Array Routines
Array Function |
Description |
DxAppendArray |
Appends contents of an array to a file. |
DxArrayBoxC |
Adds contents of an array to a Combo box. |
DxArrayBoxL |
Adds contents of an array to a List box. |
DxArrayCopy |
Copies the contents of one array to another. |
DxArrayDelete |
Deletes one or more entries from an array, collapsing the resulting 'hole'. |
DxArrayFill |
Fills a byte, integer, long, or UDT array with either fixed or incremental values. |
DxArrayInsert |
Opens up an array to allow the insertion of one or more elements. |
DxArrayInstr |
Searches an array for a specified substring. |
DxArrayScale |
Modifies the contents of an array by adding or subtracting a constant value to each
element or by multiplying or dividing each element by a constant value. |
DxArraySearch |
Searches an array for a specified element. |
DxAverageC |
Computes the average of a range of currency array elements. |
DxAverageFP |
Computes the average of a range of floating point array elements. |
DxAverageI |
Computes the average of a range of byte, integer, or long integer array elements. |
DxBitArray0 |
Sets the bit at the specified position to 0. |
DxBitArray1 |
Sets the bit at the specified position to 1. |
DxBitArrayAddr |
Returns long pointer to bit array data. |
DxBitArrayAlloc |
Creates bit array and initializes elements to desired state. |
DxBitArrayErase |
Reinitializes bit arrays created with DxBitArrayAlloc. |
DxBitArrayOverlay |
Provides a handle by which the array can be referenced in other operations. |
DxBitArrayRelease |
Releases memory associated with a bit array developed with DxBitArrayAlloc. |
DxBitArraySet |
Sets bit at the specified position to the specified value. |
DxBitArrayState |
Indicates value of specified bit. |
DxBitArrayT |
Toggles the specified bit to the opposite of its current state. |
DxStdDev |
Computes the statistical standard deviation of a range of array elements. |
DxTotalC |
Computes the total of a range of currency array elements. |
DxTotalFP |
Computes the total of a range of floating point array elements. |
DxTotalI |
Computes the total of a range of byte, integer, or long integer array elements. |
Bit Manipulation Routines
Bit Function |
Description |
DxBinaryStr |
Returns the binary representation of an integer as a 32-byte string of 1's and 0's. |
DxBinaryVal |
Converts a binary string into a long integer. |
DxClearBit |
Sets specified bit to 0. |
DxIntegerRotLeft |
Rotates the specified bit to the left for a specified integer value. |
DxIntegerRotRight |
Rotates the specified bit to the right for a specified integer value. |
DxIntegerShiftLeft |
Shifts the specified bit to the left for a specified integer value. |
DxIntegerShiftRight |
Shifts the specified bit to the right for a specified integer value. |
DxIntegerShiftRightA |
Shifts the specified bit to the right for a specified integer value
preserving the highest bit. |
DxIntHigh |
Returns, high half of a passed long or integer value. |
DxIntLow |
Returns low half of a passed long or integer value. |
DxIsBit |
Determines whether a bit is set or not. |
DxLongByte |
Returns specified portion of a passed long or integer value. |
DxLongIntRotLeft |
Rotates the specified bit to the left for a specified long integer value. |
DxLongIntRotRight |
Rotates the specified bit to the right for a specified long integer value. |
DxLongIntShiftLeft |
Shifts the specified bit to the left for a specified long integer value. |
DxLongIntShiftRight |
Shifts the specified bit to the right for a specified long integer value.< |
DxLongIntShiftRightA |
Shifts the specified bit to the right for a specified long integer value
preserving the highest bit. |
DxMakeLong |
Returns long integer value containing the values passed in its low and high parts. |
DxNumBit |
Returns numeric equivalent of bit. |
DxParityCheck |
Determines whether a specified string has the expected parity. |
DxParityClear |
Clears the 8th bit of every character in a string. |
DxParitySet |
Clears or sets the parity bit as needed. |
DxSetBit |
Sets specified bit to 1. |
DxToggleBit |
Flips the state of the specified bit. |
Checksum/CRC Routines
Checksum/CRC Function |
Description |
DxCheckSumA |
Returns MOD 256 sum of all characters in a string. |
DxCheckSumInt |
Returns MOD 65536 sum of all characters in a string. |
DxCheckSumX |
Returns XOR of all characters in a string; LRC (Longitudinal
Redundancy Check) of the string. |
DxCRC16A |
Computes the "ARC" style CRC-16 of a memory block. |
DxCRC16AStr |
Computes the "ARC" style CRC-16 of a string. |
DxCRC16C |
Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a memory block. |
DxCRC16CStr |
Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a string. |
DxCRC32 |
Computes the CRC-32 of a memory block. |
DxCRC32Str |
Computes the CRC-32 of a string. |
DxFileCRC16A |
Computes the "Arc"-style CRC-16 of a memory block. |
DxFileCRC16C |
Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a memory block. |
DxFileCRC32 |
Computes the CRC-32 value for a file. |
DxHashStr |
Provides a hash index based on up to the first 63 characters of a specified string. |
This function is an Alias for DxCheckSumX. |
DxValidCardNumber |
