Video Lib Pro


Add State-of-the-Art Multimedia Features to Your Apps

Not Just For Games

Programming cool games may be the most obvious example of multimedia development in action, but there are far more (and potentially more lucrative) areas of use for this amazing technology.

You Can DO It All

From instruction in surgical technique to video communications, multimedia products can greatly improve our way of life. For applications that address these high level programming needs of quality and precision, only the finest tools are acceptable.

Easy! Flexible!

VideoLib Pro enables Delphi developers to add state-of-the-art multimedia features to their applications with live video and audio capture to a standard audio-video interlaced (AVI) file. With it, you can make a multimedia product in minutes! If you don't already have a video capture card, now you have the perfect reason to purchase one.

With VideoLib Pro, you can use your video camera to take snap shots or capture full streams of video. Any video source (Camcorder, TV, VCR, AVI file, etc.) can be shown within your application and then captured when desired. You can even send these pictures over the Internet. Be it a business application or simply taking a picture of a baby's first steps from a VCR tape to send to grandparents, VideoLib Pro is a powerful tool for developers.

The product includes 16- and 32-bit versions of 3 native VCL components and a small 50k DLL. VideoLib Pro incorporates Video for Windows and requires any video capture card compatible with Windows 95. VideoLib Pro has built-in hooks for seamless integration with ImageLib for further image manipulation.

Just drop a component on a form, set a couple of properties and call a single function to view and capture live video. It's even easier to play existing video! Simply call the PlaybackLoad and PlaybackStart functions.

The Windows help can be integrated with the included KWF file and a demo project shows you how it's done. There are no royalties of course and the source is included FREE.

VideoLib Pro is now in use from Australia to Nova Scotia!

Control Your Video, Frame Rate and Audio Parameters!

The component you'll use most often is named TVideoLib. This is absolutely easy to use. With over 50 properties, methods and events you can do all the fine toning you're likely to need. For even more control over the capture sequence, use TVideoCaptureParms and TVideoAudioParms. These give you greater control over video parameters like frame rate and audio parameters such as stereo or mono and number of samples per second. Don't linger any longer at the multimedia crossroads check out VideoLib Pro today!

VideoLib Pro Features

VideoLib Pro works in both 16-bit and 32-bit environments.

VideoLib Pro VCL for Delphi 5 (with source) ... $399
VideoLib Pro OCX Version ... $399
VideoLib ActiveX ... $399

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