging columns
- Resizing rows
- Ole Drag Drop and Clipboard
- Hierarchies
- Custom collections
- FilterBar
- Multiple rows per record
- Multiple Header cells
- Formatting cells based on criteria
- Dropdown lists for foreign key
MS Office Emulation
Essential Grid emulates popular Microsoft applications. Your users will
find its interface to be friendly and familiar.
- Cell Floating Mode
- Multilevel Undo / Redo
- Accelerated Scrolling
- Intelli-mouse Scrolling
- Shared Scrollbars
- Excel Emulation
- Access Emulation
- Workbook and Worksheets
- Scrolltips and Thumbtracking
MFC like Features
Essential Grid supports several MFC like features. These features are
great for any application and they also make porting from MFC to Windows
Forms a whole lot easier.
- Document / View Support
- Dynamic Splitters
Essential Grid is available by electronic delivery only.
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