Determines whether a string is a valid credit card number. |
Time and Date Routines
Date/Time Function |
Description |
DxBtrDate |
Converts a VB date variable into a Btrieve-style date. |
DxBtrTime |
Converts a VB time variable into a Btrieve-style time. |
DxDateFromBT |
Converts a Btrieve-style date and time into a VB date type. |
DxDateFromC16 |
Converts an older C-style date/time value into a VB-Style date variable. |
DxDateFromCurrency |
Converts FILETIME variable stored as a currency value to a VB date. |
Converts a Win32 structure that contains 100ns tick count into a VB date. |
DxDateFromJulian |
Converts from Julian Day format to a VB date< |
DxDateFromYD |
Converts from YYDDD |
DxDateToC16 |
Converts a VB date variable value to an older C-style date/time value. |
DxDateToCurrency |
Converts a Visual Basic date variable value to a FILETIME
variable stored as a currency value. |
DxDateToJulian |
Converts a VB date to Julian Day format |
DxDateToYD |
Converts a VB date to YYDDD format |
DxDaysInMonth |
Returns the number of days in the given month and year. |
DxEaster |
Returns the date for Easter in a given year |
DxIsLeap |
Determines whether the given year is a leap year. |
DxReadTimer |
Reports the interval since the most recent DxStartTimer for a specified timer. |
DxStartTimer |
Used to time Visual Basic events, using one of four internal Windows tick timers. |
File and Device Routines
File/Device Function |
Description |
DxAppendArray |
Appends contents of an array to a file. |
DxFileAppend |
Appends the contents of one file to another. |
DxFileAttr |
Returns a verbose string representation of a file's attributes. |
DxFileAttrShort |
Returns a fixed-size string containing letters or dashes in each position
corresponding to one of the allowed attributes. |
DxFileClean |
Fills a file's "slack space" (sector space not used by the file) with zeros. |
DxFileCompare |
Compares two files to see if they are identical. |
DxFileCopy |
Copies the contents of one file to another. |
DxFileCRC16A |
Computes the "Arc"-style CRC-16 of a memory block. |
DxFileCRC16C |
Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a memory block. |
DxFileCRC32 |
Returns a CRC32 value for a file. |
DxFileFit |
Determines whether specified file will fit on a specified drive. |
DxFileInfo |
Provides date, size, etc. information about a file not currently open. |
DxFileLineCount |
Reports the number of text lines in a file. |
DxFileLineIndex |
Lists in an array the offsets indicating the beginning of each line as
marked by a specified delimiter, such as a line feed character. |
DxFileScrub |
Erases a file so it cannot be
recovered through normal undelete procedures. |
DxFileSearch |
Removes specific string within designated portion of a specified file. |
DxFileSlack |
Determines the amount slack space in a file. |
DxFileSpace |
Returns the amount of space required to copy designated file to a drive
allowing for differences in cluster sizes. |
DxFileXCrypt |
Encrypts or decrypts a file using a keyword-based algorithm. |
DxGetOpenFiles |
Lists all open files on a given drive. (Win95 Only) |
DxIsFileZip |
Determines whether a file is a valid Zip archive (zip file or self-extracting executable.) |
DxKeyExtract |
Extracts key portions of a data file and stores them in a specified array. |
DxKeyExtractF |
Extracts key portions of a data file and stores them in a specified file. |
DxKeyLength |
Reports the size of a described by a Key array |
DxKeywordIndex |
Finds all instances of a specified word in a specified file. |
DxKillDirectory |
Deletes a specific directory, along with all files and subdirectories contained
within it. Contrast this with DxEraseDirectory. |
DxKillFiles |
Deletes all files in a particular path that match a predetermined file specification. |
DxMatchingFiles |
Returns the number of files/directories matching a given specification and attributes. |
DxMergeFile |
Reconstructs files split by DxSplitFile. |
DxMergeSS |
Merges a set of segment files into a single index file. |
DxNameCheck |
Performs a specified set of validation tests on a given filename. |
DxOpenMode |
Determines whether file is open and, if so, in what modes it was opened. (Win95 Only) |
DxReadArray |
Reads contents of a file into an array. |
DxRename |
Renames and or moves a group of files. |
DxSearchVolume |
Searches path or volume for specified file or files. |
DxSortFile |
VB Code to create a sorted index + key for a fixed-record file, using a
complex segmented key. |
DxSpecParse |
Fills an array with elements extracted from a file specification. |
DxSplitFile |
Divides a file into a series of smaller files of specified size for later merging. |
DxSplitInfo |
Provides the number of segments required to split a file with DxSplitFile. |
DxTouchFiles |
Changes the creation, modification or last access time/date for a file or files. |
DxWordCountFile |
Determines the number of words in a file. |
DxWriteArray |
Writes the contents of the specified array to a file. |
DxXCryptedBuffer |
Encrypts or decrypts a variable with a key. |
Miscellaneous Routines
Miscellaneous Function |
Description |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a currency. |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a double. |
