TList |
Powerful Tree ControlTList 7/Pro brings the maximum in flexibility and power to developers looking for a reliable Grid, List or Tree control for Structured Data Presentation or Data Entry.
RELIABILITY - the most critical consideration for any 3rd party control. TList, used by programmers around the world since 1994, is the Reliability leader. POWER / FLEXIBILITY - For data presentation there is nothing like it. TList allows you to arrange data as a multi-column list, Tree, Grid or Heirarchic Tree-Grid for optimal organization of your critical information. TList's support for formatting with icons, colors and fonts is ideal for easy end-user recognition. TList's support for in-place editing (text, checkboxes, Combo, Calendar) provides an easy end-user interface as well as flexibility in data selection and validation. TList makes it easy to Drag & Drop, Save and reload data, Print, and offer restricted data views. Please check out some of our screenshots. PERFORMANCE - Blazing Speed - TList is the fastest control of its type on the market today. Supporting HUGE data sets at blinding speeds, TList can actually load over 10,000 rows per second on a simple 200 Mhz machine. For really huge data sets TList offers an easy to use Virtual List support. Compare us to the rest TLIST is the tool to use! Great for Manufacturing Pick Lists, Checkbook Registers, Idea organizers, Concept development, Customer Lists, Reporting and the list goes on. Ask your friends, Check out the Newsgroups - ask anyone on the Internet about TList and they'll tell you - for a professional application it's the tool to use. TList Pro Features Search HALLoGRAM || Request More Information CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-340-3404 |
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