File Access Components

bullet new AddFlow for .NET is a .NET Windows Forms Custom Control

bullet Aegis Client Management is a full client management system

bullet Catalyst File Transfer provides a single interface for sending and receiving files

bullet CompareFilesX adds Compare Files and/or Compare Directories feature to your applications

bullet HFlow - perform a hierarchical layout on a graph

bullet HFlow for .NET - Perform a hierarchical layout on your AddFlow graphs

bullet InaFileConverter extracts formatted data from a wide variety of document types.

bullet InterAccess Companion - a client side software

bullet InterAccess Terminal Server - complete server for Windows NT

bullet JClass DataSource - Powerful Tool For Data Access

bullet JClass DesktopViews - is a comprehensive collection of client-side Java components

bullet JClass ServerViews - High-performance Java components

bullet KEA! X Suite -- X Window TCP/IP access

bullet NetOp offers the speed you need to remote control your Windows PCs

bullet Novell intraNetWare - share files and printing between intraNetWare and UNIX

bullet OfficeHtmlFilter - View Office documents easily through your Web browser

bullet RptView lets you view, print, & extract information from reports generated on other systems

bullet SFlow - perform a symmetric layout on a graph

bullet SFlow for .NET - Perform a "force-directed" symmetric layout on your AddFlow graphs

bullet Sale SoftArtisans FileUp File Transfer Solution - On Sale

bullet TFlow - perform a tree layout on a graph

bullet TFlow for .NET - Perform a tree layout on your AddFlow graphs

bullet WPDF - the PDF creation tool for Delphi and C++Builder

bullet Windows NT Telnet Server -- designed and built for industrial and commercial applications


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