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FoxExpress |
![]() How does FoxExpress Work?
FoxExpress guides you through the steps you would normally take in developing a FoxPro application and allows you to take a number of shortcuts along the way. FoxExpress is very flexible, and for the most part, you can follow the steps below in any order you see fit. However, the following outlines the usual process for creating an application with FoxExpress. Step 1 First, you name the project file for you application and establish a directory structure. The directory structure tells FoxExpress where to place files by default, but this can be over-ridden at any time. The directory setup dialog also allows you to use the same directories for common files used by all FoxExpress applications. Storing common files in a single location not only saves disk space, it also means that if common files are changed, the changes are automatically included in all of your applications the next time you build them. Step 2 Enter a descriptive name for your application. The descriptive name is used throughout the application in numerous places. For example, the descriptive name is automatically included in the application logo, used as the title of the application window, and used as the title of dialogs that ask the user a question. Step 3 The first check box in FoxExpress' interface allows you to select toolbars or control panels to be used in the application. If you're creating a cross-platform application, you can even pick toolbars for each platform. The toolbar is a critical piece of a FoxExpress application because it includes all of the code necessary to coordinate each screen that uses it with the event handler. Because the event handling code is included in the toolbar, screen created with FoxExpress contain very little program code, only program code specific to the screen, which makes modifying FoxExpress screens very easy. If you do not wish to use a toolbar, you can choose a toolbar named "NONE." The none toolbars contain all of the event handling code, but there are no objects on them, and they are always invisible to the user of the application. FoxExpress includes over thirty toolbars to choose from and you can also edit FoxExpress' toolbars and add you own to the list of choices. Step 4 After you've selected a toolbar, you're ready to select a main menu. FoxExpress includes eight menus to choose from, and you can add your own menus to the list of selections. For the most part, each menu contains the same choices in a slightly different arrangement and with different names in some cases. Internally, FoxExpress knows where to attach screens and reports to each menu by default as you create them in your application. Step 5 When you've reached this point, which only takes a few seconds to do, you're ready to get down to business. The next step is to setup the data dictionary for your application. FoxExpress includes an active data dictionary that is automatically used every place necessary in your applications. In the data dictionary setup dialog, you can either add existing tables to the dictionary or create new tables. Once tables are loaded, you then establish properties for your tables and fields. For tables, you enter descriptive names, define relationships and indexes and establish rules for cascading deletes. For fields, you enter prompts, validation rules, define table lookups, specify how default values should be generated, define rules for field security and more. FoxExpress' data dictionary even allows you to write program code directly inside of it. Step 6 Once you've loaded tables into the dictionary, you're ready to begin creating screens. Remember, because FoxExpress' data dictionary is active, the data dictionary setup does not have to be complete, but you should at least edit the prompts for all fields where necessary. The screens dialog allows you to create all of the data entry and record viewing screens for your application. For the most part, creating a screen in FoxExpress is as simple as selecting the table, specifying a form or column layout, and clicking on the create button. The steps necessary to create each type of screen are slightly different, but the resulting screens all have many featured in common. Each screen you create can be edited in the FoxPro Screen Builder. Objects are sized and placed correctly based on your font and spacing preferences. Screens are automatically added to your project and called in the appropriate places. The data dictionary calls are automatically inserted in all the appropriate places. For the most part, all you have left to do is cosmetic work which typically only entails moving a few fields around! FoxExpress creates several different types of screens -- standard data entry screens for a single table, multiple page data entry screens, "full-featured data entry screen" (which are non-modal child screens), two types of list data entry screens for data entry into child tables, and "FoxPro Wizard Screens." Step 7 Typically, you'll create reports after you've finished creating screens. FoxExpress includes a very powerful SQL-based report writer that allows you to define queries for running reports, specify how the user may query when the report is run, establish security for reports and more. You can even enter code for pre and post report processing! Step 8 If you're going to use security for your application, the next step is to enter you name, user id, and password. This established you as the system administrator for the application. Once the application is created, you can add additional users and establish their privileges in the application. FoxExpress' security features are extremely powerful and flexible, and of course, fully customizable. Step 9 At this point, you're ready to build the application. This is simply a matter of clicking on the Build button. FoxExpress takes care of creating a startup program for your application and a FoxPro project and adding all of your files to the project. Step 10 Now you're ready to run and test the application. After you've run the application, you can make changes to it by returning to FoxExpress or by modifying it in the FoxPro Project Manager. Step 11 The last thing you'll probably so is generate a help system for the application. This is simply a matter of opening the application in FoxExpress and choosing the help check box. Once a help file is created, you can edit the text FoxExpress generates (if necessary) and add you own items to the help file. Step 12 Finally, you distribute your application and with all the time you've saved, you take some much deserved time off work! 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