

The Surfer gridding methods allow you to produce accurate contour maps and surface plots from your XYZ data. The data can be randomly dispersed over the map area, and Surfer's gridding will interpolate your data onto a grid. You have several gridding methods to choose from, so you can produce exactly the contour map or surface plot you want. And with each gridding method you have complete control over the gridding parameters. Or if your data is already collected in a regular rectangular array, you can create a contour map directly from your data. Computer generated contour maps have never been more accurate.


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Gridding Features

  • Interpolate from an unlimited number of XYZ data points
  • Produce grids of virtually any size
  • Choose from Inverse Distance, Kriging, Minimum Curvature, Polynomial Regression, Triangulation, Shepard's Method, Radial Basis Functions for the gridding operation.
  • Specify isotropic or anisotropic weighting
  • Full control over the grid line geometry including grid limits, grid spacing and number of grid lines
  • Choose from different search methods including simple, quadrant, octant and all
  • Specify search ellipses at any orientation and scaling
  • Grid math to perform mathematic operations between grid files

Surfer Features
Contour Maps
3D Surface Maps
Post Maps
Base Maps
Map Overlays
Macro Language
Additional Utilities and Features

Version 7 Additional Features

System Requirements:
PC running Win95/98 or Windows NT 4.0, or higher, 21 MB of free hard disk space, 12 MB RAM minimum, 32 MB or higher recommended, 800 x 600 minimum monitor resolution

Surfer Version 7 for Windows... $599
Please allow for two additional shipping days to receive this product

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