The latest version of the world's best-selling word processor, Microsoft
Word 2002 is the application of choice for creating and sharing documents in
print, through e-mail, and on the Web. Word 2002 incorporates the
productivity and collaboration innovations of Office XP, such as Smart Tags
and Send for Review, making it easier to create, share, review, and publish
your important documents.
- Word version 2002 makes it easier for users to discover and use existing
functionality and provides intelligent new ways for users to work with their
- Word now also makes it easier for users to share and review documents
with others without changing the way they currently work.
- Microsoft Word version 2002 empowers users to discover and use more
of the new and existing functionality in the application. This goal is achieved
through new tools such as Task Panes and Smart Tags that are shared
throughout the Microsoft Office suite, as well as through improved technology
for working with formatting, styles, bullets, tables of
contents, and more.
What's New
AutoCorrect Options Smart
This feature provides an easy
mechanism for users to control
and modify automatic behavior
that takes place within Word.
Users can undo an automatic
correction, choose to not have
that correction take place in the
future, or access the
AutoCorrect Options dialog
Name, Address, and Date Smart Tags
Word version 2002 recognizes
names, addresses, and dates.
When an item is recognized, the
user is provided with a Smart
Tag that allows them to obtain
additional information from the
Web or other Office
applications. Additional Smart
Tags will be available on the
Office Update Web site and can
be extended by organizations
and third parties to offer unique
document solutions.
Word now gives users the ability
to translate words in their
document (available languages
are determined by language
dictionaries that are installed) or
to access a translation service
on the Web. This service
provides entire document
translation as well as additional
Word now increases user
productivity by supplementing
traditional mouse and keyboard
execution with voice commands.
Users can dictate text, make
direct formatting changes, and
navigate menus using speech
and voice commands.
Note: Speech is currently
available for U.S. English,
Simplified Chinese, and
Word Count
The Word Count toolbar allows
users to easily update the word
count in a document without
having to go to the Word Count
dialog box. Additional
improvements in Word Count
allow users more flexibility in
whether headers and footers are
counted in their document.
White Space Between Pages
When viewing their documents
in Print Layout, users can easily
hide the blank spaces and the
header/footer area between the
pages of their documents. This
eliminates wasted space on their
screen and allows for easy
reading and editing.
Users can easily select a picture,
logo, or custom text to apply as
the background of their Word
Reveal Formatting (Task Pane)
The Reveal Formatting Task
Pane shows -- in any point in the
document -- the current font,
paragraph, spacing, image, table
properties, and more. Because
users can easily update any of
these properties, they can more
easily apply formatting to their
document without having to
spend time figuring out how to
do so. Furthermore, users can
easily compare the formatting of
two different sections of a
document and apply the
formatting of one to the other.
Styles and Formatting (Task Pane)
The Styles and Formatting Task
Pane gives users the ability to
see the formatting in use in their
document (both styled and
direct formatting), recently used
formatting, and all the available
styles. Users can select all text in
the document with the same
style or direct formatting, and
easily apply a new format or
style all at once. Users will
benefit by being able to easily
reuse formatting within their
document without needing to
create styles.
List Styles
Users now can define a style for
a bulleted or numbered list. This
makes it easy to make one list
look exactly like another list by
replicating the same indents and
Table Styles
Users now can define a style for
a table. This makes it easy to
make one table look like
another by simply applying the
style to the table from the Styles
and Formatting pane.
Drawing Canvas
The Drawing Canvas allows
users to create a drawing area,
or canvas, within which all
objects have an absolute
position. This eliminates difficult
positioning problems.
Additionally, within the canvas,
users can use the OfficeArt
smart connectors that stay
connected when shapes are
moved and intelligently reroute
themselves, preventing
diagramming headaches for the
Users easily can select multiple
areas of a document at once,
thereby saving time when
formatting their document.
Additionally, with the Find
feature, users can simultaneously
select similarly formatted text
and reformat it.
Clear Formatting
With the new Clear Formatting
feature, users can easily remove
all formatting from text, restoring
it to the Normal document style
without removing hyperlinks.
Show Document Format
With Word version 2002, users
can easily see what format a file
is in once it is loaded. Word will
show whether a file was made
with an older version of Word
such as Word 95, whether it
was created with another word
processor, whether it is an RTF
file, and more. This is useful if
the user wants to save the
document in its original format in
order to send it back to the
Document Recovery
Word now gives users the
option of saving their current
files at the time an error occurs
in an application. As a result,
users spend less time recreating
their documents.
Application Error Reporting
Word can now automatically
report errors that occur in Word
directly to Microsoft or the
user�s corporate IT department.
This gives Microsoft (or
organizations) the data needed
to further diagnose and correct
these errors, and provide users
with direct access to
workarounds or other
information on the error.
Application and Document Recovery
This provides a safer method for
shutting down Word if it is not
responding. Users can choose
to shut down while initiating
recovery of the document. They
can report the problem to
Microsoft or their corporate IT
department at the same time.
Repair and Extract
Word can automatically invoke
this corrupt-document repair
and recovery functionality in the
event of an error or a failure to
load a file. Users can invoke this
functionality by choosing Open
and Repair from the File Open
dialog box (the drop-down
menu to the right of Open).
Send for Review
When a Word document is sent
for review (using the Send To
menu option), the correct
reviewing tools are automatically
turned on for others to review.
When the document is sent
back, users can merge the
changes back into the original
Because users may choose to
review documents in many
different ways, there is no
requirement to assign roles or
prescribe a reviewing order for
ad hoc reviewing.
