
SocketWrench insulates you from the complex task of dealing with sockets programming

To create TCP/IP network applications with great flexibility and power, select the tool that just about does everything... SocketWrench. As with SocketTools, SocketWrench strikes that fine balance between ease-of-use while providing power and extensibility. With SocketWrench, you'll learn all about programming for the TCP/IP network, the backbone responsible for driving the Internet as well as local intranets. SocketWrench includes a great tutorial that covers the basics and enhances your knowledge with a sample client and server project. And SocketWrench is included FREE with SocketTools Visual Edition!

What is SocketWrench?

SocketWrench is a WinSock custom control in the form of a VBX, usable with Visual Basic 3.0, the 16-bit edition of Visual Basic 4.0 or any product that supports the 2.0 VBX specification. The SocketWrench VBX works with any TCP/IP product that provides a WinSock DLL compliant with the version 1.1 specification. With SocketWrench you can create client or server applications using either TCP or UDP protocols.

SocketWrench also includes a dialer custom control in the form of a VBX that interfaces with Microsoft's Remote Access Services. The SocketWrench RAS control allows you to create a dialer for any host configured with RAS.

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SocketWrench is included with SocketTools. SocketTools is 100% Royalty-Free
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