More Than Just a Drawing App!
ChemDraw is chemical drawing software that can do a whole lot
more than just draw.
ChemDraw Ultra
This ultimate drawing suite includes ChemDraw Ultra, Chem3D Pro and ChemFinder Pro.
ChemDraw Ultra adds BioArt, an improved ChemDraw for Excel, Name=Struct, AutoNom, ChemNMR, and SDK features,
as well as the Chem3D and ChemFinder applications and the Chem3D Plugin, to ChemDraw Pro.
ChemDraw Pro
ChemDraw Pro, the most popular chemical drawing package in the world,
boosts your productivity even more with the features in this version.
Draw publication-quality structures and reactions. Publish in print using a wide
range of style templates and file formats, or on the Web using the ChemDraw
Plugin. Create precise database queries by specifying atom and bond
properties and using automatic reaction mapping. Display spectra, structures,
and annotations on the same page. Use ChemDraw's structure cleanup and
chemical intelligence to draw accurate, chemically correct structures and
reaction diagrams.
ChemDraw Standard
ChemDraw Standard is truly the Standard of desktop chemical publishing, now
with more output and drawing features than ever before. Draw chemical
reactions. Use extensive collections of pre-defined structure templates, and
take advantage of the included style templates for most chemical journals.
System Requirements:
ChemDRAW Windows
Operating System Windows 95, 98, 2000, Me, XP, Windows NT 4.0
RAM 64 Mb
Disk Space: Ultra - 70 Mb, Pro - 40 Mb, Std - 30 Mb
Processor: Intel or AMD faster than a 486
Plugin: Internet Explorer 4.0 - 6.x or Netscape 4.0 - 6.x
Other IE 3.x or greater required for Help and Online Menu
MS Office 97 or greater required for Excel and Word Add-Ins
ChemDRAW Macintosh:
System Software: MacOS 8.6-9.2.x or MacOS 10.1.x
RAM 64 Mb
Disk Space: Ultra - 55 Mb, Pro - 32 Mb, Std - 8 Mb
Processor: PowerPC, G3, G4, or compatible
Plugin: Netscape 4.0 - 4.7.x
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