Data Recovery is a network loadable module utility tool that protects your valuable data
Easy CD Creator - world's leading CD recording software for Windows.
LONE-TAR is a fully menu driven, data archiving and recovery utility
NetBackup for desktop, mobile laptop & enterprise data protection
Nova Net-WEB is a comprehensive online backup tool
NovaBACKUP -- virus protected backup & disaster recovery encryption for secure backups
NovaNET Alliance is the total network backup solution
Novator Open File Manager - it will leave you feeling safe and protected
Open File Manager prevents skipped or corrupt open files during backup
PowerSync WS for Windows 95/NT creates backup files for Desktop or Laptop computers.
Retrospect - reliable backup for your workstation and server
TapeCopy - Backing up your backup
Toast - create, organize, share and store all of your digital content on CDs or DVDs.
UBackupPro -- professional backup to your Delphi apps
Veritas Storage Migrator improves system backup performance and releases disk space for application usage