ChemDraw Pro

ChemDraw Pro, the most popular chemical drawing package in the world, boosts your productivity even more with the its many features. Draw publication-quality structures and reactions. Publish in print using a wide range of style templates and file formats, or on the Web using the ChemDraw Plugin. Create precise database queries by specifying atom and bond properties and using automatic reaction mapping. Display spectra, structures, and annotations on the same page. Use ChemDraw's structure cleanup and chemical intelligence to draw accurate, chemically correct structures and reaction diagrams.

ChemDraw Pro Features

  • ChemProp- Predict BP, MP, Critical Temp., Critical P, LogP, Refractive Index, Heat of Formation, Gibbs Free Energy, and more, from any ChemDraw structure.
  • Online Menu- Draw a structure as search query and get online vendor information for purchasing from ChemACX.Com with the click of a button.
  • Stereochemistry- Identifies stereocenters using Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules
  • Chemical intelligence ChemDraw understands valence and bonding, expands and contracts groups and atom labels and provides "warnings" to users to alert them of possible unintentional actions
  • Checks for and saves Alt/R groups in MolFiles
  • Aliphatic chain tool can create long chains which turn and extend in any direction
  • Other new features include: Quadruple bonds, mouse button context menus, read SMIRKS reaction files, supports Bruker Jcamp NMR files, cross-platform skc file exchange, and MRU File menu list.

ChemDraw Pro features from prior releases

  • ISIS/Base & Draw compatible via copy/paste
  • Query major chemical databases & read all major chemical file formats
  • Define complex queries by specifying atom properties, reaction centers, substituent counts, R-groups, and substructure lists
  • Displays spectra in SPC & JCAMP formats
  • Chemical intelligence -- ChemDraw understands valence and bonding, and expands groups and atom labels
  • Improve messy structures with structure cleanup
  • Includes ChemDraw Plugin for WWW query

What's in ChemDraw Pro?

  • Spectral Display: Open and display SPC & JCAMP spectral files on a ChemDraw worksheet.
  • Output in TIFF and PNG formats for publication in ACS journals or Web publishing.
  • ChemDraw Pro Plugin: Formulate reaction queries for searching reaction databases.
  • ClipArt: Large collection of laboratory glassware drawings.

What else would I get if I order ChemDraw Ultra?

  • Name=Struct: Generate a ChemDraw structure by typing in systematic chemical names for most substances.
  • AutoNom: Beilstein's highly regarded AutoNom 2.1 program to generate
  • IUPAC-standard names from ChemDraw structures is now included with ChemDraw Ultra.
  • Spectral Data Visualization: Display 13C and 1H NMR shift prediction line spectra from a ChemDraw structure.
  • SDK: Source code and documentation for developers to integrate other applications into ChemDraw.
  • Get the latest versions of Chem3D, ChemFinder, ChemINDEX and the Chem3D Plugin


  • ChemDraw Pro
  • ChemDraw Plugin Pro
  • Chem3D Plugin Std

Go back to the ChemDraw Main Page.

System Requirements:

ChemDRAW Windows
Operating System Windows 95, 98, 2000, Me, XP, Windows NT 4.0 RAM 64 Mb
Disk Space: Ultra - 70 Mb, Pro - 40 Mb, Std - 30 Mb
Processor: Intel or AMD faster than a 486
Plugin: Internet Explorer 4.0 - 6.x or Netscape 4.0 - 6.x Other IE 3.x or greater required for Help and Online Menu MS Office 97 or greater required for Excel and Word Add-Ins

ChemDRAW Macintosh:
System Software: MacOS 8.6-9.2.x or MacOS 10.1.x RAM 64 Mb
Disk Space: Ultra - 55 Mb, Pro - 32 Mb, Std - 8 Mb
Processor: PowerPC, G3, G4, or compatible
Plugin: Netscape 4.0 - 4.7.x

ChemDraw Standard v.10 Windows/Mac CD........$890
ChemDraw Pro v.10 Windows/Mac CD.........$1590
ChemDraw Ultra v.10 Windows/Mac CD...........$2390

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  • ChemOffice Ultra
  • ChemOffice Pro
  • ChemDraw Standard
  • ChemDraw Ultra
  • ChemDraw Pro
  • Chem3D Ultra
  • ChemFinder Ultra

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