
Storage Analysis and Management for NT, NetWare and UNIX NFS Servers

FileWizard Collecting data about the network is one of the critical functions of proactive network management. FileWizard 5 provides enterprise storage management capabilities for WindowsNT servers and workstations, Novell NetWare networks, and UNIX servers running NFS. Administrators can view and report to determine what kind of files are on the network, who owns them, when they were last used, how big they are, and when servers would run out of space.

The storage data is gathered from local and remote locations throughout the networkand collected in a centralized management location where it is analyzed, processed andacted upon. This approach eliminates the requirement for qualified people at each site, frees up IT personnel for other critical tasks, lowers management time and the total cost of managing a network. FileWizard 5 gives IT professionals the power to manage growing storage requirements without throwing hardware at the problem.

Analyze and Automate Action on Network Storage

Storage space can be viewed by drive, volume, owner, directory, file extension, accessdate, create date, modify date, name, duplicate files, size, compressed, folder files, folder folders, or folder level. An analysis of a network can be created using a simple drag and drop query builder that shows all query choices, which choices have beenselected, the location being analyzed in tree form, and the results. Once the analysis is complete, FileWizard 5 provides several file management actions: move, compress, uncompress, copy, rename, archive, e-mail, and delete, to manage andmaintain storage space. These actions can be done manually or scheduled to occur at a desired time.

Graph or Report the Results

Results can be displayed in graphs or reports that can be viewed on screen, saved to a file, or printed. The view can be changed from a graph to a report (or vice versa) on the fly. Multiple queries and results can be viewed at the same time and compared. The graphs and reports help pinpoint wasted or reclaimable storage space.

Forecast Storage Requirements

FileWizard 5 allows administrators to look at network storage usage to determine past growth rates and current available storage capacities. FileWizard 5 charts the historical growth pattern allowing administrators to then calculate future growth rate and capacity requirements. The report will project when storage capacities will be full if no action is taken.

FileWizard Features

  • Analyze Network Storage Space

    • Drag and drop queries
    • Supports cross tab queries
    • Exclude specific directories from analysis, e.g. spreadsheets, presentations, operating system files, etc.
    • Analyze and take action on shared users� hard drives from one central location
  • Graph and Report

    • View local storage space by: drive, directory, owner, file extension, access date, create date, modify date, name, size, compressed, folder files, folders, or folder level
    • Change from graphs to reports on the fly
    • View queries and reports together to fine-tune the analysis
  • Forecast Storage Needs

    • Forecast when the network will be out of storage space
    • Compare increases/decreases in space used by volume and/or by user between scans
  • Automate and Take Action

    • Automate creation, saving, and printing of graphs and reports
    • Automate file and directory management actions: move, compress, uncompress, archive, delete, copy, rename, set file owner, analyze, schedule, and e-mail
    • Exclude specific files from actions, e.g. contact databases, reports, project files, etc.
    • Include user files in action log based on user name
    • View growth versus prior day, week, month or year
  • Customizable Queries

    • Old Files - Finds files older than specified age
    • Large Files - Finds files larger than specified size
    • Temp Files - Find all files with TMP extension
    • Common Extensions - Finds files with common extensions
    • Internet History - Finds internet history and temporary internet files
    • FTP Comparison - Finds files on FTP sites that have changed since last visit to the FTP site

System Requirements: Windows 95/98, NT, 386+ or higher processor, 16MB RAM, 15MB Hard Disk space, VGA Monitor, Mouse
FileWizard 5
FileWizard 5 15GB $195
FileWizard 5 30GB* $375
FileWizard 5 60GB* $695
FileWizard 5 90GB* $995
FileWizard 5 Additional Console $125

Note: 1 Console per pack. *Additional Consoles can be added to packs

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