MAILER'S Software | Data Quality Tools | Mailing Lists | Other Products

MAILER'S+4       $200 - $2990

MAILER'S +4 red tag sale
  • File Management
  • CASS Certified Address Checking
  • Duplicate Check
  • Address labels and Tray/sack Tag Printing
  • Name Parse and Genderizer
  • Demographic Profiler
  • Phone Check
  • Tally
  • Records in Radius
  • ZIPs in Radius

  • More Information: MAILER's+4



    GeoCoder (MAILER'S+4 Add- On)      $1490 - $990
    GeoCoder Making the right marketing decision depends on knowing where addresses are - physically and economically. MAILER'S+4 GeoCoder is the stress-free and affordable way to add geographical coordinates and Census Track and Block numbers to the records in your list.
    More Information: GeoCoder


    MP4 Canadian Addresser Add-On       $690
    Canadian Addresser Verify Canadian addresses in your MAILER+4 postal automation program. This new add-on module integrates seamlessly with the address verification feature in the Professional version of MAILERS+4. You'll be able to validate and correct Canadian addresses, standardize them to Canada Post requirements, and print labels... right along with the U.S. addresses in your mailing.
    More Information: MP4 Canadian Addresser (Add-On)


    MP4 eLOT Add-On      $249
    MP4 eLOT Enhanced Line of Travel (eLOT) was developed by the USPS to give mailers the ability to sort their mailings in approximate carrier-casing sequence. The MAILERS+4 eLOT provides the sequence number that indicates the first occurrence of delivery made to the add-on range within the carrier route, and the ascending/descending code that indicates the approximate delivery order within the sequence number.
    More Information: MP4 eLOT (Add-On)


    MP4 Delivery Point Validation (DVP) Add-On      $690
    Delivery Point Validation MAILERS+4 Delivery Point Validation enables you to verify that an actual address exists... down to the apartment or suite number. When used with CASS certified software that matches the address to a range-based ZIP+4 record, delivery point validation determines if the address can be confirmed as a specific delivery point. The database of 151 million records is updated bimonthly and integrates seamlessly with the address check feature in MAILERS+4.
    More Information: MP4 DPV (Add-On)


    ZIP*USA      $99
    Zip*USA With this address verification program for Windows. It will save you time and get you the right answer. ZIP*USA compares U.S. address with a national address database from the USPS. If the address is verified, the program returns the correct ZIP+4, Carrier Route and Delivery Point codes, county name, time zone and area code. You'll be able to look up companies, ZIP Codes in a city, street names and cities in a ZIP Code.
    More Information: ZIP*USA


    SuperDup      $995
    SuperDup Stop wasting money mailing duplicates. Don't risk turning off important prospects or watering down your message with needless repetition. Eliminate those costly duplicates with SuperDup.

    SuperDup uses an advanced soundexing algorithm to find sound-alike or near-matchingv names. SuperDup even finds nicknames and initials at the same address.
    More Information: SuperDup



    ZIP*Select      $125 - $495
    ZIP Select ZIP*Select is the easy way to get the informatin you need to initiate or expand your next direct marketing campaign. Use the ZIP Code or area code & prefix listings created by this program to acquire prospect lists that focus on the geographic areas you specify.
    More Information: ZIP*Select


    QUICK*Locate      $125 - $495
    QUICK Locate


    Refer customers to your nearest sales location Use QUICK*Locate to direct customers to your nearest dealer's location quickly and easily using a ZIP Code or telephone number.
    More Information: QUICK*Locate

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    Mailing Lists Pre-Packaged CDs      
    Mailing Lists Purchase company data on CD-ROM from pre-existing packages including: State Manufacture Directories, National and Regional Directories, National Databases by Industry, Industrial Databases by Metropolitan Area, Executive Databases by Job Function and International Directories.
    More Information: Mailing Lists Pre-Packaged CDs


    Mailing Lists Custom Search      
    Mailing Lists Custom Search Enter a custom criteria, download data immediately to any PC or Mac, by State, by Industry and by Company Size.
    More Information: Mailing Lists Custom Search

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    Data Quality COM Objects Suite      Starting at $2900
    Quality COM Objects Suite Now you can add powerful address and telephone lookup and verification routines to your custom applications -- including your Web site! Data Quality Components are easy to use and the most efficient, cost-effective way for you to achieve clean data.

