Summary of Access 2007 Training
This Microsoft Office Access 2007 Essentials Course will lead you through the improved interface and interactive design capabilities of Access 2007. You will learn how to track and report information with ease, modify pre-built applications, import data from external applications, share your database information, and much more.
Meet Your Access 2007 Instructor
Deanna Reynolds has worked as a technical trainer for more than ten years teaching in both the corporate and technical college environments. Throughout her teaching career, Deanna has been privileged to work with students traveling many different career paths on a multitude of software programs including the entire Microsoft Office Suite, Web Design, Desktop Publishing, and Database Development. Deanna specializes in delivering instructor-led training and writing custom courseware that helps her students quickly become "power-users." |
Learn how to:
Use pre-built solutions to start tracking your information immediately.
Create custom groups to organize and view all forms and reports related to a single table
Create multiple reports and save audience-specific views for different audiences.
Link tables to your database from other Access databases, Excel spreadsheets, Microsoft SQL Server databases, and other data sources.
KeyStone Video-Based Training Offers the User:
Overview: KeyStone training includes a complete overview of the instructor, product, and what to expect from the training.
Controls: Users can move throughout the training with their own controls. Play, Pause, Stop, or check their time while the product bar illuminates as they advance through a topic.
Course Map: Choosing which topic the user wants to learn is easy with the convenient course map. Advanced users may skip ahead or repeat users have the ability to pick up where they left off.
Bookmarks: KeyStone's training tracks which topics the user has completed - displaying their progress through the course outline.
Quizzes: Multiple-choice quizzes for each section covered allow the user to track their progress as they learn. Proficiency can be assessed at any time throughout the training.
Other training course for Access available:
Access 2000 Complete 5-level Set on DVD or VHS
Access 2000: Essentials on DVD
Access 2000: Developer Complete 16-level Set on DVD or VHS
Access 2000: Expert Topics on DVD
Access 2000: Web/Security on DVD
Access 2002 (XP): Desktop Development 15-level Set on DVD or VHS
Access XP: Essentials Beg/Int/Adv on DVD or VHS
Access 2003: Beg/Int/Adv on DVD
Call 866-340-3404 for additional information
Access Training Return Policy: You may open and view 1 DVD for "demo" purposes and still be able return the product within 15 days. Any Keystone Training Products that have more than 1 tape or 1 CD opened or unsealed, are no longer covered under the 15 Day Money Back Guarantee Policy.
DVD ROM'S: This Training set will only run on DVD ROM computer players only. These DVD's WILL NOT run on entertainment DVD players that are connected to TV's. An Internet connection is also required.
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