Opttech Sort for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
- Version 2002b, More Powerful than ever!
- Full featured high performance utility program.
- Full range of Sorting, Selecting, and new features.
- Can be used as a standalone utility (new Graphical User Interface with online manual).
- Call as a subroutine to your programs as a DLL.
- File Size Greater than 4 gigabytes supported.
- Interfaces with Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi and many more.
- Free Unlimited Technical Support
Opttech Sort for Linux
- Version 2002b, More Powerful than ever!
- Full featured high performance utility program.
- Full range of Sorting, Selecting, and new features.
- Unlimited File Sizes: Greater than 4 gigabytes supported.
- Can be used as a standalone utility or callable from your programs.
- Object module provided for linking.
- Sample C Programs and full manual provided.
- Free Unlimited Technical Support
Opttech Sort for DOS
Written in assembly language for high performance and ease of calling from other languages.
- Use as a stand-alone routine (EXE) or call as a subroutine (OBJ) to many programming languages.
Many sample programs provided.
- Unlimited file size and multiple keys supported.
- Free Unlimited Technical Support
- DOS 5.0 (or above)
Opttech Sort C Source Code
- Version 2002bMore Powerful than ever!
- Compatible with most all C compilers and hardware platforms. i.e. SUN, IBM, AIX, RISC etc.
- Full range of Sorting, Selecting and other features.
- Unlimited file sizes including 4 GB+ and multiple keys supported.
- Normally distributed on a 3 1/2" MS-DOS (i.e. PC formatted diskette) with printed manual.
- Free Unlimited Technical Support
Opttech Sort Features/Specifications
Opttech Sort is the high performance Sort / Merge / Select utility. Opttech Sort can process files of
any size. A wide variety of file types and data types are supported. It can be used as a stand-alone
command, or called as a subroutine from most programming languages. Opttech Sort includes many advanced
features (sorting, selecting, reformatting, duplicate elimination and more) to make your work easier!
Whether you need to sort 100 or 100,000,000 records (or more), Opttech Sort is the fastest,
most flexible program available. For twenty years, thousands of programmers and non-programmers
rely on Opttech Sort to increase their productivity and so can you!
- For high performance, Opttech Sort is written in C for Windows and other operating
systems and written in assembly language for DOS.
- Very efficient algorithms are used for sorting and Input/Output.
- Opttech Sort can allocate memory dynamically. This allows efficient processing when large or
small amounts of memory are available.
- If Opttech Sort cannot process your input data in memory it will automatically use temporary
files on disk and erase them when it is done.
- Sample Opttech Sort timings for sorting and
selecting are shown later in this information.
Multiple sort fields can be specified. Many file and data types are supported.
Record Selection
- Records can be Included or Omitted from the output file based upon criteria you specify.
- Record selection provides comparisons on up to 100 fields. Operators such as,
"Equal To", "Greater Than" "Contains" and, "AND"/"OR" are supported. Conditions can be nested to any
level. Example: It would be easy to select records from a mailing list file that were within a zip code range.
- Many facilities are available for processing records with duplicate fields.
Features include: outputting only one record of each key value; outputting all records
with non-unique keys; counting duplicates and more.
- You can specify a starting and/or ending record number to process only part of your file.
Reformatting & Summing
- You can change the structure of the records written to the output file.
- Numeric Fields can be summed on records with duplicate keys.
Ease of Use
Opttech Sort is designed to be very easy to use!
When using Stand-Alone:
- Opttech Sort can be easily used directly from the GUI or keyboard.
- Filenames and control specifications can be entered on the command line to
prevent prompting or saved as an Opttech Sort Control File from the GUI.
- Opttech Sort is easily used from within the DOS Batch Command Facility (BAT)
and similar facilities or through Batch Processing Options from the GUI.
- Full Windows Online Help is included and additionally, information is provided when you
respond to any prompt with a "?".
- Error messages produced by Opttech Sort are displayed in "plain English."
- Opttech Sort sets the DOS Errorlevel value for batch file control.
- A sample stand-alone session is shown later in this information.
When calling as a subroutine:
- Opttech Sort is invoked via a Call statement (or the equivalent).
- If an error occurs, a status-code is returned to your program indicating the cause of the error.
- The number of records output is also returned to your program for evaluation and controls.
- Opttech Sort is currently callable from:*
- BASIC - Microsoft Quick BASIC, Microsoft BASIC 6, 7, 7.1 etc., Power BASIC, Turbo Basic,
Visual Basic, VB .NET.
- C - Borland C++, Microsoft C, Microsoft Visual C++, Quick C, Turbo C, Zortech C
- Cobol - Microfocus Cobol, Microsoft Cobol, Realia Cobol
- FORTRAN � Digital Visual Fortran, Lahey (Personal, F77L, F77L-EM32, 90)
- PASCAL - IBM Pascal, Microsoft Pascal, Turbo Pascal for DOS and Windows.
- OTHER - dBASE, Turbo Prolog, Assembler Language
- New interfaces are being developed continuously. Please call if yours is not listed.
Language availability varies by Operating System.
- Opttech Sort is usually Called to process files, but individual records can also be passed.
- Any number of records can be processed. There is no limit imposed by Opttech Sort.
The largest file you can sort is determined by your free disk space.
- Any number of input files can be specified. Input files can be opened
in "Shared" modes for use on network systems.
- Opttech Sort supports the following filetypes:
- Text files- (ASCII, EBCDIC) fixed or variable length records with any record delimiters
- Any fixed length record file
- Btrieve� files (DOS)
- Microsoft/Microfocus Cobol files, including Indexed
- dBASE and other database files
- IBM and Lahey Fortran files
- Mainframe and other variable length formats
- Delimited fields (comma, etc.)
- Many other file structures also supported
- Sort control specifications have a simple format and can be contained in a file,
typed in at the keyboard or passed as a parameter.
- Up to 100 Sort/Merge control fields can be requested. Control fields are specified
by their starting position and length or relative field number. They can be different
data types, and Ascending or Descending sequence can be requested for each control field.
- Data types supported include:
- Alpha (Lower-case sorted like Upper-case)
- Alternate collating sequences (make your own)
- Binary (mainframe format high-low)
- Borland Turbo Pascal Reals
- Character (ASCII or EBCDIC)
- Column Binary
- Currency
- Date and Time (many formats)
- Decimal Floating Point
- IEEE Floating Point (4 or 8 byte)
- Integer (Intel format low-high)
- IP Address
- Microsoft Floating Point
- Numeric ASCII
- Packed Decimal
- Trailing sign ASCII
- Zoned Decimal
- Full pathnames are supported.
- Options are available for bypassing file header data.
- The output file written by Opttech Sort will normally contain the "full records"
that were in the input file. Output data can be reformatted to contain a subset of your
fields and other data.
- Data can be reformatted on output, including: repositioning fields, insertion of literal
fields, record numbers, hex data, CR/LF delimiters etc.
- Fixed and floating point binary data can be converted to ASCII in a variety of formats.
- Variable length records and fields can be converted to fixed length.
- The order of equal key records from your input file is preserved.
- Sorted data can be written over input data.
- The number of output records is displayed on the screen or returned to your program.
- Opttech Sort is compatible with network systems. Opttech Sort is supplied on a CD.
- Opttech Sort is not copy protected.
- The Sort manual consists of approximately 70 pages of clearly written material and examples.
Sample programs are included for each language.
- Upgrades of Opttech Sort (when available) are offered to all registered users.
- Excellent technical phone support is provided.
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