Flow Text along Paths
- Key in your Text and get automatically clipping path out of any Type I / TrueType (Mac) or TrueType (Windows) font.
- Get distorted Text and flow it along any Paths you create, including curves! Flip your text invert the flow
direction, change size independently in X or Y direction, adjust the angle of any character along the path.
- Adjust the kerning along your paths in between characters.
Warp Text or objects in envelopes
- Warp your Paths or Titles inside custom Envelopes, OttoPath comes with a library of 50 envelopes.
Create your own in a snap.
- Get precise warping on top of any Grayscale, RGB or CMYK image. OttoPaths includes a zoom, pan and
navigator window controls for fast and easy move around images.
Multiple tools to create geometrical objects
- Create clip-paths with the PolyCurve tool. It is simple and fast to create Bezier curves with the PolyCurve
tool. PolyCurve is an intelligent Bezier pen, which computes automatically all the tangent points for you.
- Distort Text or Paths in Perspective/Resize/Rotate.. on top of your image
- Adjust any construction point of your text or title for wild effects!
- Create Stars, Polygons with adjustable thickness manually or via keyboard
- Create Rectangle with rounded corners, adjustable thickness manually or via keyboard.
- Create Ellipses or Circles with adjustable thickness and radius manually or via keyboard.
- Create Automatically Tables with multiple frames.
- Step and Repeat (Linear, Radial, Angular) one or multiple paths... for advanced geometrical construction.
- Move, Rotate, Resize, Flip, put your paths or texts in perspective...
- Save/Recall any paths (or Illustrator 88 format - Mac only)
- Exchange your paths with Textissimo
- OttoPaths is Actions savvy within Photoshop 4
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