Convert strings containing numeric values in Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) to a double. |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a integer. |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a long. |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a single. |
Convert strings containing numeric values in Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) to Single. |
DxArabic |
Converts a Roman numeral into its Arabic (decimal) equivalent. |
DxCurrFix |
Adjusts currency variable to remove specified digits right of decimal. |
DxCurrStr |
Converts a currency value to a string equivalent. |
DxFactorial |
Returns factorial value for a number from 0 to 50. |
DxFeetFrac | >
Translates decimal feet into feet, inches, fraction |
DxFracC |
Returns fractional part of a floating point variable or a currency variable as a currency. |
DxFracD |
Returns fractional part of a floating point variable or a currency variable as a double. |
DxFracS |
Returns fractional part of a floating point variable or a currency variable as a single. |
DxGrayMap |
Translates an RGB color to a monochrome value. |
DxGreaterI |
Returns the larger of two values. |
DxInRangeI |
Determines whether a value falls within a designated range. |
DxLesserI |
Returns the smaller of two values. |
DxNumberDesc |
VB Code to return a text version of a monetary value, like "One Hundred Seventeen" for 117 |
DxRandomInt |
Returns a pseudo-random integer constrained to the specified limits. |
DxRandomIntA |
Returns a pseudo-random integer constrained to the specified limits. |
DxRandomize |
Sets a random seed for the integer random number generator. |
DxRandomSeed |
Sets a new seed for the integer random number generator. |
DxReal6ToIEEE |
Converts a 6-byte real floating point value to IEEE format. |
DxRoman |
Converts an Arabic (decimal) value into its Roman-numeral equivalent. |
DxRound |
Rounds off a number and converts it to a string. |
DxSciToDec |
Converts a numeric string in "2.33E+05" format to standard 23300 numeric format. |
DxStdDev |
Computes the statistical standard deviation of a range of array elements. |
DxSwap |
Exchanges two variables. |
DxSwapStr |
Exchanges two variable-length strings. |
Translates an RGB color into CMYK format. |
Converts Microsoft Binary Format double precision value directly to IEEE format. |
Converts Microsoft Binary Format double precision value directly to IEEE format. |
DxToMBFd |
Converts IEEE values directly to Microsoft Binary Format. |
DxToMBFs |
Converts IEEE values directly to Microsoft Binary Format. |
DxValidCardNumber |
Determines whether a string is a valid credit card number. |
DxZeroExtend |
Returns an unsigned long integer from an integer, the high part containing zero
and the low part containing the 16-bit value of the integer. |
Converts a numeric currency value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric double value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric double value into a Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) string. |
Converts a numeric integer value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric long integer value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric single value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric single value into a Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) string. |
QB/PDS Routines
QB/PDS Function |
Description |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a currency. |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a double. |
Convert strings containing numeric values in Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) to a double. |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a integer. |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a long. |
Converts a string containing binary numeric values to a single. |
Convert strings containing numeric values in Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) to Single. |
DxSwap |
Exchanges two variables. |
DxSwapStr |
Exchanges two variable-length strings. |
Converts Microsoft Binary Format double precision value directly to IEEE format. |
Converts Microsoft Binary Format double precision value directly to IEEE format. |
DxToMBFd |
Converts IEEE values directly to Microsoft Binary Format. |
DxToMBFs |
Converts IEEE values directly to Microsoft Binary Format. |
Converts a numeric currency value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric double value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric double value into a Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) string. |
Converts a numeric integer value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric long integer value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric single value into a binary string. |
Converts a numeric single value into a Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) string. |
String Routines
String Function |
Description |
DxArrayInstr |
Searches an array for a specified substring. |
DxBinaryStr |
Returns the binary representation of an integer as a 32-byte string of 1's and 0's. |
DxBinaryVal |
Converts a binary string into a long integer. |