Word users now can more
easily track the changes that are
made to their documents. The
Markup feature allows users to
track changes made to their
documents by using "call-outs"
in the right margin of the
document. These call-outs detail
the substance of the change
without obscuring the original
document or affecting its layout.
They also give the user a more
visible and comprehensive view
of the changes that have been
Open Document Management API (ODMA) Support
Word now more fully supports
ODMA. The following functions
work well with
ODMA-compliant systems and
programs: Mail Merge,
Persisting Document
Management System (DMS),
Information in Document Fields,
Insert File, Insert Picture, Save
As, and Compare and Merge.
Multi-user Documents
Word now provides the ability
for multiple users to edit one
document at the same time.
Although this functionality does
not support simultaneous editing,
users do not need to wait for a
file to be unlocked before
starting to work on it.
When the first user is finished
editing and closes the file, any
other users who have edited the
file will be given the opportunity
to see the first user�s changes
and to merge their changes into
the file.
Save as Filtered Web Page
When saving a Word document
as a Web page, users can save
it as a Web page that includes
additional XML tags to make it
easy for users to edit the Web
page in its native application.
(Available in Word 2000.) The
second option (new in Word
version 2002) allows users to
save as a filtered Web page,
removing the XML tags and
allows users to publish their
document as "clean" HTML.
However the perfect round-trip
through Word when users want
to make an edit is sacrificed.
Improved Features
Mail Merge (Task Pane)
As part of the Task Pane, a new
Mail Merge Wizard makes it
simple to create customized
letters, labels, envelopes,
directories, e-mail messages,
and faxes. It also makes it easy
for users to use e-stamp
technology to apply postage
directly to their envelopes. Mail
Merge Wizard enables users to
select recipients from the
Microsoft Outlook messaging
and collaboration client or any
OLE DB database (such as a
Microsoft SQL Server
database), or to create their
own list on the spot.
Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
Users now have the option to
turn off the Single Document
Interface (SDI), first introduced
in Word 2000, to make it easier
for users to switch between
open documents.
Table of Contents (TOC)
Word now automatically detects
document headings and can
automatically generate and
update a table of contents
without the need for users to
apply styles.
Additional Language Support
Word now supports editing of
even more languages than Word
2000 supported. New
languages include Armenian,
Georgian, Hindi, Persian, Tamil,
Thai, Vietnamese, and Urdu.
Bulleted/Numbered Lists
Users can manually edit the
number or bullet in the list or
drag-and-drop bullets to change
indents. Word is now also
smarter in the way it handles
bulleted and numbered lists,
causing fewer undesired results
for the user working with
combined lists, sub-levels,
tabbing, or plain text. Finally, if
an automatic correction takes
place while the user is working
with bullets, a Smart Tag
enables the user to undo (or turn
off) the automatic behavior (see
the AutoCorrect Options Smart
Tags description for more
Check Format
The Check Format functionality
in Word version 2002 finds
inconsistencies in formatting and
allows the user to quickly fix
them to create a consistent,
good-looking document.
Additionally, it can automatically
fix odd formatting such as odd
bullets and numbering and mixed
paragraph spacing.
Picture Bullets
Picture bullets now behave just
like other bullets in Word.
Different picture bullets can be
used for different levels,
enhancing their use in
communicating information and
making Word a better choice
for quality Web editing.
Compare and Merge
Word now gives users the ability
to merge comments and
revisions from multiple
reviewers. The author
(document owner) then can
accept or reject one or all
Reviewing Toolbar
The Reviewing toolbar gives
users a variety of views and
options when reviewing
documents. For example, users
can filter the document to view
changes or comments by
specific reviewers or by all
reviewers. Users can also step
through each change and accept
or reject the changes
individually, or they can accept
or reject all changes at the same
System Requirements:
The recommended system is Windows
2000 Professional on a computer with a
Pentium III processor and 128MB of
RAM. Pentium 133 MHz or higher
processor required.
RAM requirements for Microsoft Word
depend upon the operating system used,
plus an additional 8 MB of RAM for each
Office application running simultaneously:
for Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second
Edition, 24 MB of RAM for the operating
system; for Windows Me, Windows NT
Workstation or Server 4.0, 32 MB of
RAM for the operating system; for
Windows 2000 Professional, 64 MB of
RAM for the operating system.
Hard Disk
Hard-disk space requirements will vary
depending on configuration. 150 MB of
available hard-disk space is required for
the default configuration of Microsoft
Word with 115 MB on the hard disk
where the operating system is installed.
Customers without Windows 2000,
Windows Me or Office 2000 SR1 will
require an extra 50 MB of hard-disk space
for the System Files Update Custom
installation choices may require more or
less hard-disk space.
CD-ROM Drive.
Super VGA (800x600) or
higher-resolution monitor with 256 colors.
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 98
Second Edition, Windows Me, Windows
NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or greater, or
Windows 2000 or greater. On systems
running Windows NT 4.0, the version of
Internet Explorer must be upgraded to at
least 4.01 with Service Pack 1.
Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft
IntelliMouse, or compatible pointing
Multimedia computer required
for sound and other multimedia effects. A
hardware accelerated video card or MMX
processor will provide improved graphical
rendering performance. Pentium II
400MHz or higher processor, 128 or more
MB of RAM, close-talk microphone and
audio output device required for speech
E-mail & Internet:
Microsoft Exchange,
Internet SMTP/POP3, IMAP4, or
MAPI-compliant messaging software for
e-mail; Microsoft Exchange Server
required for certain advanced collaboration
functionality in Microsoft Outlook; some
Internet functionality may require Internet
access via a 14.4kbs or greater modem or
a high speed connection, and payment of a
separate fee to a service provider; local
charges may apply.
Graphics tablet
recommended for handwriting input
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