.rpt Inspector

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Multiple Report Changes Are A Snap

Try .rpt Inspector�, the time saving add-on for use with Crystal Reports�. .rpt Inspector� is the ground-breaking tool that edits and enhances your countless Crystal Reports�. Have you ever been frustrated by the time it takes to make changes across multiple reports? Have you ever been discouraged by the tedium of actually making those changes or been aggravated because you could not find the report detail you needed, quickly and easily. Put the pieces together and solve the reports editing puzzle with .rpt Inspector�.

You already know that Crystal Reports� is the premier tool for creating and generating clear, concise, attractive reports. One of Crystal�s best features is the ability to take one report and customize it to address additional user needs without spending the time to recreate the report from scratch. This is a time saver for Crystal Reports� users but can lead to an explosion in the numbers of reports an organization produces. Every �save as� is a new report and adds to the potential for an editing dilemma. Ever try to find a specific property in every report that it is part of? It can take hours or even days to locate all the pieces of this puzzle, let alone changing each piece in every affected report.

Change text, formulas, parameters, set location, convert driver, verify database, fonts, colors, printers, and more to multiple reports at the same Easy to use!

.rpt Inspector� Is Easy To Use

With .rpt Inspector�s� intuitive interface you are empowered with the ability to access and make precise changes to multiple reports in minutes. Open reports to view and make changes to:

  • Alerts
  • Fonts
  • Parameters
  • Printer Settings
  • Colors
  • Report Settings
  • Formatting
  • Text
  • Sections
  • Graphs
  • Formulas
  • Conditional Formatting
  • and hundreds more
Fit the pieces together logo Armed with Crystal's customizing abilities, create as many reports and versions of reports as you need or want. Fit the pieces together with .rpt Inspector�s� unique editing features. Have the best of both worlds. Customize away, secure in the knowledge that making changes to multiple reports is quick and easy.

.rpt Inspector� takes complicated changes and makes them easy. It turns time-consuming chores into tasks that can be done in minutes. Connect the pieces to increase your productivity and effectiveness through the use of .rpt Inspector�.

"I'm just climbing into .rpt Inspector and it looks awesome! You weren't kidding about the ease of use. I'm firing away and using the power within 30 minutes. It's fast becoming an indispensable tool for me."
Shirley Richardson, Atlanta, Georgia

Change Multiple Reports

Believe this! The quest to make targeted and precise changes across multiple reports can become a reality. Use .rpt Inspector�s� technique called "Grouping" to make changes to any individual report detail across any number of reports. Make a change to a text field, like your company name, and nothing else will move or change. You are empowered to make quick, focused, and specific changes across multiple reports. .rpt Inspector�s� editing features will shave hours off your current reports editing process.

Standardize Reports

.rpt Inspector� makes it easy to standardize any section of your reports. Let�s say your legal department has changed the company disclaimer that appears in the footer section of all your reports. "Business as usual" requires you to open �each� report to update the disclaimer. With .rpt Inspector� you change all the disclaimers, in all the footers, all at the same time! Just target the disclaimer text in as many reports as you select and make the change. It's that quick and easy. Just a few painless steps. Improve productivity by targeting any of the hundreds of object properties to make specific, focused changes to any or all of your reports.

Find Report Errors

Step up and compare reports and/or single out very detailed information using .rpt Inspector�s� grouping technique. For example, a group of reports may utilize a specific formula with the same name. Several of them are giving strange data that doesn't agree with the majority. By sorting and grouping on the formula name you can now view every report using that formula and compare the formula syntax for accuracy. If an error is found it can be corrected in minutes. Use this feature to audit, debug, or find and correct errors in all your reports.

Cost Effective

.rpt Inspector� typically pays for itself the first time you use it. The price of the product runs less than the cost in time and productivity to make one small change the old way.

Maintain Accuracy

Focus on the specific properties you actually want to change and preserve the accuracy of all your reports. Never again will you accidentally move the text while selecting a change and completely disrupt a report. Stay on the path with .rpt Inspector� and change only your targeted items, never affecting any other aspect of the reports.

Export Format

  • Print any open report to see real time changes before saving.

System Requirements

  • Windows 98 (Second Edition), NT, ME, 2000, or XP
  • Intel Pentium II / AMD K6 400 MHz
  • 32 MB RAM Minimum, 128 MB RAM Recommended
  • 20 MB Minimum Hard Drive Space
  • Valid Licensed Copy of Crystal Reports� 7 or 8.x

.rpt Inspector Works With These Crystal Decisions Products

.rpt Inspector for Crystal Reports Versions 9
Single User License...............$395.00

.rpt Inspector for Crystal Reports Versions 5.x - 8.5
Single User License...............$395.00

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  • Report Writers
  • ReCrystallize Pro
  • CrystalDesk Report Scheduler Pro
  • cViewMANAGER Report Scheduler
  • cView Report Viewer
  • rePortal

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