ChemDraw Standard is truly the Standard of desktop chemical publishing, now with
more output and drawing features than ever before. Draw chemical reactions. Use
extensive collections of pre-defined structure templates, and take advantage of the
included style templates for most chemical journals.
ChemDraw Standard Features
- Online Menu- Draw a structure as search query and get online vendor information
for purchasing from ChemACX.Com with the click of a button.
- Chemical intelligence ChemDraw understands valence and bonding, expands and
contracts groups and atom labels and provides "warnings" to users to alert them of
possible unintentional actions
- Multi-Page Documents- View multiple page documents and posters within a single
ChemDraw file
- Stereochemistry- Identifies stereocenters using Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules
- Aliphatic chain tool can create long chains which turn and extend in any direction
- Other new features include: Quadruple bonds, mouse button context menus, new
dashed and shaded curves, circles and arcs and MRU File menu list.
ChemDraw Standard features from prior releases
- Draw and output structures and reactions in color
- Extensive collections of pre-defined structure templates
- Large choice of bonds, arrows, brackets, orbitals, and reaction symbols
- Style templates for most chemical journals
- ClipArt for glassware drawings
- Fully compatible with Chem3D, ChemFinder, and ChemInfo; also with MS
Word, Excel, and other popular programs
- Output in PostScript, EPS, GIF, ,PNG, SMILES & more
INCLUDES ChemDraw Standard and Add-ins (ClipArt --
Publication-quality EPS glassware art for use within your ChemDraw).
Go back to the ChemDraw Main Page.
System Requirements:
ChemDRAW Windows
Operating System Windows 95, 98, 2000, Me, XP, Windows NT 4.0
RAM 64 Mb
Disk Space: Ultra - 70 Mb, Pro - 40 Mb, Std - 30 Mb
Processor: Intel or AMD faster than a 486
Plugin: Internet Explorer 4.0 - 6.x or Netscape 4.0 - 6.x
Other IE 3.x or greater required for Help and Online Menu
MS Office 97 or greater required for Excel and Word Add-Ins
ChemDRAW Macintosh:
System Software: MacOS 8.6-9.2.x or MacOS 10.1.x
RAM 64 Mb
Disk Space: Ultra - 55 Mb, Pro - 32 Mb, Std - 8 Mb
Processor: PowerPC, G3, G4, or compatible
Plugin: Netscape 4.0 - 4.7.x
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