DxCharLeft |
Returns the Unicode value of the leftmost character of a string. |
DxCharMid |
Returns the Unicode value of a character in a specific position within a string. |
DxCharRight |
Returns the Unicode value of the rightmost character of a string. |
DxCheckSumA |
Returns MOD 256 sum of all characters in a string. |
DxCheckSumInt |
Returns MOD 65536 sum of all characters in a string. |
DxCheckSumX |
Returns XOR of all characters in a string; LRC (Longitudinal
Redundancy Check) of the string. |
DxClippedText |
Removes specified number of characters from a string and returns the
clipped text as the result. |
DxClipText |
Removes specified number of characters from a string. |
DxCompareWC |
Determines whether a wildcard string exists within a specified string. |
DxComplexCompare |
Determines if a Typed variable is equal to, less than, or greater than another
variable of the same type. |
DxCRC16AStr |
Computes the "ARC" style CRC-16 of a string. |
DxCRC16CStr |
Computes the CCITT-1021 (XMODEM) CRC-16 of a string. |
DxCRC32Str |
Computes the CRC-32 of a string. |
DxCSet |
Pads a center-justified string with spaces to a specified length. |
DxFeetFrac |
Translates decimal feet into feet, inches, fraction |
DxHashStr |
Provides a hash index based on up to the first 63 characters of a specified string. |
DxHexStr |
Converts a long integer value into a string representation of its Hex value. |
DxHexVal |
Converts the string representation of a hexadecimal number into a long integer. |
DxInstr |
Searches a string for a specified pattern. |
DxInstrBkwd |
Searches for a specified substring, starting from the end of the string. |
DxInstrChar |
Searches a string for a specified character. |
DxInstrCharBkwd |
Searches a string for a specified character, beginning from the end of the string. |
DxInstrList |
Finds the first occurrence of any of a list of characters in a string. |
DxLastString |
Determines highest numbered occupied element of an array. |
This function is an Alias for DxCheckSumX. |
DxLSet |
Pads a left-justified string with spaces to a specified length. |
DxLTrim |
Strips a string of leading white space. |
DxMakeOLEString |
Converts a null-terminated C string into a VB string. |
DxNameCheck |
Performs a specified set of validation tests on a given filename. |
DxNonEmpty |
Determines whether a string is null or contains white space. |
DxParityCheck |
Determines whether a specified string has the expected parity. |
DxParityClear |
Clears the 8th bit of every character in a string. |
DxParitySet |
Clears or sets the parity bit as needed. |
DxPutCharMid |
Places the specified character into a string at a specified position. |
DxRemoveStr |
Removes occurrences of one string from another. |
DxReplaceChar |
Replaces all occurrences of a character within a string with another character. |
DxReplaceStr |
Replaces all occurrences of a string within a string with another string. |
DxRSet |
Pads a right-justified string with spaces to a specified length. |
DxRTrim |
Strips a string of trailing white space. |
DxSearchMemory |
Searches one or more segments of memory for occurrences of a string. |
DxSoundex |
Converts a string into any of three Soundex codes. |
DxSpecParse |
Fills an array with elements extracted from a file. |
DxStrFromArray |
Converts an array of values into a string. |
DxStrFromArrayW |
Unicode version of DxStrFromArray. |
DxStringRotateLeft |
Shifts string one place to the left and the character shifted off the start is
added to the end. |
DxStringRotateRight |
Shifts string one place to the right and the character shifted off the end
is added to the start. |
DxStringShiftLeft |
Removes one character from the start of the string and returns ANSI value
of that character. |
DxStringShiftRight |
Removes one character from the end of the string and returns ANSI value of that character. |
DxStrToArray |
Places the ASCII codes of characters in a string into an integer array. |
DxStrToArrayW |
Unicode version of DxStrToArray. |
DxSwap |
Exchanges the contents of two variables. |
DxSwapStr |
Exchanges the contents of two variable-length strings. |
DxToken |
Removes a specific substring from a string and returns it as a result. |
DxTokenize |
Removes substrings from a string and returns them in an array. |
DxTranslate |
Uses character tables to convert characters from one value to another. |
DxTranslateMap |
Translates characters in a string, based on a 256 character translation table. |
DxTrim |
Strips a string of leading and trailing white space. |
DxTrimAtZ< |
Returns everything to the left of the first null in a string. |
DxTypeCompare |
Determines if a Typed variable is equal to, less than, or greater than another
variable of the same type. |
DxUsing |
Formats a string representation of a number according to predefined format rules. |
DxWordCount |
Determines the number of words in a string, using the specified character as a separator. |
DxWordCountArray |
Returns the number of separate words in an array. |
DxWordCountFile |
Determines the number of words in a file. |
DxWordWrapC |
Splits a string into segments of predetermined width and loads the segments into an array. |
DxXCrypted |
Encrypts or decrypts a plain text string. |