JClass DataSource

A Powerful Tool For Data Access

JClass DataSource JClass DataSource gives you a robust hierarchical multiple-platform data source, written in 100% Pure Java. Experience the power of accessing multiple tables in multiple databases by expressing a hierarchy of queries. JClass DataSource represents this hierarchy as a tree so your components can easily navigate the meta-data and bind to a particular table and column.

JClass DataSource Screen Shot

High customizable, highly flexible

A JClass DataSource instance can be specified at design time using a rich collection of customizers. The combination of hierarchical multi-platform data access together with JClass components provides maximum flexibility while enhancing ease of use for both API and IDE users. You'll find it easy to represent multiple levels in the database and tie them together in a logical manner. Common drill-down data access becomes trivial! JClass DataSource provides a common abstraction to multiple database connection techniques. The actual data source can be a JDBC URL, a JBuilder DataSet or a Visual Caf� QueryNavigator instance.

You can set the properties of JClass DataSource components to determine how your data entry elements will look and behave, enabling you to do the following:

  • Modify the number and arrangement of hierarchical levels. Customizers allow you to add or remove tables, fields, and joins as your project matures and your needs change.
  • Include columns whose contents are computed from existing fields and, if necessary, other generated fields.
  • Include header and footer columns which can contain aggregate information. For instance, A footer column may display the total amount of a number of purchase orders where each row in a table has a field containing the individual amount for that order.
  • Present fields that contain various database types, including pictures.
  • Use JClass Field components in cells to validate data entry operations.

JClass DataSource also provides several methods which:

  • Simplify connecting to a database, and allow you to build database applications more quickly using JDBC-ODBC bridge drivers or native-protocol all-Java drivers.
  • Support transaction management.
  • Permit you to control the appearance of the graphical user interface components as well as controlling the type of operation the end-user is permitted to perform on the records.

JClass DataSource also includes data-bound versions of popular Swing components such as TextField, ListBox and Label.

This product can only be sold to customers in the United States.

JClass DataSource is only available as a part of JClass DesktopViews product suite.

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