ComponentOne Chart | ||||||||
ComponentOne Chart: High Performance Graphing PowerComponentOne Chart helps you easily create 2D and 3D charts in minutes and distribute them royalty-free. With ComponentOne Chart you can choose from a wide variety of chart types, and get all the robust, time-saving, easy-to-use features you expect, such as data binding to any data source, often without writing a line of code; built-in zooming, scaling, and rotating; and intelligent update for fast, real-time charting and tracking. We also include more than 60 demos with source code and 30 sample code files!ComponentOne Chart includes 2D and 3D Unicode controls for the best National Language Support available; localization of DLL satellites so you can substitute your own error messages and property pages based upon locale; alarm zones; and more!
ComponentOne Chart Features and Benefits ComponentOne Chart is now part of the ComponentOne Studio Enterprise Order ComponentOne Studio Enterprise Search HALLoGRAM || Request More Information CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-340-3404 |
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