Titan Btrieve

Titan Btrieve Developer is a set of tools that provide high-speed performance when working with Pervasive Software's Pervasive.SQL (Btrieve, and Scalable SQL) Engines. Titan achieves the best performance possible by making native calls to the Pervasive.SQL API's.

Before Titan was developed, Btrieve tables could only be accessed with Delphi or C++ Builder through the ODBC interface. Opening Btrieve tables in this configuration was painfully slow and simply unacceptable for real world applications.

Titan Btrieve eliminates the deficiencies of ODBC. The Titan Btrieve engine is highly optimized to talk directly with the Btrieve Microkernel and Scalable SQL API's, allowing high-speed access to Btrieve tables. All of the Delphi and C++ Builder data-aware controls are fully functional both at design and run-time so that you can see the Btrieve data in your tables as you assemble your application. There is no development environment with the power and ease to develop Btrieve applications like Titan Btrieve and Delphi or C++ Builder.

With Titan Btrieve, there is no need for anyone to learn the Btrieve API, or to understand all of the function calls and parameters. Forget about position blocks, key buffers, and extended get operations. They are all there, but managed under the control of Titan.

A great benefit of Titan Btrieve is the developer can now use tools that were developed for the BDE. Developers agree, when you combine Titan Btrieve together with Delphi or C++ Builder, there simply is no better, faster way to build Btrieve applications.

How Titan Btrieve Works

In Delphi 1.0, 2.0, and C++ Builder 1.0, Titan replaces the Borland Database Engine (BDE) interface such that the TQuery, TTable, and other database related components connect directly to Titan, rather than the BDE. This architecture is shown in the picture above. This allows Titan to be installed transparently, maintaining compatibility with all data-aware components like grids, edit boxes, report writers, etc. This seamless architecture is the real power of Titan.

In Delphi 3.0, 4.0, and C++ Builder 3.0 and 4.0, Borland changed the architecture slightly, allowing the use of "Virtual Datasets" as shown above. This makes it easier to install Titan into these development tools. With these Borland tools, Titan provides a complete set of database interface components identical to the Borland ones, except that they talk directly to the Pervasive.SQL API's. More detail is found below on how Titan works with Delphi 3.0, 4.0, and C++ Builder 3.0, and 4.0.

Features, Delphi Support, C++ Builder Support and Specifications

Titan works with both 16-bit and 32-bit versions of Delphi.

Titan Btrieve Developer Run-time
For Delphi 1.0 $395
For Delphi 2.0 $395
For Delphi 3.0 $395
For Delphi 4.0 $395
For Delphi 5.0 (beta) $395
For C++ Builder 1.0 $395
For C++ Builder 3.0 $395
For C++ Builder 4.0 $395
For C++ Builder 5.0 (beta) $395
Titan Btrieve Developer W/ Source Code
For Delphi 1.0 $595
For Delphi 2.0 $595
For Delphi 3.0 $595
For Delphi 4.0 $595
For Delphi 5.0 (beta) $595
For C++ Builder 1.0 $595
For C++ Builder 3.0 $595
For C++ Builder 4.0 $595
For C++ Builder 5.0 (beta) $595

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