Excel 2003 Training Outlines

Excel 2003 Training: Beginning

  1. Excel 2003 Training: The Excel Screen
    1.1 Overview - Loading Microsoft Excel 2003
    1.2 Screen Elements - Menu and Button Bars
    1.3 Screen Elements - Workbook and Spreadsheet Properties
  2. Excel 2003 Creating Data and Content
    2.1 Enter and edit cell content
    2.2 Navigate to specific cell content
    2.3 Locate, select and insert supporting information
    2.4 Insert, position and size graphics
    2.5 Saving, closing and opening files
  3. Excel 2003 Training: Analyzing Data
    3.1 Filter lists using AutoFilter
    3.2 Sort lists
    3.3 Insert and modify formulas
    3.4 Create, modify, and position diagrams and charts based on worksheet data
  4. Excel 2003 Training: Formatting Data and Content
    4.1 Apply and modify cell formats
    4.2 Apply and modify cell styles
    4.3 Modify row and column formats
    4.4 Format worksheets using AutoFormat

Excel 2003 Training: Intermediate

  1. Excel 2003 Training: Collaborating
    1.1 Insert, view and edit comments
  2. Excel 2003 Training: Managing Worksheets
    2.1 Create new workbooks from templates
    2.2 Insert, delete and move cells
    2.3 Create and modify hyperlinks
    2.4 Organize worksheets
    2.5 Preview data in other views
    2.6 Customize window layout
    2.7 Setup pages for printing
    2.8 Print data
    2.9 Organize workbooks using file folders
    2.10 Save data in appropriate formats for different uses
  3. Excel 2003 Training: Organizing and Analyzing Data
    3.1 Use subtotals
    3.2 Define and apply advanced filters
    3.3 Group and outline data
    3.4 Use data validation
    3.5 Create and modify list ranges
    3.6 Using statistical, date and time, financial, and logical functions
    3.7 Add, show, close, edit, merge and summarize scenarios
    3.8 Perform data analysis using automated tools
    3.9 Create PivotTable and PivotChart reports
    3.10 Use Lookup and Reference functions
    3.11 Use Database functions
    3.12 Trace formula precedents, dependents and errors
    3.13 Locate invalid data and formulas
    3.14 Watch and evaluate formulas
    3.15 Define, modify and use named ranges
    3.16 Structure workbooks using XML

Excel 2003 Training: Advanced

  1. Excel 2003 Training: Formatting Data and Content
    1.1 Create and modify custom data formats
    1.2 Use conditional formatting
    1.3 Format and resize graphics
    1.4 Format charts and diagrams
  2. Excel 2003 Training: Collaborating
    2.1 Protect cells, worksheets, and workbooks
    2.2 Apply workbook security settings
    2.3 Share workbooks
    2.4 Merge workbooks
  3. Excel 2003 Training: Managing Data and Workbooks
    3.1 Import data to Excel
    3.2 Export data from Excel
    3.3 Publish and edit Web Worksheets and workbooks
    3.4 Create and edit templates
    3.5 Consolidate data
    3.6 Define and modify workbook properties
  4. Excel 2003 Training: Customizing Excel
    4.1 Customize toolbars and menus

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Excel 2003 Training Return Policy: You may open and view 1 DVD for "demo" purposes and still be able return the product within 15 days. Any Keystone Training Products that have more than 1 DVD opened or unsealed, are no longer covered under the 15 Day Money Back Guarantee Policy.

DVD ROM'S: This Training set will only run on DVD ROM computer players only. These DVD's WILL NOT run on entertainment DVD players that are connected to TV's. An Internet connection is also required.

Excel 2003 Training Course

Keystone Course License and Version Information

Excel 2003 DVD-ROM Single User $143.00
Excel 2003 DVD-ROM Lending License $413.00
Excel 2003 Online - 365 Day License $149.00

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