The Proven Solution for Scientific and Mathematical Publishing
Scientific Word makes creating professional documents easy. With Scientific Word, you compose
mathematical, scientific, and technical documents at the [Scientific Word from MacKichan Software
keyboard using natural mathematical notation. You can choose whether to publish your document on the
Web or print it with or without LaTeX typesetting.
Typesetting Made Easy
In Scientific Word , you can choose to typeset complex technical documents with LaTeX, the industry
standard for mathematics typesetting. Because of its superior precision and quality, publishers and writers
of scientific material use LaTeX extensively. When you typeset, LaTeX automatically generates footnotes,
indexes, bibliographies, tables of contents, and cross-references.
This typesetting power comes without your having to learn LaTeX. Many of the more than 150 document
shells have been designed to meet the typesetting requirements of specific professional journals and
institutions. Scientific Word automatically saves your documents as LaTeX files. You can concentrate
on writing a correct paper; Scientific Word makes it a beautiful one.
Increased Productivity
This software thinks like you do. Whether you prefer to use the mouse or the keyboard, entering
mathematics is so straightforward there is practically no learning curve. Formatting is fast, simple,
and consistent. In Scientific Word, you use tags to define the document structure and format it consistently.
Users have reported significant productivity increases when support staff use Scientific Word instead of
raw LaTeX to typeset documents. Both technical and non-technical users can quickly learn to enter and
number equations, create tables and matrices, and import and create graphics, all with pleasing
on-screen mathematics and italics created with TrueType outline fonts.
Scientific Word has the tools that simplify writing and editing books and other large documents.
It is perfect for writers in academic, industrial, and government institutions and in all scientific
and technical fields: mathematics, physics, engineering, economics, chemistry, computer science, statistics,
medical research, and logic.
The software comes with an extensive online help system and a series of
reference manuals. If you need additional help, MacKichan Software provides reliable, prompt, free technical support.
International, Interoperable, Indispensable
Scientific Word simplifies working with colleagues in other locations. You can import
text (.txt) and Rich Text Format (.rtf) files, and you can copy content to the clipboard for
export as text or graphics to other applications. You can create .dvi or .htm files from your
documents, or generate portable LaTeX output for seamless transfer to different LaTeX installations.
The Document Manager simplifies file transfer by email or on diskette.
Spelling, font, and hyphenation support for languages other than English is available. You can
switch languages in the same document using Babel, the multilingual LaTeX system. The software
supports input using any left-to-right language supported by a version of Windows, including Chinese,
Japanese, and Russian. It uses the in-place IME (Input Method Editor) for these languages. (The ability
to typeset a language may depend on the availability of TeX for that language. Non-Latin character sets
are typeset with Lambda, which is included.) Fully localized Japanese and German versions of Scientific
Word are available now through our local distributors.
Scientific Word has a built-in link to the World Wide Web. If you have Internet access, you can
open the file at any URL address from inside the program. Also, you can deliver content via the Web.
The software supports hypertext links, so you can facilitate navigation for your readers through a series
of related documents.
New Features
- Configure the Symbol Cache toolbar and the expanded symbol panels. Customize the Symbol Cache
toolbar by removing the symbols you don't need and adding any symbols you want from the expanded
symbol panels. Customize the symbol panels by removing the symbols that you don't use. Revert
easily to the original configuration of the cache and the panels. A brief, mouse-activated
tooltip gives the name of each toolbar button and panel symbol.
- Work more easily with new editing features. Use the new Editing toolbar and the
expanded Typeset toolbar to enter, edit, and produce your documents even more easily.
New buttons speed access to common text tags, Tag Appearance settings, find and replace operations,
spacing commands, picture imports, User Setup defaults, and, for typesetting, front matter and LaTeX
document class and package options. Version adds new commands to the Tools menu and to the features
available from the Tools menu to simplify exporting documents; typesetting; and working with the
Exam Builder, Style Editor, and Document Manager. The program also has improved editing operations
for tables and matrices.
- Magnify your printed document. Set the zoom factor used when you print without typesetting.
