Life Data Analysis Software
ReliaSoft's Weibull++ 6 software has become the standard for reliability life
data analysis (Weibull analysis). Part of ReliaSoft's suite of reliability
software products, Weibull++ performs life data analyses utilizing multiple
lifetime distributions, including all forms of the Weibull distribution,
with a clear and concise interface geared toward reliability engineering.
ReliaSoft's Weibull++ 6 is designed to work with all types of life data and
censoring schemes, as well other reliability data types including degradation
and warranty data, using most applicable distributions, and with a special
emphasis on all forms of the Weibull distribution.
In addition to its powerful analyses features, Weibull++ 6 also includes
all the tools you need to extract results, create outstanding graphs, reports
and presentations. Among the many included tools and wizards, Version 6 includes
its own graphics-editing package (for complete annotation and alteration of all
the graphs), its own Report Work Center with an embedded Word Processor for
report creation, as well as its own formula capable spreadsheets for further
analyses. In all, Weibull++ 6 is a complete suite of integrated tools
specifically designed for Reliability Life Data Analyses.

The Interface and Work Environment
Weibull++ 6's interface is an intelligent, flexible and completely integrated
work center designed around the Weibull++ Data Folio (similar to Excel Worksheets).
Within the Data Folio, you can enter, edit and manipulate data, create plots, and
perform multiple analyses. Each Data Folio can contain multiple data sheets, plot
sheets, and spreadsheets as well as attached Warranty Analysis, Degradation Analysis
and Non-Parametric Analysis data sets. From within the Data Folio, you can easily
and conveniently interface with other Windows applications or use all of the
integrated features of Weibull++ to analyze your data, create and modify graphics,
and create and edit reports.
The work environment includes some powerful new utilities, interface enhancements
and increased customization capabilities that make it easier than ever for you to
manage all of Weibull++'s features completely and efficiently. You can still use
the User Setup to specify your analysis preferences and the Plot Setup and Chart
Designer to customize plot display. In addition, toolbars can now be fully customized
and you can specify the options and tools that are displayed in the Data Folio's
Control Panel.
To make the customization as simple as possible, we have also created three
different pre-set configuration settings (Simple, Intermediate and Expert), which
allow you to quickly and easily configure the application to display the features
and analysis methods most commonly used by beginner, intermediate and expert users.
Like its predecessor, ReliaSoft's Weibull++ 6 is designed for life data analysis
(Weibull analysis) utilizing multiple distributions including all forms of the
Weibull distribution with a clear and concise interface geared toward reliability
engineering. Coupled with its powerful analysis features, Weibull++ 6 provides
all the tools you need to extract results, perform ancillary analyses and create
outstanding graphs, reports and presentations.
- Work with all types of life data including all possible censoring schemes such as left, right (suspended) and interval censored data.
- Utilize multiple life distributions for parametric analysis including 1, 2 and 3 parameter Weibull, Mixed Weibull, Generalized Gamma, Lognormal, Exponential and Normal distributions, as well as competing failure mode combinations for these life distributions.
- Choose different parameter estimation methods such as MLE and Regression Analysis methods for all data types and distributions.
- Utilize confidence interval calculations on all results and parameters.
- Work in an easy-to-use formula-capable spreadsheet interface for data entry.
- Create outstanding graphics with complete plot editing capability, as well as simultaneously view multiple plots in Weibull++'s new Side-by-Side Plots interface.
- Utilize multiple wizards for guidance including Weibull++'s unique Distribution Wizard for best distribution choice.
- Use Weibull++'s updated Report Work Center for custom designed reports.
- Utilize Weibull++'s new "attached data set" functionality coupled with advanced tools for multiple ancillary analyses including:
Degradation Analysis
Warranty Analysis for warranty data analysis and forecasts
Non-Parametric Analysis
Utilize multiple additional tools redesigned for version 6, including:
- Design of Reliability Tests (DRT) tools
- Non-Linear Equation Fit Solver for fitting functions to raw data
- Quick Calculation Pad (QCP) for quick results from multiple data sources.
- Batch Auto Run utilities
- ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) tool
- Tests of Comparison tools and methods
- Stress-Strength interface calculation tool
- User-defined equation solvers
- Quick Statistical Reference (QSR) tool
- Monte Carlo data generation tool
- Data import/export wizard
Weibull++ is complied and designed for
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT and Windows 2000 and takes
advantage of the features available in these platforms. Minimum System
Requirements: Pentium class processor with 32MB RAM, SVGA display, and at
least 35MB of hard disk space.
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