
Map Overlays

Map overlays give you a way to combine any number of contour, base and post maps. And you can overlay any number of these maps on a surface map. Draping a filled contour map over a surface map produces the most striking display of three dimensional data possible. And because you can overlay any number of maps you can show any amount of data on a single map.

Macro Language

Surfer supports OLE2 Automation so you can write and execute macros that automate tasks. Virtually any operation you can perform with the mouse can be automated with a macro script file. The GS Scripter program included with Surfer is an editor and macro processor that lets you write, edit and run macro scripts using a language very similar to BASIC. In this way you can automate repetitive tasks, create front ends for running Surfer, or carry out any task that Surfer can do.


Surfer includes a full-featured worksheet for creating, opening, editing and saving data files. Data file size is only limited by the amount of memory you have on your computer. You can use the Windows Clipboard functions to Cut, Copy and Paste data within the Surfer worksheet, or between applications.

Worksheet Features

  • Import files in DAT, text (ASCII), SLK, Excel XLS, or Lotus WKx formats
  • Data file size is only limited by the amount of memory you have on your computer
  • Use the Windows Clipboard functions to Cut, Copy and Paste data within the
  • Surfer worksheet, or between applications
  • Calculate data statistics
  • Perform data transformations using advanced mathematical functions
  • Sort data based on primary and secondary columns

Additional Utilities and Features

  • Export maps in DXF, EPS, HPGL, WMF and CLP formats
  • Windows Clipboard support for copying maps to other applications
  • Combine any number of maps on a single page
  • Use the mouse to resize objects on the screen
  • Define default preferences
  • Define custom line styles and colors and save for use on other maps
  • Include superscripts, subscripts and Greek or other characters in text
  • Compute volumes, planar and surface areas
  • Calculate residuals between data and surface
  • Print to any Windows supported printer or plotter

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Surfer Features

Version 7 Additional Features 3D Surface Maps
Post Maps
Base Maps

Map Overlays
Macro Language
Additional Utilities and Features

Version 7 Additional Features

System Requirements:
PC running Win95/98 or Windows NT 4.0, or higher, 21 MB of free hard disk space, 12 MB RAM minimum, 32 MB or higher recommended, 800 x 600 minimum monitor resolution

Surfer Version 7 for Windows... $599
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