
Convert ordinary forms into visual treats. Reform includes an editor that will help enhance forms with graphics, barcodes, line objects, colors, fonts, etc. The interface is seamless with any accounting-oriented system by using the included capture and driver utilities. Reform can also automate printing, faxing and e-mail delivery. You'll never have to type in destination information again.

  • What does it solve? The link between general printing and automated printer distribution.
  • Why is it needed? Automatically send forms without filling out information on every print.
  • Who uses it? Any company that prints using a formatted output. Every company has a use for it.
  • What would they do without it? They would waste valuable time fixing printer jams, filling out and hand-feeding faxes, etc.


  • Form Editor
    • Create and customize forms
    • Logos, shapes and form information have been added using an easy drop and click method; once a format is completed, it is saved and shouldn't have to be edited again.
    • Place information in the Design Layer the way you would like the outputted information to look; add data, text, graphics, shapes, and change font sizes, etc.
  • Multi-Part Forms
    • Eliminates paper jams
    • No more running out of forms
    • Eliminates tarring track feeds from forms
    • You won't have to deliver forms to the proper locations
    • No more manually fed faxes
    • Enhances and automates your paper flow automatically
    • Uses any devices such as laser, inkjets, dot matrix, fax, e-mail, etc.
    • Captures the output job from your application form system (accounting system, etc.)
  • Labels Forms -- Fits most label types
  • Barcoding Labels
    • Any printer that uses graphics capabilities will work (e.g., dot matrix, ink jets, bubble jets, lasers, etc.)
    • Product barcode inventory list using Avery labels
  • Redirecting the Form Output
    • DOS Reform uses Windows printer devices
    • Each DOS Reform format can have one device (e.g., printer, fax, e-mail, etc); multiple devices can be used with the Form Link function
    • Formatted information can be sent to the device automatically.
  • Faxing and Automated Faxing
    • DOS Reform can send the forms to any Windows based fax system and can be set up in five easy steps:
      1. Make the interface to your application
      2. Use Reform Editor to create a pre-defined format
      3. Drop the special fax fields from the Text Layer on the text to capture
      4. Select the fax driver in our page setup
      5. Select the fax driver in script setup and enabled automatic
  • Two Types of Fax Interfaces
    1. DDE link (dynamic date interchange); the following are recommended by FABSoft:
      • FACSys by OPTUS
      • RightFAX
      • Winfax by Delrina
      • ZETAfAX by Equisys
    2. Built-in macro system
      • Define how information gets entered in the fax information popup window
      • Not as seamless as DDE link because the user will see the fax information popup window and the information will be automatically typed in by Reform
      • This method is not recommended for large batch faxing jobs (i.e., sending 100 invoices to 80 different customers)
  • Archiving System
    • Two main screens for retrieving archived information
      1. The first screen allows you to enter one key value to obtain the required information such as purchase order number; once the information is obtained, it can be directed to any Reform output selection
      2. The Query Print menu allows you to obtain multiple transactions (i.e., customer requested all invoices that was sent out in April); as long as the customer's name was one of the captured key field, all the customer's transactions can be pulled up and sent out using any of Reform's output devices
    • The archive databases are maintained in Paradox format and can be retrieved from external programs
  • Linked Graphics -- Graphics can be linked to a word or sentence in the Text Layer
  • Unique Layout -- Allows users to define pages in their output so that structure is constant in each page
  • Ability to print to a Postscript printer
  • Printing from DOS -- Reform comes with a utility program TSR or memory residence program called Capture, designed specifically for Reform. Capture will capture all print jobs directed to the designated LPT port and direct them to a spooler directory creating unique file in which Reform monitor for a specific print job

Standard Features Includes:
Printing General , Graphics & Imaging Linking, Manual Faxing, Printer Bin Control, Graphical Form Designer, Processing Spooler Engine, Windows Font Selection, Security Editing & Printing, Rich Paragraph

Enterprise Features Includes All the Standard Features Plus:
Automated & bulk Faxing, Cross Reference Database, MICR Check printing, Duplex Printing (double sided), E-mail (SMTP & MAPI), Archiving, Bar-coding - 3 of 9, 128, UPC, EAN, PostNet, Form Linking

System RequirementsMinimum Operating system: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
Computer: Pentium 166
Computer Memory: 32 MB

Recommended Operating system: Windows 2000 Workstation or Server
Computer: Pentium III
Computer Memory: 128 MB

Reform Reform Standard........$695.00

Reform Reform Enterprise..... Call 303-340-3404 for pricing

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