VSFlexGrid Pro 8.0 makes
customizing the display and presentation of dynamic data for Windows, Internet, or Intranet
applications is now easier than ever! A powerful upgrade to the MSFlexGrid that comes in the
box with Visual Basic, VSFlexGrid Pro gives you a full range of features for building flexible,
robust front-ends for database applications. Customize the display and presentation of dynamic
data in your projects with a host of new ways to display, edit, format, organize, summarize,
and print tabular data!
Customize VSFlexGrid Pro's appearance!
Customize VSFlexGrid Pro's appearance and behavior to place the outline tree in specific columns,
then add data-entry capabilities using plain or masked editing, multi-column list or combo boxes, or
checkboxes. Then make the display dynamic by allowing users to group, sort, and total data in different
ways simply by dragging columns around.
VSFlexGrid Pro's subtotal method
Use VSFlexGrid Pro's Subtotal method to create hierarchical summaries of your data.
Users can collapse branches to see the overall picture and then expand them to drill-down
into the details. Add information by combining pictures and custom formatting to each cell.
With VSFlexGrid Pro, your imagination is the limit. You can create dynamic, hierarchical,
editable documents that look like balance sheets, expense reports, business forms,
or virtually any type of structured document. Use a single control instead of four or five.
VSFlexGrid Pro gives you several choices of data binding: ADO/OLEDB, DAO,
bind to 2-D or 3-D arrays, to other VSFlexGrid controls, or create your own
data source classes. You can even use the grid in unbound mode, or connect your
grid to a Variant array or to a custom data source that you develop yourself.
And if your application doesn't need database support at all, VSFlexGrid Pro�s
new unbound Light version minimizes footprint size and eliminates the need to
distribute ADO DLLs with your application. New features include integrated printing;
even better user and design-time interfaces; and powerful new properties, methods, and events!
VSFlexGrid Pro Features
Light Version
VSFlexGrid Pro includes three versions of the control, each supporting a different
type of data-binding. Use the ADO/OLEDB version for compatibility with the latest
database standards, or the DAO version for compatibility with existing systems and
projects. And if your application doesn't need database support, the new Light version
reduces footprint size and eliminates the need to distribute ADO DLLs. A version that
supports Unicode is also included. Also, the VSFlexString control has been repackaged
in a separate file to reduce the footprint of projects that use only one of the controls.
Integrated Printing
You can print the grid with a single statement. You have complete control over
paper orientation, margins, and footer text, or show a dialog box to let the user
select and set up the printer. Printing events allow you to control page breaks,
add repeating header rows, or add custom elements to each page.
"Frozen" Rows and Columns
Rows and columns on the grid can be frozen so they remain visible as the user scrolls
the control, yet can be selected and edited. The appearance of the frozen cells is
customizable, and users can expand and shrink the frozen area with the mouse!
Use any picture as a backdrop for your grids, or add logos or textures to enhance
the appearance of your applications.
Custom Data Sources
You can bind the grid to your own data source objects, which you can create with
Visual Basic or Visual C++. Bind grids to existing data structures, use
calculated "virtual" fields, perform data validation, or load data on-demand!
Translated ImageLists
Grid columns can now be bound to image lists, which is an easy and efficient
way to display database information graphically.
Refer to Columns by Key
You can refer to columns by name instead of position. Column keys are automatically
assigned to field names when the grid is data-bound, or you may assign them with code.
You can later refer to a column using a ColIndex(ColKey) syntax, which will retrieve
the column you want even if the user has moved it to a different position on the grid.
Range Aggregates
With a single statement, you can calculate totals, averages, and other statistics for ranges of cells!
Easy ComboLists
The BuildComboList method allows you to build strings for use with the ColComboList property.
Simple and Efficient User Interface
VSFlexGrid Pro includes a simple user interface to make the VSFlexGrid control simple to use. You can:
- Make combos and lists boxes "smart," giving them select-as-you-type capability.
- Make columns resize to fit when the user double-clicks on the column resize area.
- Show images on cell buttons.
- Customize the reset time for AutoSearch operations.
- Customize the look of outline trees.
- Show sort icons on column headers, and provide better feedback while moving columns.
- Allow users to start editing by double-clicking a cell.
- Allow buffered painting for an even smoother appearance.
- Make fixed cells highlight the current selection (Excel-style).
- Resize all rows simultaneously (you can also resize groups of columns and rows).
- Control the appearance of the default field.
- Plus, the OLEDragDrop Data object has been
More Control through New Events
Now you can take total control over the behavior of the VSFlexGrid control so you can:
- Perform data formatting/conversions as data is being read from written to bound record sets.
- Provide conditional formatting (based on cell contents) and display dynamic data summaries.
- Control outline trees and even build them asynchronously.
- Create protected ranges that cannot be selected.
- Control scrolling.
Other new Properties and Methods
Additional enhanced properties and methods let you:
- Determine whether the grid is in edit mode and give you access to the editor window handle.
- Load data from Variant arrays or other VSFlexGrid controls without binding.
- Get a row's parent, first, or last child nodes in a tree outline.
- Bring arbitrary cells into view.
- Return the selection in order for use as loop limits.
Better Design-Time Interface
The VSFlexGrid Pro roperty pages make it even easier to set properties. You can specify
fixed-cell contents, column widths and alignments, data types, edit masks, and combo lists
visually at design time. Or use the Visual Basic property browser to see a categorized view
of the VSFlexGrid properties.
Comprehensive Documentation
VSFlexGrid Pro includes a complete and comprehensive help files, with more sample code and
details on the use of each property, event, and method. We've also developed several new
samples in Visual Basic and in Visual C++ to illustrate the main aspects of the control.
The samples include a generic, categorized property page object written in Visual C++ that
you can use as-is or customize to fit your needs.
Support for Hierarchical Data
VSFlexGrid Pro may be used as an outliner for displaying data hierarchically: it behaves like
a Tree control, displaying nodes that can be collapsed or expanded to show branches containing
additional data. Outline trees can be displayed in any column, and can even be built
asynchronously. The look of outline trees can also be customized.
Merged Cells
Merge contiguous like-valued cells, making them span multiple rows or columns. Cell merging
can be used to create merged table headers, merged data views, or grids where the text spills
into adjacent columns.
Masked Editing
Input templates can be specified to automatically control and validate text input,
minimizing data entry errors. The mask syntax is similar to the one used by the Microsoft
MaskedEdit control and by Microsoft Access.
System Requirements:
Windows XP/2000 (Tech Support will help you with
compatiblity issues on Windows 95 and higher)
ComponentOne VSFlexGrid Pro is now part of the ComponentOne Studio Enterprise
Order ComponentOne Studio Enterprise
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