Control System Professional

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The First Comprehensive Environment with Integrated Symbolic Capability!

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Design, analyze, and simulate with Control System Professional. This robust environment is unique in that it puts both symbolic and numeric capabilities at your fingertips. Use analytical solutions to study relationships between design elements and gain added insight into complex composite systems, and use numerical solutions for plotting and testing.

Control System Professional handles linear MIMO (multi-input, multi-output) systems as well as SISO (single-input, single-output) systems in both time and frequency domains. Use it to analyze both state-space and transfer-function models of continuous-time (analog) and discrete-time (sampled) systems and freely convert between the types of models and the domains.

Control System Professional's built-in time-domain response functions make it easy to test your system to investigate step, impulse, and ramp responses, as well as simulate responses to any other input signal of your choice. The system's frequency response tools help you examine the stability of your system and make the necessary design decisions to meet your specifications. Or to reduce the complexity for MIMO systems, you can have Control System Professional generate singular value plots.

Given system topology and descriptions of the blocks, you have in Control System Professional all the tools you need to construct an arbitrary composite system. Cascade a set of systems, construct parallel interconnections of subsystems, close output and state feedback, and build even more intricate interconnections. Many other system manipulations, such as selecting or deleting subparts, can also be made with a single command.

Use Control System Professional to reveal system characteristics when you find and convert between different realizations, including Kalman, Jordan, balanced, and other forms. Then implement any of a variety of techniques to quickly reduce the order of your models.

To correct the behavior of your control systems in a desired direction, a broad selection of feedback design tools is provided, including traditional and robust pole assignment algorithms as well as linear-quadratic optimal control tools.

In addition to linear system analysis, Control System Professional provides several linearization techniques that allow you to study the dynamics of nonlinear systems, and in many cases generate suitable approximations.

Control System Professional is widely applied in control engineering, mechanical engineering, aerodynamics, satellite instrumentation, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, power electronics, hard drive manufacturing, communications, mobile communications, life sciences, biomedical engineering, pharmaceutics, pathology, business and finance, econometrics, mathematical sciences, physical sciences, geophysics, computer sciences, and process control.


Time-Domain Response Analyses

  • Provides symbolic analysis capabilities for solving state equations
  • Simulates system behavior numerically
  • Examples include step, impulse, and ramp response functions

Collection of Classical Methods

  • Frequency response plotting routines handle arbitrary transfer functions and rational polynomial transfer functions
  • Generates Bode, Nyquist, and Nichols plots
  • Singular value plot reduces complexity for MIMO systems
  • Plots and animates the root loci, providing information on their direction and evolution

Wide Range of System Interconnections

  • Elementary interconnections include serial (cascade), parallel, and feedback interconnections
  • Constructs arbitrary complex composite systems from building blocks

Controllability and Observability

  • Determines and computes controllability and observability
  • Computes the controllability and observability matrices and Gramians
  • Solves the continuous and discrete matrix Lyapunov equations
  • Computes the dual to the input system

Realizations Construction and Conversion

  • Selects controllable and observable subsystems; finds the minimal realizations
  • Computes the Kalman and Jordan canonical forms
  • Constructs internally balanced realizations
  • Cancels common zero-pole pairs in transfer functions
  • Converts between equivalent realizations with similarity transforms

Feedback Control Systems Design

  • Using Ackermann's formula or the robust algorithm, computes the feedback for the eigenvalue assignment
  • Finds the estimator for state reconstruction

Optimal Control Systems Design

  • Designs the optimal feedback for linear system and quadratic cost functions (i.e., solves continuous and discrete linear-quadratic optimal control problems)
  • Finds the optimal solution to the output regulator problem
  • Solves the continuous and discrete algebraic Riccati equations
  • Finds the discrete equivalent to the continuous regulator
  • Finds the Kalman estimator and filter for stochastic systems

Nonlinear Control Systems

  • Provides a linearization tool for constructing linear models of nonlinear systems
  • Makes rational polynomial approximations of nonlinear systems

System Requirements:
Control System Professional requires Mathematica 2.2 or later and is available for Windows 95/98/NT, Macintosh, and most Unix platforms.
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Control System Professional...$995

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