
Advanced Password Module

The advanced password module allows an unlimited number of user name and pasword combinations to control access rights (delete, enter, edit, view only or no access) to each pc/MRP module.

Infinite Bucket Module

pc/MRP's Infinite Bucket Module allows the user to generate an mrp, print out action item (buy, issue, make) reports along with push pull, excess inventory and pre-shorated reports.

Engineering Change Module

The Engineering Change Notice (ECN) Module creates, edits, and prints out ECN's and ECN Reports. In addition it will also print out ECN reports notify purchasing of which POs with part numbers that are effected by ECNs issued in the last 30 days.

Sales Quote Module

pc/MRP's new Sales Quote Module creates, edits, and prints out sales quotes. In addition, it will automatically convert sales quotes to sales orders if you receive the order.

Sales Analysis Module

Sales Analysis contains several programs that will analyze sales history and set stocking and ordering requirements. The Sales Trends Reports can be used to spot sales trends over four user-defined time periods, subtotaled by part number, vendor or customer. The Book To Bill Reports can analyze book to bill ratios and goals by customer and territory (DOS version only). The Estimated Usage and Min Quantity Reports automatically fill in each parts usage and minimum quantity fields based on prior sales. The Consolidated BOM Reports consolidate parts within various levels of a BOM and print out the consolidated quantity for each part. Multiple BOMs can be consolidated together and printed spread sheet style to analyze the purchasing requirements as a whole.

Routing Module

pc/MRP's Routing Module contains the following features:

  • Up to 25 user definable work area.
  • Issuing parts to manufacturing for a sales/work order automatically creates routing record.
  • Moving product into the finished goods area automatically increments the onhand quantity of finished goods and decrements.

Barcode Module

PBCPLUS from Plus Software Products generates barcoded labels and inventory sheets using pc/MRP's database files. BCPLUS works with dot-matrix, laser jet, and thermal barcode printers.

Serial/Lot Number Module

pc/MRP's optional Serial/Lot Number module will track and store serial/lot numbers. Entering receivers or building and assembly will allow you to assign serial/lot numbers. Issuing to mfg or invoicing will allow you to select from a list of serial/lot numbers for that part.

Serial/Lot Number Module

pc/MRP's optional Serial/Lot Number module will track and store serial/lot numbers. Entering receivers or building and assembly will allow you to assign serial/lot numbers. Issuing to mfg or invoicing will allow you to select from a list of serial/lot numbers for that part.

Inspection Module

pc/MRP's Inspection Module allows users to:

  • Create global inspection requirements for all inspection records.
  • Use pc/MRP's Inventory module to create inspection requirements for specific part numbers and assemblies by editing the part number and clicking on the Inspection Criteria.
  • Manually enter a new inspection record by slecting the New Inspcetion Record option.
  • view, eidt and print inspection records.
  • Print and or display inspection reports

Purchase Request for a Quote Module

The Purchase/Quote Module creates, edits, and prints out purchase requests and purchase requests for quotes from a vendor. Purchase request can be automatically converted into purchase orders.

Alternate Currency Module

The Alternate Currency module allows users to view costs and selling prices in an infinite number of alternate currencies. It adds the option to print out quotes, sales orders, purchase orders and invoices in both the base currency and alternate currency.

Customer Bulk E-Mailer

This optional module utilizes the address book to allow users to send news letters, advertisements, or other types of documents in bulk to specific address types. (Customers, Vendors, Employees).

QuickBooks Export

This optional module allows users to routinely export AP, AR, inventory, and address data out of pc/MRP and import into U.S. QuickBooks versions 2003, 2004 Pro and above. For pc/MRP versions 7.70 and above.

User Task Manager & Tickler

This optional module allows users to manage individual tasks, project tasks, or just used as a tickler file. You can assign and monitor all tasks. For pc/MRP versions 8.10 and above

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Standard Modules
pc/MRP Additional Features

pc/MRP is an integrated Windows package. You must have a 386 or higher with at least 8MB RAM, running Windows 3.x or higher.

Order pc/MRP
Large Business (up to 1 billion part numbers) Single User ON SALE $730.00
Large Business (up to 1 billion part numbers) Multi-User $2495.00
Additional Modules
Advanced Password for Windows $300.00
Infinite Bucket MRP Module $390.00
Engineering Change Module $300.00
Sales Quote Module $300.00
Sales Analysis Module $300.00
Routing Module $300.00
Barcode Module $149.00
Audit Trail Module $300.00
Serial/Lot Number Module $300.00
Employee Time Tracking Module $300.00
Inspection Module $300.00
Purchase Request for Quote Module $300.00
Alternate Currency Module $300.00
Customer Bulk E-Mailer $300.00
QuickBooks Export $390.00
User Task Manager & Tickler $300.00

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