
Routines and Descriptions

Array Routines
Array Function Description
DxAppendArray Appends contents of an array to a file.
DxArrayBoxC Adds contents of an array to a Combo box.
DxArrayBoxL Adds contents of an array to a List box.
DxArrayCopy Copies the contents of one array to another.
DxArrayDelete Deletes one or more entries from an array, collapsing the resulting 'hole'.
DxArrayFill Fills a byte, integer, long, or UDT array with either fixed or incremental values.
DxArrayInsert Opens up an array to allow the insertion of one or more elements.
DxArrayInstr Searches an array for a specified substring.
DxArrayScale Modifies the contents of an array by adding or subtracting a constant value to each element or by multiplying or dividing each element by a constant value.
DxArraySearch Searches an array for a specified element.
DxAverageC Computes the average of a range of currency array elements.
DxAverageFP Computes the average of a range of floating point array elements.
DxAverageI Computes the average of a range of byte, integer, or long integer array elements.
DxBitArray0 Sets the bit at the specified position to 0.
DxBitArray1 Sets the bit at the specified position to 1.
DxBitArrayAddr Returns long pointer to bit array data.
DxBitArrayAlloc Creates bit array and initializes elements to desired state.
DxBitArrayErase Reinitializes bit arrays created with DxBitArrayAlloc.
DxBitArrayOverlay Provides a handle by which the array can be referenced in other operations.
DxBitArrayRelease Releases memory associated with a bit array developed with DxBitArrayAlloc.
DxBitArraySet Sets bit at the specified position to the specified value.
DxBitArrayState Indicates value of specified bit.
DxBitArrayT Toggles the specified bit to the opposite of its current state.
DxStdDev Computes the statistical standard deviation of a range of array elements.
DxTotalC Computes the total of a range of currency array elements.
DxTotalFP Computes the total of a range of floating point array elements.
DxTotalI Computes the total of a range of byte, integer, or long integer array elements.

Bit Manipulation Routines
Bit Function Description
DxBinaryStr Returns the binary representation of an integer as a 32-byte string of 1's and 0's.
DxBinaryVal Converts a binary string into a long integer.
DxClearBit Sets specified bit to 0.
DxIntegerRotLeft Rotates the specified bit to the left for a specified integer value.
DxIntegerRotRight Rotates the specified bit to the right for a specified integer value.
DxIntegerShiftLeft Shifts the specified bit to the left for a specified integer value.
DxIntegerShiftRight Shifts the specified bit to the right for a specified integer value.
DxIntegerShiftRightA Shifts the specified bit to the right for a specified integer value preserving the highest bit.
DxIntHigh Returns, high half of a passed long or integer value.
DxIntLow Returns low half of a passed long or integer value.
DxIsBit Determines whether a bit is set or not.
DxLongByte Returns specified portion of a passed long or integer value.
DxLongIntRotLeft Rotates the specified bit to the left for a specified long integer value.
DxLongIntRotRight Rotates the specified bit to the right for a specified long integer value.
DxLongIntShiftLeft Shifts the specified bit to the left for a specified long integer value.
DxLongIntShiftRight Shifts the specified bit to the right for a specified long integer value.<
DxLongIntShiftRightA Shifts the specified bit to the right for a specified long integer value preserving the highest bit.
DxMakeLong Returns long integer value containing the values passed in its low and high parts.
DxNumBit Returns numeric equivalent of bit.
DxParityCheck Determines whether a specified string has the expected parity.
DxParityClear Clears the 8th bit of every character in a string.
DxParitySet Clears or sets the parity bit as needed.
DxSetBit Sets specified bit to 1.
DxToggleBit Flips the state of the specified bit.