The zoom factor used for printing is independent of the zoom factor used in the document window,
which simplifies the creation of overhead transparencies for meetings and classroom use.
- Work faster with enhanced keyboard shortcuts. Use new keyboard shortcuts for standard document
operations. Version adds shortcuts for opening files (Ctrl+o), finding (Ctrl+q), replacing (Ctrl+w),
printing without LaTeX (Ctrl+p), deleting words (Ctrl+Backspace or Ctrl+Delete), and inserting various
horizontal spaces.
- Change the style more easily. Instead of working in an ASCII editor, use the greatly expanded
Tag Appearance dialog box to change the appearance of your document when you display it on the
screen or produce it without typesetting. In Version you can modify all style properties of
all tags available for the document shell, including default and front matter tags. You can
specify which properties are inherited from the surrounding text and which use the style default
values. You can also clone new tags. You can control the number of heading levels displayed in the
Navigate toolbar, which significantly increases its usefulness as an online table of contents for
your document. The style modifications don't affect the typeset appearance of your document.
- Use new typesetting documentation. Version of Scientific WorkPlace and
Scientific Word includes significant new documentation for typesetting. Typesetting Documents
in Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word provides information about how to tailor document
shells to achieve the typeset document appearance you require.
- Examine sample documents created with Version shells. View images of sample documents
for each shell in A Gallery of Document Shells for Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word,
provided on the program CD. Use the documentation to choose document shells appropriately.
- Omega/Lambda. Version of Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word, in combination
with TrueTeX, now supports international typesetting with the Lambda system. Use this powerful
combination to produce typeset documents in Japanese.
- Work with an updated version of TrueTeX and associated TeX tools. With Scientific
WorkPlace and Scientific Word, use a significantly upgraded version of TrueTeX that supports
the newest versions of TeX, Omega, BibTeX, MakeIndex, and other TeX tools. Version includes
the latest version of LaTeX and AMS macros.
- Export your documents to HTML. Create an accurate HTML version of your document using the
new HTML output filter. The HTML filter provides a way to make representations of mathematics available
on various platforms over the Internet and also in applications that can read HTML files. The filter
saves the screen format to a Cascading Style Sheet (.css) file and exports mathematics as graphic
images. You can customize HTML exports.
- Export mathematics as MathML. When you export HTML files, output your mathematics as
MathML as well as graphics. Note that not all HTML browsers support MathML.
- Copy selections more accurately to other applications. Preserve the appearance of information
in your document when you use the enhanced copy operation to copy selections to other applications.
The copy operation writes your selection to the clipboard using a filtered Unicode format as well as the
program's internal format used previously. The new format is more easily recognized by other applications.
- Tailor graphics copied or exported from your document. In Version , you can set the defaults
for the appearance of selected information that you want to copy or export as graphics. Independent of
the display settings for your document, you can set export and copy defaults for the View settings
(including the zoom factor), the page and paragraph background, and the appearance of gray boxes.
- Open .rtf documents with greater accuracy. Use the new rtf2latex2e converter when you open
.rtf documents. The new converter correctly converts many more documents than the previous converter.
- Choose your computational engine. Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Notebook are provided with
two computational engines: MuPAD 2.0� and Maple V Release 5.1�. Choose the computational engine you prefer.
- Use enhanced MuPAD capabilities. In Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Notebook, use the
standard version of MuPAD 2.0. Version provides many new MuPAD features, which now closely match
those available in Maple.
- Work with enhanced computational tools. In Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Notebook, use
the new Rewrite and Transforms menus, several new Vector Calculus commands, new Solve options, and more
math names for computational capabilities.
- Use an improved Exam Builder. Use the new Exam toolbar to open the Exam Builder and view .qiz files.
In addition, save the Exam Builder database in a format that can be opened in Microsoft Excel. Version
includes several new debugging aids. Network installations have been simplified.
Other Products
Scientific WorkPlace
Scientific Notebook
System Requirements
- Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, 2000, Me, or XP
Apple Macintosh running an emulator program such as Virtual PC
- 70 to 215 MB hard disk space, depending on the type of hard drive and the installation options selected
- CD-ROM drive
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