

ProEssentials is a combination of five charting components:

  1. Graph Object
  2. Scientific Graph Object
  3. 3D Scientific Graph Object
  4. Polar / Smith / Rose Object
  5. Pie Chart Object

Delivering over 1000 features via each of the following interfaces:

  1. .NET (WinForm)
  2. ASP.NET (WebForm)
  3. ActiveX
  4. DLL
  5. VCL


ProEssentials is highly accepted as the leading charting tool for engineering, manufacturing, financial, and handling larger data-sets due to ProEssentials' superior speed, quantity of features, and attention to rendering and end-user detail.

ProEssentials v5 is compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 and 2002, Visual Studio 6.0, and Delphi/Builder.

This product is much like a subscription and delivers the latest ActiveX, .NET (Windows Forms), ASP.NET (Web Forms), DLL, and VCL interfaces, new releases, updates, improvements, and phone/email/online support. So when you purchase ProEssentials, you will get access to all updates and upgrades until we stop supporting changes/improvements (improvements are included until the next major release and updates for 3 years after the release of the next major version.) Free phone, e-mail and online technical support. That�s right, simple support is included for 2 years after the next major release.

ProEssentials is easy to distribute with a no-hassle generous distribution license. Client side development is royalty free. For web development, the ProEssentials product allows for placing ProEssentials� redistributables on one production server, one test server, and one development server.

You won't find other charting components that offers this level of performance, value, flexibility and service. ProEssentials is the only way to propel your project past generic charts to a level of attentive data visualization. No other charting tool can offer the robust product feature-set that you'll find in ProEssentials. Combined with its large quantity of features, the product maximizes speed while maintaining high visual quality (for example, no overlapping text.)

Electronic documentation is available as well as locally on your development system. Chapter 1 is the ultimate product overview that will bridge the gap between this content and the actual programming reference. Walk-Throughs get you started in areas of WinForm development, WebForm development, VB6 ActiveX development, ASP ActiveX development, Win32 DLL development, and VCL Delphi development. There are plenty of examples showing how features are used in conjunction to produce highly interactive and quality data visualization.

ProEssentials v5 has impressive logic. You'll note gradient bars and drop-shadow effects behind everything, including all text. You can print, maximize, and export images and data right within the browser.

ProEssentials Version 5's Pie Chart control has been improved (again) and now offers three algorithms to prevent text from overlapping. Our Pie Chart now holds some of our most complex logic producing intelligent label placement as close to the slice as possible while utilizing control real-estate perfectly. Honestly, no other Pie Chart even comes close to this quality and attention to detail.

Open-High-Low-Close and Candle-Stick features have also been completely rewritten to produce the highest quality output independent of the quantity of data and size of chart.

ProEssentials comes in three strengths, Pro, Standard, and Lite.

The Standard and Lite versions have all the features and interfaces as our Pro version. All versions include WinForm, WebForm, ActiveX, VCL, and DLL interfaces. All versions include 1000 plus properties, methods, and events. The only difference between the Standard and Lite is the quantity of data points and annotations that can be rendered.

The Standard version is limited to 8000 data points and 800 annotations.

The Lite version is limited to 1000 data points and 100 annotations. This limit is per instance of a control. You can have multiple controls running and each with the above limitation.

For example, 8000 data points could represent a 3D surface plot with 88 rows by 88 columns producing 7744 polygons. Or, a Scientific Graph can have 4 axes, with one subset per axis, each axis/subset plotting 2000 points for a total of 8000 data points.

(Number of Subsets) times (Number of Points-per-Subset) <= 8000 or 1000

The Pro version is unlimited data points and annotations, and includes unlimited technical support. We will offer unlimited support on Lite and Standard versions unless support demands significantly increase for these versions. At which point we may charge a support fee for the Lite and Standard versions.

ProEssentials Lite
(1000 data points & 100 annotations)...............$649
ProEssentials Standard
(8000 data points a& 800 annotations)..............$1299
ProEssentials Pro
(unlimited data points & annotations)................$2399

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