Checksum/CRC Routines
Checksum/CRC Function Description
DxCheckSumA Returns MOD 256 sum of all characters in a string.
DxCheckSumInt Returns MOD 65536 sum of all characters in a string.
DxCheckSumX Returns XOR of all characters in a string; LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) of the string.
DxCRC16A Computes the "ARC" style CRC-16 of a memory block.
DxCRC16AStr Computes the "ARC" style CRC-16 of a string.
DxCRC16C Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a memory block.
DxCRC16CStr Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a string.
DxCRC32 Computes the CRC-32 of a memory block.
DxCRC32Str Computes the CRC-32 of a string.
DxFileCRC16A Computes the "Arc"-style CRC-16 of a memory block.
DxFileCRC16C Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a memory block.
DxFileCRC32 Computes the CRC-32 value for a file.
DxHashStr Provides a hash index based on up to the first 63 characters of a specified string.
DxLRC This function is an Alias for DxCheckSumX.
DxValidCardNumber Determines whether a string is a valid credit card number.

Time and Date Routines
Date/Time Function Description
DxBtrDate Converts a VB date variable into a Btrieve-style date.
DxBtrTime Converts a VB time variable into a Btrieve-style time.
DxDateFromBT Converts a Btrieve-style date and time into a VB date type.
DxDateFromC16 Converts an older C-style date/time value into a VB-Style date variable.
DxDateFromCurrency Converts FILETIME variable stored as a currency value to a VB date.
DxDateFromFILETIME Converts a Win32 structure that contains 100ns tick count into a VB date.
DxDateFromJulian Converts from Julian Day format to a VB date<
DxDateFromYD Converts from YYDDD
DxDateToC16 Converts a VB date variable value to an older C-style date/time value.
DxDateToCurrency Converts a Visual Basic date variable value to a FILETIME variable stored as a currency value.
DxDateToJulian Converts a VB date to Julian Day format
DxDateToYD Converts a VB date to YYDDD format
DxDaysInMonth Returns the number of days in the given month and year.
DxEaster Returns the date for Easter in a given year
DxIsLeap Determines whether the given year is a leap year.
DxReadTimer Reports the interval since the most recent DxStartTimer for a specified timer.
DxStartTimer Used to time Visual Basic events, using one of four internal Windows tick timers.

Directory/Disk Routines
Directory and Disk Function Description
DxDirTree Reads the directory tree information into an array.
DxDriveInfo Provides variety of information about specified drive.
DxDriveStrings Creates string array listing drives on the system.
DxEraseDirectory Deletes all files in a specified directory and its subdirectories, but will leave the directory structure itself intact.
DxGetValidDrives Lists all the valid drives on a system in a Boolean array.
DxKillDirectory Deletes a specific directory, along with all files and subdirectories contained within it. Contrast this with DxEraseDirectory.
DxMatchingFiles Returns the number of files/directories matching a given specification and attributes.
DxPathFromTree Returns the complete path/name for an element of an array read by DxDirTree.
DxReadDirectory Reads a file directory into an array.
DxReadZipDir Reads the central directory of a single-volume Zip archive or self-extracting executable (SFX) and lists the contents as an array.
DxSearchVolume Searches path or volume for specified file or files.

Error Handling Routines
Error Handling Function Description
DxECode Retrieves the error code set by the most recently invoked Stamina routine.
DxECodeClear Clears any current DxECode and returns the internal value of DxECode before the clear.
DxECodeSet Sets the internal value of DxECode to the specified value.
DxSystemErrorLen Determines the length of a system error text message.
DxSystemErrorText Returns a system error number as a string.

