MAILERS+4 can parse name, address, and city-state-ZIP fields into separate fields. It parses a full-name field into prefix, first middle, last and suffix fields. The gender of the first name can be indicated in a separate field - "M" for male, "F" for female, and "N" for neutral (Chris, Dale, etc.). MAILERS+4 can also parse an address field into number, pre-direction, street name, post-direction and suffix fields. The program can separate the Suite field into suite name and number. Separate a combined City-State-ZIP field into individual city, state, and ZIP fields. Mailers Add-on ProductsReturn to MAILERS+4 Main Page MAILERS+4 Price List and Order Form Search HALLoGRAM || Request More Information CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-340-3404 |
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