    Use the built-in power of Data Quality Components to quickly and efficiently generate clean, updated address and telephone information. Three objects combine resources to validate, standardize, and enhance your contact data: Address Object; Phone Object; and Name Object.
    More Information: Data Quality COM Objects Suite


    Canadian Address Object      $1750
    Increase the accuracy of your Canadian addresses and reduce undeliverables. Use this COM object with your custom PC and Web applications to validate, correct and standardize Canadian addresses and qualify your mailings to meet Canada Post requirements.
    More Information: Canadian Address Object


    Canadian Postal*Data      $150
    Link Canadian postal codes to valuable geographic data to increase deliverability and response rates. Use this new database with your custom programs to validate, correct and standardize Canadian addresses and qualify mailings to meet Canada Post requirements.
    More Information: Canadian Postal*Data


    StyleList      $395 - $695
    Improve response by making mail look more "personal"!

    21ST & ST LOUIS ST
    S SF CA 95080
    D.J. McHue, Jr. Ph.D.
    General Manager
    General Motors Corporation
    21st & St. Louis Street
    South San Francisco, CA 95080

    StyleList is the perfect program to use when you work with outside lists or a download of names from a mainframe. Labels, envelopes, letters - anything that you address - will be more personal, more readable and much more likely to be opened.
    More Information: StyleList



    FONE*Data      $150 - $395


    FONE*Data is 5 megabytes of up-to-date Area Code and Prefix information for your PC, mini or mainframe computer. This is exactly what you need to relate Area Code, Prefix, City, State, County, Time Zone and Latitude and Longitude coordinates.
    More Information: FONE*Data


    GEO*Data      $1990


    Create your own dynamic duo using your custom program and the raw data in GEO*Data. Link geographic and demographic information to the records in your list-down to the ZIP+4 level.
    More Information: GEO*Data


    ZIP*Data      $150 - $395
    Zip Data


    ZIP*Data contains a unique combination of geographic and ZIP Code information. You get ZIP Codes, latitude and longitude coordinates, area codes, and delivery statistics. Plus you get the number of persons per household at the county level, county areas in square miles, and county seat names and elevations.
    More Information: Zip Data


    ZIP*Data Jr      $295
    Zip Data jr


    ZIP*Data*Jr. is a nationwide, 5-digit ZIP Code database that takes up only 3 MB of space on your hard drive. Each record contains the ZIP Code, Area Code, Official City Name, ZIP Code type, and County FIPS Code.

    ZIP*Data*Jr. is a single ASCII fixed-length file with approximately 43,000 records. All data records can be indexed on ZIP Code, State, City, County, or any combination of the fields.
    More Information: Zip Data Jr.

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    DoubleTake III / API    $3495/3995
    Double Take


    Imagine being able to merge and/or purge files in different software formats (Xbase, ASCII, Paradox) with different name, address and city/state/ZIP structures. No changing structures! No importing! You can do it all with Double Take!
    • Merge different file formats directly
    • Find more duplicates faster
    • Merge-purge at average speed of 500,000 records per hour

    More Information: Double Take


    EasyStreet      $1200 - $4000
    EasyStreet Carrier Route and Demographic Mapping Software
    • Easily target mailings by carrier routes
    • Uncover detailed Census demographics
    • Produce your own carrier route maps
    • Learn in under 30 minutes
    Finally, a mapping program that's both powerful and easy to use! With EasyStreet, you'll get useful results within 30 minutes of opening the box... guaranteed!
    More Information: EasyStreet



    Personator 3      $395


    Humanize your mail and boost inquiries!

    Personator can split names and determine gender, even if both the first and last names are in the same field. Use it to separate name field components into easy-to-identify fields. Personator works with full name, inverse name, first name, and last name fields.

    Personator is designed to recognize multiple name parts like "Mr. and Mrs." or "McHill" and split combined city and state/ZIP fields into separate components. Personator makes quick work of the difficult and very time consuming job of parsing data.
    More Information: Personator


    RightFielder      $445 - $695


    Right Fielder is a stand-alone tool that gives you the control and flexibility to transform messy data into correctly fielded information. When field data is not formatted uniformly, it cannot be purged of duplicates, presorted or ZIP+4 coded.

    Use Right Fielder to convert different kinds of print-image or text files into a legitimate database, where each label becomes a set of fields in a single record.
    More Information: Right Fielder


    Market With Postcards      $149
    The quickest, easiest, and least-expensive way to promote almost any business is simple: direct mail postcards.Postcard marketing is cheap -- mail a new postcard to clients and prospects every 30 days for $3 a year! Where else can you stay in cordial contact with your prospects and clients for less than 25 cents per month? Whether you want to generate leads, close sales, encourage non-customers to give you a try, or convince existing ones to buy more, a regular campaign of mailing postcards can help. Most marketers claim they see a return on investment of at least $10.00 for every dollar invested.
    More Information: Market With Postcards

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