File and Device Routines
File/Device Function Description
DxAppendArray Appends contents of an array to a file.
DxFileAppend Appends the contents of one file to another.
DxFileAttr Returns a verbose string representation of a file's attributes.
DxFileAttrShort Returns a fixed-size string containing letters or dashes in each position corresponding to one of the allowed attributes.
DxFileClean Fills a file's "slack space" (sector space not used by the file) with zeros.
DxFileCompare Compares two files to see if they are identical.
DxFileCopy Copies the contents of one file to another.
DxFileCRC16A Computes the "Arc"-style CRC-16 of a memory block.
DxFileCRC16C Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a memory block.
DxFileCRC32 Returns a CRC32 value for a file.
DxFileFit Determines whether specified file will fit on a specified drive.
DxFileInfo Provides date, size, etc. information about a file not currently open.
DxFileLineCount Reports the number of text lines in a file.
DxFileLineIndex Lists in an array the offsets indicating the beginning of each line as marked by a specified delimiter, such as a line feed character.
DxFileScrub Erases a file so it cannot be recovered through normal undelete procedures.
DxFileSearch Removes specific string within designated portion of a specified file.
DxFileSlack Determines the amount slack space in a file.
DxFileSpace Returns the amount of space required to copy designated file to a drive allowing for differences in cluster sizes.
DxFileXCrypt Encrypts or decrypts a file using a keyword-based algorithm.
DxGetOpenFiles Lists all open files on a given drive. (Win95 Only)
DxIsFileZip Determines whether a file is a valid Zip archive (zip file or self-extracting executable.)
DxKeyExtract Extracts key portions of a data file and stores them in a specified array.
DxKeyExtractF Extracts key portions of a data file and stores them in a specified file.
DxKeyLength Reports the size of a described by a Key array
DxKeywordIndex Finds all instances of a specified word in a specified file.
DxKillDirectory Deletes a specific directory, along with all files and subdirectories contained within it. Contrast this with DxEraseDirectory.
DxKillFiles Deletes all files in a particular path that match a predetermined file specification.
DxMatchingFiles Returns the number of files/directories matching a given specification and attributes.
DxMergeFile Reconstructs files split by DxSplitFile.
DxMergeSS Merges a set of segment files into a single index file.
DxNameCheck Performs a specified set of validation tests on a given filename.
DxOpenMode Determines whether file is open and, if so, in what modes it was opened. (Win95 Only)
DxReadArray Reads contents of a file into an array.
DxRename Renames and or moves a group of files.
DxSearchVolume Searches path or volume for specified file or files.
DxSortFile VB Code to create a sorted index + key for a fixed-record file, using a complex segmented key.
DxSpecParse Fills an array with elements extracted from a file specification.
DxSplitFile Divides a file into a series of smaller files of specified size for later merging.
DxSplitInfo Provides the number of segments required to split a file with DxSplitFile.
DxTouchFiles Changes the creation, modification or last access time/date for a file or files.
DxWordCountFile Determines the number of words in a file.
DxWriteArray Writes the contents of the specified array to a file.
DxXCryptedBuffer Encrypts or decrypts a variable with a key.

Miscellaneous Routines
Miscellaneous Function Description
CVC Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a currency.
CVD Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a double.
CVDMBF Convert strings containing numeric values in Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) to a double.
CVI Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a integer.
CVL Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a long.
CVS Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a single.
CVSMBF Convert strings containing numeric values in Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) to Single.
DxArabic Converts a Roman numeral into its Arabic (decimal) equivalent.
DxCurrFix Adjusts currency variable to remove specified digits right of decimal.
DxCurrStr Converts a currency value to a string equivalent.
DxFactorial Returns factorial value for a number from 0 to 50.
DxFeetFracTranslates decimal feet into feet, inches, fraction
DxFracC Returns fractional part of a floating point variable or a currency variable as a currency.
DxFracD Returns fractional part of a floating point variable or a currency variable as a double.
DxFracS Returns fractional part of a floating point variable or a currency variable as a single.
DxGrayMap Translates an RGB color to a monochrome value.
DxGreaterI Returns the larger of two values.
DxInRangeI Determines whether a value falls within a designated range.
DxLesserI Returns the smaller of two values.
DxNumberDesc VB Code to return a text version of a monetary value, like "One Hundred Seventeen" for 117
DxRandomInt Returns a pseudo-random integer constrained to the specified limits.
DxRandomIntA Returns a pseudo-random integer constrained to the specified limits.
DxRandomize Sets a random seed for the integer random number generator.
DxRandomSeed Sets a new seed for the integer random number generator.
DxReal6ToIEEE Converts a 6-byte real floating point value to IEEE format.
DxRoman Converts an Arabic (decimal) value into its Roman-numeral equivalent.
DxRound Rounds off a number and converts it to a string.
DxSciToDec Converts a numeric string in "2.33E+05" format to standard 23300 numeric format.
DxStdDev Computes the statistical standard deviation of a range of array elements.
DxSwap Exchanges two variables.
DxSwapStr Exchanges two variable-length strings.
DxToCMYK Translates an RGB color into CMYK format.
DxToIEEEd Converts Microsoft Binary Format double precision value directly to IEEE format.
DxToIEEEs Converts Microsoft Binary Format double precision value directly to IEEE format.
DxToMBFd Converts IEEE values directly to Microsoft Binary Format.
DxToMBFs Converts IEEE values directly to Microsoft Binary Format.
DxValidCardNumber Determines whether a string is a valid credit card number.
DxZeroExtend Returns an unsigned long integer from an integer, the high part containing zero and the low part containing the 16-bit value of the integer.
MKC Converts a numeric currency value into a binary string.
MKD Converts a numeric double value into a binary string.
MKDMBF Converts a numeric double value into a Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) string.
MKI Converts a numeric integer value into a binary string.
MKL Converts a numeric long integer value into a binary string.
MKS Converts a numeric single value into a binary string.
MKSMBF Converts a numeric single value into a Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) string.

