Visual C# 2005 Training by Keystone


Summary of Visual C# 2005 Training

C# 2005 is the latest release of Microsoft's premiere programming language used by thousands of .NET developers to create state-of-the-art applications like the .NET Framework itself. This course will empower you to code elegant C# programs that address the ever-changing demands of real world software. You'll also learn how to use the great new GUI features of Visual Studio 2005 to boost your coding productivity. The course includes exercises, Q-A drills and full sample code to help confirm your progress. Two bonus video segments are included in which Anders Hejlsberg, author of the C# language, drills down into Parameter Passing and Annonymous Methods. By learning C# 2005, you'll position yourself as a valuable resource in the expanding marketplace of software development.

Meet Your Visual C# 2005 Instructor

James Lee Carr is a Microsoft Certified Trainer with mcTrainers.NET. He specializes in authoring and delivering dynamic coursware for .NET programmers. He's written C applications for the Sharp Zaurus handheld, C++ applications for Windows CE and C# applications for the desktop and the web. He's been working with .NET since PDC 2000. In 2003 Microsoft designated him as a .NET Early Achiever. He currently designs data-driven distributed applications using ASP.NET and Sql Server.

Learn how to:

The course opens with a high-level introduction to the C# language. The "Jump Start" segment will familiarize you with building C# applications using Visual Studio 2005. You'll learn about the interacting roles of the C# Compiler, the .NET Class Library and the Common Type System.

Level 2 covers the fundamentals of the C# language. You'll get a handle on the crucial distinction between Value-Type Variables and Reference-Type Variables. You'll learn how to use Flow Control Statements to manage the runtime execution of your C# code; don't forget that semicolon. And you'll get comfortable with defining and using Methods and Arrays.

In Level 3 we explore the benefits and techniques of the OOP paradigm and how to leverage them in C# programs. Challenging concepts like class inheritance are clearly expounded by means of "hands-on" C# examples.

Level 4 is a programmer's tour-de-force of Visual Studio 2005. From Toolbars to Breakpoints, you'll develop confidence with the tools of the development environment.

In Level 5 we create a fully functional Windows Text Editor. This application becomes the basis for exploring the details of how to code a Windows application using C# 2005. You'll also learn how to catch runtime exceptions. And you'll get familiar with the new concepts introduced with C# 2005 like Generic Collections and Annonymous Methods. ClickOnce Deployment lets a user install a Windows App over the web and update it with a single click. These are only a few of the essentials that you'll master in this course and carry with you in your C# 2005 toolbox.

Detailed Training Outlines

Visual C# 2005 Course Outline

Other training course for Visual C# available:

  • C# .NET
  • .NET Complete
  • Call 866-340-3404 for additional information

    Visual C# Training Return Policy: You may open and view 1 DVD for "demo" purposes and still be able return the product within 15 days. Any Keystone Training Products that have more than 1 tape or 1 CD opened or unsealed, are no longer covered under the 15 Day Money Back Guarantee Policy.

    DVD ROM'S: This Training set will only run on DVD ROM computer players only. These DVD's WILL NOT run on entertainment DVD players that are connected to TV's. An Internet connection is also required.

    Visual C# 2005 Training Course

    Keystone Course License and Version Information

    Visual C# 2005 on DVD-ROM - Single User.......$449.00
    Visual C# 2005 on DVD-ROM - Lending License.......$1349.00
    Visual C# 2005 Online 365-Day License.....$499.00
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