Dynamic Visualizer | |
3D Graphics in Real Time!Graphically simulate systems that range from simple harmonic motion and chaotic behavior to planetary systems with Dynamic Visualizer, a powerful and exciting real-time viewing extension to Mathematica. Using revolutionary new algorithms in software rendering, Dynamic Visualizer allows you to create three-dimensional graphics previously available only on expensive specialized workstations. All transformations can be programmed or performed interactively. Using Mathematica's MathLink protocol, objects created in Mathematica are displayed in Dynamic Visualizer where they can be scaled, rotated, and textured. Dynamic Visualizer works with all standard Mathematica graphics commands such as ParametricPlot3D, Plot3D, and Graphics3D. With both still and animated texture mapping available, you can map textures created in Mathematica onto objects in Dynamic Visualizer. Objects can be rendered as wire frames or as flat or smooth Gouraud shade. For even more realistic rendering, Dynamic Visualizer allows you to adjust the ambient lighting, diffuse and spectral reflectivity, and transparency of an object in real time. Dynamic Visualizer documents and supports its own simple ASCII file format. FeaturesObject Transformations
Lighting Properties
Surface Rendering
Sample ImageSurfaces colored by curvature in Dynamic Visualizer System Requirements: Search HALLoGRAM || Request More Information CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-340-3404 |
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