QB/PDS Routines
QB/PDS Function Description
CVC Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a currency.
CVD Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a double.
CVDMBF Convert strings containing numeric values in Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) to a double.
CVI Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a integer.
CVL Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a long.
CVS Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a single.
CVSMBF Convert strings containing numeric values in Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) to Single.
DxSwap Exchanges two variables.
DxSwapStr Exchanges two variable-length strings.
DxToIEEEd Converts Microsoft Binary Format double precision value directly to IEEE format.
DxToIEEEs Converts Microsoft Binary Format double precision value directly to IEEE format.
DxToMBFd Converts IEEE values directly to Microsoft Binary Format.
DxToMBFs Converts IEEE values directly to Microsoft Binary Format.
MKC Converts a numeric currency value into a binary string.
MKD Converts a numeric double value into a binary string.
MKDMBF Converts a numeric double value into a Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) string.
MKI Converts a numeric integer value into a binary string.
MKL Converts a numeric long integer value into a binary string.
MKS Converts a numeric single value into a binary string.
MKSMBF Converts a numeric single value into a Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) string.

String Routines
String Function Description
DxArrayInstr Searches an array for a specified substring.
DxBinaryStr Returns the binary representation of an integer as a 32-byte string of 1's and 0's.
DxBinaryVal Converts a binary string into a long integer.
DxCharLeft Returns the Unicode value of the leftmost character of a string.
DxCharMid Returns the Unicode value of a character in a specific position within a string.
DxCharRight Returns the Unicode value of the rightmost character of a string.
DxCheckSumA Returns MOD 256 sum of all characters in a string.
DxCheckSumInt Returns MOD 65536 sum of all characters in a string.
DxCheckSumX Returns XOR of all characters in a string; LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) of the string.
DxClippedText Removes specified number of characters from a string and returns the clipped text as the result.
DxClipText Removes specified number of characters from a string.
DxCompareWC Determines whether a wildcard string exists within a specified string.
DxComplexCompare Determines if a Typed variable is equal to, less than, or greater than another variable of the same type.
DxCRC16AStr Computes the "ARC" style CRC-16 of a string.
DxCRC16CStr Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a string.
DxCRC32Str Computes the CRC-32 of a string.
DxCSet Pads a center-justified string with spaces to a specified length.
DxFeetFrac Translates decimal feet into feet, inches, fraction
DxHashStr Provides a hash index based on up to the first 63 characters of a specified string.
DxHexStr Converts a long integer value into a string representation of its Hex value.
DxHexVal Converts the string representation of a hexadecimal number into a long integer.
DxInstr Searches a string for a specified pattern.
DxInstrBkwd Searches for a specified substring, starting from the end of the string.
DxInstrChar Searches a string for a specified character.
DxInstrCharBkwd Searches a string for a specified character, beginning from the end of the string.
DxInstrList Finds the first occurrence of any of a list of characters in a string.
DxLastString Determines highest numbered occupied element of an array.
DxLRC This function is an Alias for DxCheckSumX.
DxLSet Pads a left-justified string with spaces to a specified length.
DxLTrim Strips a string of leading white space.
DxMakeOLEString Converts a null-terminated C string into a VB string.
DxNameCheck Performs a specified set of validation tests on a given filename.
DxNonEmpty Determines whether a string is null or contains white space.
DxParityCheck Determines whether a specified string has the expected parity.
DxParityClear Clears the 8th bit of every character in a string.
DxParitySet Clears or sets the parity bit as needed.
DxPutCharMid Places the specified character into a string at a specified position.
DxRemoveStr Removes occurrences of one string from another.
DxReplaceChar Replaces all occurrences of a character within a string with another character.
DxReplaceStr Replaces all occurrences of a string within a string with another string.
DxRSet Pads a right-justified string with spaces to a specified length.
DxRTrim Strips a string of trailing white space.
DxSearchMemory Searches one or more segments of memory for occurrences of a string.
DxSoundex Converts a string into any of three Soundex codes.
DxSpecParse Fills an array with elements extracted from a file.
DxStrFromArray Converts an array of values into a string.
DxStrFromArrayW Unicode version of DxStrFromArray.
DxStringRotateLeft Shifts string one place to the left and the character shifted off the start is added to the end.
DxStringRotateRight Shifts string one place to the right and the character shifted off the end is added to the start.
DxStringShiftLeft Removes one character from the start of the string and returns ANSI value of that character.
DxStringShiftRight Removes one character from the end of the string and returns ANSI value of that character.
DxStrToArray Places the ASCII codes of characters in a string into an integer array.
DxStrToArrayW Unicode version of DxStrToArray.
DxSwap Exchanges the contents of two variables.
DxSwapStr Exchanges the contents of two variable-length strings.
DxToken Removes a specific substring from a string and returns it as a result.
DxTokenize Removes substrings from a string and returns them in an array.
DxTranslate Uses character tables to convert characters from one value to another.
DxTranslateMap Translates characters in a string, based on a 256 character translation table.
DxTrim Strips a string of leading and trailing white space.
DxTrimAtZ< Returns everything to the left of the first null in a string.
DxTypeCompare Determines if a Typed variable is equal to, less than, or greater than another variable of the same type.
DxUsing Formats a string representation of a number according to predefined format rules.
DxWordCount Determines the number of words in a string, using the specified character as a separator.
DxWordCountArray Returns the number of separate words in an array.
DxWordCountFile Determines the number of words in a file.
DxWordWrapC Splits a string into segments of predetermined width and loads the segments into an array.
DxXCrypted Encrypts or decrypts a plain text string.

