Text Word Processing Tools

bullet ALLText is a fully formattable text box for Access, Visual Basic and Foxpro

bullet ActiveConverter is a component suitable for dynamic inter-conversion of documents.

bullet AskSam Web Publisher allows you to create and publish documents and databases on the Internet

bullet EasyPDF COM - Programmatically access creation of PDF files compatible with Adobe Acrobat and Reader.

bullet Final Draft - Professional Screenwriting Software

bullet Microsoft Word makes writing easier than ever

bullet PEERNET File Conversion Center - Convert documents and more into quality images or PDF files.

bullet Scientific Word is a word processing and typesetting system

bullet Scientific WorkPlace -- the convergence of math word processing, typesetting and computer algebra

bullet TF Easy Letters and TF Organizer make writing letters and getting organized easy

bullet Sale TX Text Control ActiveX/.Net Text Integration Tool -On Sale

bullet TextAnalyst will help you summarize, navigate, and cluster documents in your textbase.

bullet Total Access Memo -- Add RTF Memo Fields to Forms and Reports

bullet WPTools -- Native Delphi VCL for Formatted Text

bullet WordBASE/WordSPELL the Clipper word processor and spell checker


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