System Routines
System Function Description
DxCPUSpeed Returns the approximate CPU speed in MegaHertz.
DxCPUType Returns the type of CPU present.
DxGetEnvironment Retrieves the DOS environment block and loads it into an array.
DxGetWindows Retrieves the hWnds of either all top-level system windows or all windows owned by a particular thread.
DxGetWindowStrings Retrieves the class name and window text/title of either all top-level system windows or all windows owned by a particular thread.
DxInpByte Receives a byte from the specified hardware I/O port. (Win 95 only)
DxInpWord Receives a word (two bytes) from the specified hardware I/O port. (Win 95 only)
DxOutByte Transmits a byte to the specified hardware I/O port. (Win 95 only)
DxOutWord Transmits a word (two bytes) to the specified hardware I/O port. (Win 95 only)
DxReadTimer Reports the interval since the most recent DxStartTimer for a specified timer.
DxStartTimer Used to time Visual Basic events, using one of four internal Windows tick timers.
DxWinVersion Returns version information for Windows.

Windows Memory Routines
Memory Function Description
DxComplexCompare Determines if a Typed variable comprised of multiple data types is equal to, less than, or greater than another variable of the same type.
DxCRC16A Computes the "ARC" style CRC-16 of a memory block.
DxCRC16C Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a memory block.
DxCRC32 Computes the CRC-32 of a memory block.
DxSearchMemory Searches one or more segments of memory for occurrences of a string.
DxStackAlloc Allocates memory for use as a stack and clears the stack pointers.
DxStackFlush Empties the current stack by resetting the stack pointer.
DxStackPop Pops data from the specified stack into indicated variable.
DxStackPush Pushes the passed variable onto the specified stack.
DxStackQuery Returns the number of active variables in the specified stack.
DxStackRelease Releases the stack and memory indicated by the specified handle.

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System Requirements: Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or later, Visual Basic 4/5/6, Stamina is also compatible with Win 2K and Win ME, 1 MB of available hard drive space.
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